In the magnificent mosaic of the English lexicon, the letter ‘C’ carves its distinct niche, captivating us with countless adjectives that cater to various contexts.
But with such a colossal collection, where does one commence? Fear not, language lover! We’ve undertaken the task of carefully curating and classifying all adjectives that kick off with this charismatic character.
First up, a list sorted meticulously by the number of letters, easing your search. Subsequently, we present the crème de la crème: our top 100 ‘C’ adjectives, each with a crisp definition and an illustrative sentence.
To further enhance your lexical landscape, we’ve distinguished them into descriptors for individuals and demarcated the positive from the negative.
Whether you’re a writer seeking the right word or a curious cat, our ‘C’ compilation promises clarity and creativity.
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
All Adjectives that Start with C (Sorted by Number of Letters)
Charting a course through the charismatic ‘C’, we present an organized odyssey. Here’s every adjective commencing with this captivating character, neatly arranged by the number of letters.
3 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Coy
- Cut
4 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cagy
- Calm
- Camp
- Cant
- Chic
- Coed
- Cold
- Cool
- Cosy
- Cozy
- Crap
- Curt
- Cush
- Cute
5 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Caged
- Cagey
- Campy
- Canny
- Caped
- Cased
- Catty
- Caval
- Chary
- Cheap
- Chewy
- Chief
- Child
- Chill
- Civic
- Civil
- Class
- Clean
- Clear
- Close
- Clown
- Coaly
- Cocky
- Colic
- Comfy
- Comic
- Conic
- Corky
- Corny
- Covet
- Coxal
- Coxed
- Crack
- Crass
- Crazy
- Cream
- Crisp
- Cross
- Crude
- Cruel
- Cuban
- Cubic
- Curly
- Curvy
- Cushy
- Cutty
- Czech
6 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cackly
- Caecal
- Calcic
- Calico
- Caller
- Callow
- Calmed
- Camper
- Canary
- Candid
- Canine
- Canned
- Caring
- Carnal
- Carpal
- Carved
- Casual
- Catchy
- Caudal
- Causal
- Celled
- Cerise
- Chaffy
- Chalky
- Chance
- Chancy
- Chappy
- Chaste
- Chatty
- Cheeky
- Cheery
- Cheesy
- Chesty
- Chilly
- Chinky
- Chiral
- Chirpy
- Choice
- Choked
- Cholic
- Choosy
- Choppy
- Choral
- Chubby
- Chummy
- Chunky
- Citric
- Citrus
- Claggy
- Clammy
- Clarty
- Classy
- Clayey
- Clever
- Clicky
- Clingy
- Cloggy
- Clonal
- Closed
- Cloudy
- Clubby
- Clumpy
- Clumsy
- Clunky
- Coarse
- Coeval
- Cogent
- Coital
- Combed
- Comely
- Common
- Convex
- Cooing
- Cooked
- Copper
- Corner
- Cosmic
- Costal
- Costly
- Covert
- Cowled
- Crabby
- Crafty
- Craggy
- Cranky
- Crappy
- Craven
- Crawly
- Crazed
- Creaky
- Creamy
- Credal
- Creepy
- Crispy
- Croaky
- Croupy
- Cruddy
- Crummy
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cubist
- Cuboid
- Cuddly
- Cultic
- Curial
- Cursed
- Curved
- Cusped
- Cutesy
- Cyclic
- Cystic
7 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Callous
- Calming
- Caloric
- Candied