Tapping into the terrific tapestry of adjectives that tout the letter ‘T’? This is the ticket! This post tenderly tackles an array of ‘T’ adjectives, tidily tabulated by their number of letters. But the treatment doesn’t terminate there!
Trailing along, you’ll encounter the top 100 ‘T’ adjectives, each teamed with its meaning and a telling example.
Transitioning deeper, you’ll track down adjectives tailor-made to typify a person, as well as those that tint your text with tones of positivity or negativity. Traverse this treasure trove of ‘T’ adjectives with us!
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
All Adjectives that Start with T (Sorted by Number of Letters)
Here’s a trim list of ‘T’ adjectives, ordered effortlessly by word length.
3 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tai
- Tan
- Ten
- Tod
- Top
- Two
4 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tabu
- Tall
- Tame
- Tart
- Taut
- Teal
- Teen
- Tend
- Thai
- That
- Thee
- Then
- Thin
- This
- Tidy
- Tied
- Tiny
- Toed
- Tops
- Torn
- Towy
- Tref
- Trig
- Trim
- Tuff
- Twee
- Twin
5 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tabby
- Taboo
- Tacit
- Tacky
- Taken
- Talky
- Tamed
- Tamil
- Tangy
- Taped
- Taper
- Tardy
- Tarry
- Tarty
- Tasty
- Tatty
- Taunt
- Taupe
- Tawny
- Teary
- Techy
- Teeny
- Tenor
- Tense
- Tenth
- Tepid
- Terse
- Testy
- Texan
- Their
- These
- Thick
- Third
- Those
- Three
- Tidal
- Tight
- Tiled
- Timed
- Timid
- Tined
- Tinny
- Tippy
- Tipsy
- Tired
- Token
- Tonal
- Toned
- Tonic
- Topic
- Toppy
- Total
- Tough
- Toxic
- Treed
- Trick
- Tried
- Trine
- Trite
- Tubal
- Tubby
- Tubed
- Tudor
- Tufty
- Tumid
- Turfy
- Tween
- Typic
6 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tabbed
- Tagged
- Tailed
- Taking
- Tangly
- Tanned
- Tannic
- Taoist
- Tapped
- Tarsal
- Tartan
- Tawdry
- Taxing
- Teased
- Teensy
- Tender
- Tensed
- Tented
- Terete
- Termly
- Tested
- Tetchy
- Thawed
- Theban
- Theist
- Themed
- Thenal
- Thenar
- Thinly
- Thirty
- Thorny
- Throng
- Thrown
- Thwart
- Tibial
- Tiddly
- Tiered
- Tilled
- Tilted
- Timely
- Tinkly
- Tinned
- Tinpot
- Tinted
- Tipped
- Tiptoe
- Tiptop
- Tiring
- Titian
- Titled
- Toasty
- Togged
- Tongan
- Tooled
- Toothy
- Topped
- Torpid
- Torrid
- Touchy
- Tragic
- Trampy
- Trashy
- Treble
- Trendy
- Trepid
- Tribal
- Tricky
- Trifid
- Triple
- Trippy
- Triune
- Trojan
- Tropic
- Truant
- Trusty
- Trying
- Tucked
- Tufted
- Turbid
- Turgid
- Turkic
- Turned
- Tuscan
- Tusked
- Tweedy
- Twelve
- Twenty
- Twiggy
- Twilit
- Twisty
- Two-up
7 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tabular
- Tackled
- Tactful
- Tactile
- Tactual
- Tainted
- Takeout
- Taliped
- Tallish
- Taloned
- Tamable
- Tangent
- Tangled
- Tannish
- Tantric
- Tantrik
- Tapered
- Tardive
- Taurine
- Taxable
- Tearful
- Tearing
- Teasing
- Technic
- Tedious
- Teeming
- Teenage
- Teentsy
- Tegular
- Telling
- Tempted
- Tenable
- Tending
- Tenfold
- Tensile
- Tenuous
- Tenured
- Terefah
- Ternary
- Ternate
- Terrene
- Tertian
- Testate
- Testing
- Tetanic
- Textile
- Textual
- Thermal
- Thermic
- Thinned
- Thirsty
- Thready
- Thrifty
- Throaty
- Through
- Thumbed
- Thyroid
- Tibetan
- Ticking
- Tied-up
- Tieless
- Tin-pot
- Tip-top
- Tissued
- Titanic
- Titular
- Toasted
- Toeless
- Toiling
- Tonetic
- Tongued
- Toothed
- Topiary
- Topical
- Topless
- Topmost
- Topping
- Totaled
- Totemic
- Tottery
- Touched
- Toupeed
- Tousled
- Tracked
- Trained
- Trapped
- Trashed
- Treacly
- Treaded
- Treated
- Tricksy
- Trilled
- Trimmed
- Triplex
- Trivial
- Trophic
- Trucial
- Trussed
- Trusted
- Tsarist
- Tubular
- Tunable
- Tuneful
- Tuppeny
- Turkish
- Turkmen
- Tutelar
- Twelfth
- Twilled
- Twinkly
- Twinned
- Twisted
- Twitchy
- Two-ply
- Two-way
- Twofold
- Typeset
- Typical
- Tzarist
8 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Taciturn
- Tactical
- Tactless
- Tahitian
- Tailless
- Taillike
- Tailored
- Talented
- Tameable
- Tameless
- Tangible
- Tapering
- Targeted
- Tartaric
- Tasseled
- Tasteful
- Tattered
- Tattling
- Tattooed
- Taunting
- Tax-free
- Tearaway
- Tearless
- Tectonic
- Teen-age
- Teenaged
- Teetotal
- Tell-all
- Tellable
- Telltale
- Telluric
- Tempered
- Temporal
- Tempting
- Tenanted
- Terminal
- Terrible
- Terrific
- Tertiary
- Testable
- Tethered
- Teutonic
- Textbook
- Textural
- Textured
- Thalloid
- Thankful
- Theatric
- Theistic
- Thematic
- Thespian
- Thickset
- Thieving
- Thievish
- Thinking
- Thirteen
- Thoracic
- Thorough
- Thousand
- Thracian
- Thrashed
- Threaded
- Thrilled
- Thriving
- Throated
- Thronged
- Thudding
- Thuggish
- Thumping
- Thundery
- Thwarted
- Tickling
- Ticklish
- Tigerish
- Tillable
- Timbered
- Timeless
- Timeworn
- Timorese
- Timorous
- Tingling
- Tinkling
- Tinseled
- Tinselly
- Tireless
- Tiresome
- Titulary
- Toadyish
- Together
- Togolese
- Toilsome
- Tokenish
- Tolerant
- Toneless
- Tonsured
- Top-down
- Top-hole
- Topnotch
- Toroidal
- Tortious
- Tortuous
- Tortured
- Torulose
- Touching
- Touristy
- Towering
- Toxicant
- Trabeate
- Tracheal
- Tractile
- Tractive
- Tragical
- Training
- Tranquil
- Traveled
- Treeless
- Treelike
- Triassic
- Tricolor
- Trifling
- Trigonal
- Trillion
- Trilobed
- Triploid
- Tripping
- Trochaic
- Tropical
- Troubled
- Trueborn
- Truncate
- Trustful
- Trusting
- Truthful
- Tubeless
- Tubelike
- Tuberous
- Tumorous
- Tuneless
- Tunisian
- Turbaned
- Tutelary
- Tutorial
- Tuxedoed
- Twiglike
- Twilight
- Twinning
- Twisting
- Two-tier
- Two-time
- Two-tone
- Twopenny
- Twoscore
- Tympanic
- Tyrannic
- Tyrolean
- Tyrolese
9 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Taintless
- Taiwanese
- Talkative
- Tangerine
- Tanzanian
- Tarnished
- Tartarean
- Tasmanian
- Tasselled
- Tasteless
- Tattooing
- Taxonomic
- Taxpaying
- Teachable
- Technical
- Tellurian
- Temperate
- Tempering
- Temporary
- Temptable
- Ten-speed
- Tenacious
- Tendinous
- Tenebrous
- Tensional
- Tensioned
- Tentacled
- Tentative
- Termagant
- Terrified
- Thalassic
- Thankless
- Theoretic
- Thermoset
- Thickened
- Thicketed
- Thinkable
- Thirdhand
- Thirtieth
- Thirtyish
- Thoriated
- Thornless
- Three-way
- Threefold
- Thrillful
- Thrilling
- Throbbing
- Throwaway
- Throwback
- Thwarting
- Thyroidal
- Time-like
- Tittering
- Toad-like
- Tolerable
- Toll-free
- Tomboyish
- Tomentose
- Tomentous
- Tone-deaf
- Tonsorial
- Toothless
- Toothlike
- Toothsome
- Top-class
- Top-heavy
- Top-level
- Top-shelf
- Topologic
- Tormented
- Torsional
- Torturing
- Torturous
- Tottering
- Touchable
- Toughened
- Touristed
- Touristic
- Towheaded
- Trabeated
- Traceable
- Traceless
- Trackable
- Trackless
- Tractable
- Trainable
- Transeunt
- Transient
- Transonic
- Trappable
- Traumatic
- Travelled
- Treasured
- Treatable
- Trembling
- Tremulous
- Trenchant
- Trendless
- Tributary
- Trichrome
- Triclinic
- Tricuspid
- Tricyclic
- Triennial
- Trilobate
- Triumphal
- Trivalent
- Troubling
- Troublous
- Trousered
- Truculent
- True-blue
- True-born
- True-life
- Truncated
- Tsaristic
- Tumescent
- Turbinate
- Turbulent
- Twentieth
- Twinkling
- Two-sided
- Tyrannous
10 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Talentless
- Talismanic
- Tangential
- Tantamount
- Tapestried
- Tautologic
- Taxidermic
- Teeny-tiny
- Telepathic
- Telephonic
- Telescoped
- Telescopic
- Televisual
- Ten-minute
- Tenantable
- Tenderfoot
- Tenderised
- Tenderized
- Tenebrific
- Tenebrious
- Tentacular
- Terminable
- Terminated
- Terrifying
- Testaceous
- Testicular
- Tetragonal
- Text-based
- Theatrical
- Theistical
- Theocratic
- Thermionic
- Thickening
- Thigh-high
- Third-rate
- Thirteenth
- Thoughtful
- Thousandth
- Threadbare
- Threadlike
- Threatened
- Threepenny
- Threescore
- Thriftless
- Thrombosed
- Thrombotic
- Throw-away
- Thundering
- Thunderous
- Thwartwise
- Thyrotoxic
- Ticketless
- Time-lapse
- Timesaving
- Tin-glazed
- Titillated
- Tobagonian
- Toe-to-toe
- Tokenistic
- Tongueless
- Tonguelike
- Top-flight
- Topknotted
- Torrential
- Totalistic
- Totipotent
- Touch-tone
- Trabecular
- Tragicomic
- Traitorous
- Tramontane
- Trancelike
- Transfixed
- Transitive
- Transitory
- Translunar
- Transpolar
- Transposed
- Transverse
- Travelable
- Treasonous
- Tremendous
- Trenchless
- Triangular
- Trifoliate
- Trihydroxy
- Trilateral
- Trilingual
- Trillionth
- Trilobated
- Trimotored
- Trinuclear
- Tripartite
- Tripinnate
- Tritanopic
- Triumphant
- Tubercular
- Tumultuous
- Two-thirds
- Tympanitic
- Tyrannical
11 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tajikistani
- Take-charge
- Talebearing
- Tantalising
- Tantalizing
- Taxonomical
- Technologic
- Teeny-weeny
- Telegnostic
- Telegraphic
- Telekinetic
- Telemetered
- Telocentric
- Temerarious
- Tempestuous
- Tendencious
- Tendentious
- Tensionless
- Teratogenic
- Terminative
- Terrestrial
- Territorial
- Terroristic
- Tessellated
- Testimonial
- Tetramerous
- Tetrametric
- Tetravalent
- Theological
- Theoretical
- Therapeutic
- Thickheaded
- Thickspread
- Third-class
- Third-party
- Thistlelike
- Thixotropic
- Thoreauvian
- Thoughtless
- Threatening
- Three-phase
- Tightfisted
- Tightlipped
- Time-saving
- Time-tested
- Timeserving
- Tit-for-tat
- Titillating
- Top-quality
- Topographic
- Topological
- Torturesome
- Touch-first
- Toxicologic
- Trabeculate
- Trademarked
- Traditional
- Transalpine
- Transcribed
- Transdermal
- Transdermic
- Transfinite
- Transformed
- Transgender
- Translucent
- Translunary
- Transmitted
- Transparent
- Transpiring
- Transsexual
- Transuranic
- Transversal
- Transvestic
- Trapezoidal
- Traversable
- Treacherous
- Treasonable
- Treasurable
- Trespassing
- Triangulate
- Tribadistic
- Trifoliated
- Trinidadian
- Trinucleate
- Tripinnated
- Troglodytic
- Troublesome
- Truehearted
- Trustworthy
- Tuberculate
- Tuberculoid
- Tuberculous
- Tulip-eared
- Tumorigenic
- Turkey-like
- Two-wheeled
- Typographic
- Typological
12 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tautological
- Technocratic
- Technophilic
- Technophobic
- Teleological
- Testamentary
- Thallophytic
- Theosophical
- Thermolabile
- Thermometric
- Thermostatic
- Thick-headed
- Thick-witted
- Thin-skinned
- Third-degree
- Third-person
- Third-string
- This-worldly
- Thoroughbred
- Three-square
- Three-tiered
- Tightfitting
- Time-serving
- Top-priority
- Totalitarian
- Tragicomical
- Tralatitious
- Transcendent
- Transferable
- Transitional
- Translatable
- Transmissive
- Transmontane
- Transmundane
- Transmutable
- Transoceanic
- Transplanted
- Transposable
- Transvestite
- Trendsetting
- Tricentenary
- Trichromatic
- Tricuspidate
- Trifoliolate
- Trinucleated
- Trophotropic
- Trouble-free
- True-hearted
13 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Technological
- Teensy-weensy
- Temperamental
- Tender-minded
- Tenderhearted
- Terpsichorean
- Therapeutical
- Thermodynamic
- Thermonuclear
- Thermoplastic
- Thermosetting
- Thick-skinned
- Thick-skulled
- Thoroughgoing
- Three-eighths
- Three-quarter
- Thunderstruck
- Topographical
- Toxicological
- Tranquilising
- Tranquilizing
- Transactinide
- Transatlantic
- Transcultural
- Transferrable
- Transformable
- Transgendered
- Translational
- Transmissible
- Transmittable
- Transnational
- Transportable
- Tricentennial
- Trigonometric
- Tripinnatifid
- Trophoblastic
- Twitter-pated
- Typographical
14-17 Letter Adjectives that Start with T
- Tatterdemalion
- Tender-hearted
- Terminological
- Thermoelectric
- Time-consuming
- Time-dependent
- Traditionalist
- Tranquillising
- Tranquillizing
- Transcendental
- Transcutaneous
- Transformative
- Transistorised
- Transistorized
- Transplacental
- Transplantable
- Thalamocortical
- Thermodynamical
- Thermoelectrical
- Time-independent
- Traditionalistic
- Transcontinental
- Transformational
- Thermogravimetric
- Thermohydrometric
- Three-dimensional
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With T (Sorted Alphabetically)
Turn the page to the top-tier ‘T’ adjectives, organized alphabetically with a touch of insight.
1. Tangible
Meaning: Perceptible by touch; material.
Example: The benefits were tangible and evident.
2. Tardy
Meaning: Delayed; late; not on time.
Example: The student received a warning for being tardy.
3. Tasteful
Meaning: Showing good aesthetic judgment.
Example: The decorations were subtle and tasteful.
4. Tasty
Meaning: Pleasing to the taste buds.
Example: The meal was delicious and tasty.
5. Tedious
Meaning: Too long, monotonous, or boring.
Example: The lecture was tedious and unengaging.
6. Teeming
Meaning: Abundantly filled with, especially people or things.
Example: The streets were teeming with tourists.
7. Temperate
Meaning: Showing moderation or self-restraint.
Example: The climate here is temperate and mild.
8. Temporary
Meaning: Not permanent; lasting for a limited time.
Example: The solution was just a temporary fix.
9. Tense
Meaning: Anxious or nervous.
Example: The atmosphere was tense before the announcement.
10. Terse
Meaning: Brief and to the point; concise.
Example: His reply was terse and cold.
11. Thankful
Meaning: Expressing gratitude and relief.
Example: She was thankful for the assistance provided.
12. Theoretical
Meaning: Based on theory rather than experience.
Example: It’s a theoretical concept, not yet proven.
13. Thick
Meaning: With opposite sides or surfaces close together.
Example: The book was quite thick and heavy.
14. Thin
Meaning: With little thickness or breadth.
Example: The paper was so thin it tore easily.
15. Thoughtful
Meaning: Reflective; considerate of others.
Example: It was thoughtful of you to bring flowers.
16. Thrifty
Meaning: Using money and resources carefully.
Example: She’s always been thrifty and saves well.
17. Thunderous
Meaning: Extremely loud or resonant.
Example: The applause was thunderous and heartfelt.
18. Tight
Meaning: Fixed securely; closely set.
Example: The lid was screwed on tight.
19. Timid
Meaning: Lacking in self-assurance; shy.
Example: The cat was timid around strangers.
20. Tiresome
Meaning: Causing one to feel bored or annoyed.
Example: The repetitive task became tiresome quickly.
21. Tolerant
Meaning: Accepting others’ beliefs or practices.
Example: Our society is known for being tolerant.
22. Topical
Meaning: Relevant to current events.
Example: It’s a topical discussion on recent politics.
23. Torrid
Meaning: Very hot and dry.
Example: The torrid sun made everyone seek shade.
24. Total
Meaning: Entire; complete; absolute.
Example: It was a total disaster from start to finish.
25. Tough
Meaning: Strong enough to withstand rough conditions.
Example: These boots are tough and long-lasting.
26. Toxic
Meaning: Poisonous; harmful.
Example: This substance is toxic if ingested.
27. Traditional
Meaning: Based on long-standing customs.
Example: The village has traditional dances during the festival.
28. Tragic
Meaning: Causing great sadness; disastrous.
Example: The news of the accident was tragic.
29. Tranquil
Meaning: Calm and peaceful.
Example: The garden is a tranquil place to relax.
30. Transient
Meaning: Lasting for only a short time.
Example: The rain was transient, stopping quickly.
31. Transparent
Meaning: Allowing light to pass through.
Example: The water was so clear; it looked transparent.
32. Triumphant
Meaning: Having achieved victory or success.
Example: The team had a triumphant win.
33. Trivial
Meaning: Of little importance.
Example: Let’s not argue over such a trivial matter.
34. Troublesome
Meaning: Causing difficulty or annoyance.
Example: The leaky faucet is becoming troublesome.
35. True
Meaning: In accordance with fact.
Example: The story she told was true.
36. Trustworthy
Meaning: Able to be relied upon; honest.
Example: He is a trustworthy friend.
37. Truthful
Meaning: Honest and straightforward.
Example: His truthful account was appreciated.
38. Tubular
Meaning: Shaped like a tube.
Example: The structure is supported by tubular beams.
39. Tumultuous
Meaning: Making a loud noise; chaotic.
Example: The tumultuous crowd cheered for their team.
40. Turbulent
Meaning: Characterized by unrest or disorder.
Example: The turbulent sea made the journey difficult.
41. Twin
Meaning: One of two children born at the same birth.
Example: They have twin daughters.
42. Typhoid
Meaning: Related to a bacterial disease.
Example: The region had a typhoid outbreak.
43. Tactful
Meaning: Showing skill in dealing with sensitive matters.
Example: Her tactful approach eased the tension.
44. Tactile
Meaning: Connected with the sense of touch.
Example: Children benefit from tactile learning experiences.
45. Tangy
Meaning: Having a sharp taste or flavor.
Example: The sauce has a tangy zest to it.
46. Tattered
Meaning: Old and torn; in poor condition.
Example: The flag was tattered after years of use.
47. Technical
Meaning: Related to a specific subject, art, or craft.
Example: He provided a technical explanation.
48. Tedious
Meaning: Long, monotonous, and boring.
Example: Filling out the forms was a tedious task.
49. Telescopic
Meaning: Able to make distant objects appear closer.
Example: He used a telescopic lens for stargazing.
50. Tempered
Meaning: Moderated; conditioned.
Example: The glass is tempered for extra strength.
51. Tenacious
Meaning: Holding firmly; persistent.
Example: She has a tenacious spirit.
52. Tenuous
Meaning: Very weak or slight.
Example: The link between the two events is tenuous.
53. Terminal
Meaning: Relating to an end or limit.
Example: The illness is unfortunately terminal.
54. Terrestrial
Meaning: Related to the Earth; earthly.
Example: Humans are terrestrial beings.
55. Terrific
Meaning: Extremely good; wonderful.
Example: The performance was simply terrific.
56. Tertiary
Meaning: Third in order or level.
Example: The tertiary sector deals with services.
57. Testy
Meaning: Easily irritated; impatient.
Example: He becomes testy when he’s hungry.
58. Textured
Meaning: Having a rough or uneven surface.
Example: The wall has a textured finish.
59. Theatrical
Meaning: Exaggerated and overly dramatic.
Example: His reaction was a bit theatrical.
60. Therapeutic
Meaning: Contributing to one’s physical or mental health.
Example: The massage was truly therapeutic.
61. Thermal
Meaning: Related to heat.
Example: She wore thermal socks in the cold.
62. Thorny
Meaning: Covered with spines; complicated.
Example: It’s a thorny issue to discuss.
63. Thorough
Meaning: Complete with regard to detail.
Example: He did a thorough job cleaning.
64. Thriving
Meaning: Flourishing; growing well.
Example: The business is thriving this year.
65. Tidy
Meaning: Neat and in order.
Example: The room was clean and tidy.
66. Timeless
Meaning: Not affected by time; eternal.
Example: The story has a timeless appeal.
67. Timely
Meaning: Occurring at a suitable time.
Example: The rain was a timely relief for farmers.
68. Tiny
Meaning: Extremely small.
Example: She has a tiny tattoo on her wrist.
69. Tired
Meaning: In need of rest or sleep.
Example: I’m feeling tired after the long journey.
70. Titanic
Meaning: Of great strength or power.
Example: The team made a titanic effort to win.
71. Toasty
Meaning: Warm and comfortable.
Example: The blanket kept me toasty during winter.
72. Token
Meaning: Representing a feeling or fact.
Example: The gift was a token of appreciation.
73. Tolerable
Meaning: Able to be endured.
Example: The pain was tolerable but uncomfortable.
74. Topmost
Meaning: Highest; at the top.
Example: He reached the topmost point of the mountain.
75. Tormented
Meaning: Experiencing severe pain or suffering.
Example: He looked tormented by his past.
76. Tortuous
Meaning: Full of twists and turns.
Example: The route was tortuous and confusing.
77. Totalitarian
Meaning: Centralized and dictatorial.
Example: The totalitarian regime oppressed the people.
78. Touchy
Meaning: Easily upset or offended.
Example: Avoid the topic; he’s very touchy about it.
79. Towering
Meaning: Very tall or high.
Example: The towering skyscrapers defined the skyline.
80. Toxicological
Meaning: Pertaining to the study of poisons.
Example: They conducted a toxicological analysis of the substance.
81. Tractable
Meaning: Easily controlled or influenced.
Example: The problem turned out to be tractable.
82. Traditionalist
Meaning: Strong supporter of tradition.
Example: He’s a traditionalist when it comes to ceremonies.
83. Traumatic
Meaning: Deeply distressing or disturbing.
Example: The accident was a traumatic experience for her.
84. Treacherous
Meaning: Unstable or unsafe.
Example: The roads were treacherous due to ice.
85. Tremendous
Meaning: Very great in amount or level.
Example: The response was tremendous.
86. Triangular
Meaning: Shaped like a triangle.
Example: The plot of land is triangular.
87. Tricky
Meaning: Difficult to deal with or do.
Example: The puzzle was tricky to solve.
88. Trite
Meaning: Overused and unoriginal.
Example: The saying has become trite and clichéd.
89. Trivializing
Meaning: Making something seem less important.
Example: Don’t risk trivializing her achievements.
90. Tropic
Meaning: Related to the tropics; warm.
Example: The island has a tropic climate.
91. True-blue
Meaning: Extremely loyal or faithful.
Example: He’s a true-blue friend.
92. Tsarist
Meaning: Relating to the tsars of Russia.
Example: The palace dates back to the tsarist era.
93. Tubal
Meaning: Pertaining to a tube.
Example: The doctor examined the tubal structure.
94. Tumorous
Meaning: Related to or resembling a tumor.
Example: The tumorous growth needs to be checked.
95. Tuneful
Meaning: Pleasant and harmonious to hear.
Example: The bird’s song was sweet and tuneful.
96. Turbid
Meaning: Cloudy or opaque.
Example: The water was turbid after the rain.
97. Turgid
Meaning: Swollen or congested.
Example: The writing style is turgid and hard to follow.
98. Twisted
Meaning: Forced out of natural shape.
Example: The tree had twisted branches.
99. Typical
Meaning: Representing a type or class.
Example: The design is typical of that era.
100. Tyrannical
Meaning: Exercising power in a cruel manner.
Example: The tyrannical leader was overthrown.
Adjectives that Start with T to Describe a Person
Trying to tag someone with a ‘T’ adjective? This segment serves you right.
- Talkative
- Tactful
- Timid
- Tenacious
- Thoughtful
- Thrifty
- Temperamental
- Trustworthy
- Tolerant
- Tiresome
- Tricky
- Truthful
- Testy
- Talented
- Tender
- Tactless
- Teasing
- Tepid
- Touchy
- Troublesome
- Tidy
- Tardy
- Temperate
- Thorough
- Trivial
- Thriving
- Timeless
- Tense
- Transient
- Triumphant
- Tantalizing
- Tireless
- Tortuous
- Tremendous
- Theoretical
- Tumultuous
- Tender-hearted
- Transparent
- Torn
- Traditionalist
- Tangential
- Totalitarian
- Thrilled
- Transgressive
- Twisted
- Timely
- Topical
- Tireless
- Tasteful
- Trendy
Positive Adjectives That Start with T
Treat your tales with these ‘T’ adjectives that teem with positivity.
- Talented
- Tasteful
- Tenacious
- Thankful
- Thoughtful
- Thriving
- Tidy
- Tight-knit
- Timeless
- Tireless
- Tolerant
- Top-notch
- Touching
- Tranquil
- Transcendent
- Treasured
- Tremendous
- Triumphant
- Trusting
- Trustworthy
- Truthful
- Tuneful
- Tantalizing
- Tender-hearted
- Terrific
- Thorough
- Thrilled
- Timely
- Topical
- Translucent
- Transparent
- Treasurable
- Tactful
- Teachable
- Temperate
- Tolerable
- Toned
- Trailblazing
- Tranquilizing
- Translatable
- Trekkable
- Trendy
- Trig
- Trim
- Twinkling
- Tangible
- Taut
- Tawny
- Teeming
- Tempting
Negative Adjectives That Start With T
Tread through the ‘T’ adjectives that translate darker tones and themes.
- Tactless
- Tardy
- Tarnished
- Tawdry
- Teary
- Tedious
- Temperamental
- Tense
- Testy
- Thick-headed
- Thoughtless
- Thorny
- Threatening
- Tiresome
- Touchy
- Toxic
- Tragic
- Trapped
- Treacherous
- Tricky
- Trivial
- Troubled
- Troublesome
- Truant
- Tumultuous
- Turbulent
- Turgid
- Twisted
- Two-faced
- Tacky
- Tangential
- Tart
- Tattered
- Taxing
- Teasing
- Temperate
- Terse
- Tortuous
- Tepid
- Terminal
- Terrible
- Terrified
- Terror-stricken
- Tetchy
- Thorned
- Threatened
- Thunderstruck
- Ticklish
- Tightfisted
- Timid
Here, You can DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of Adjectives starting with t.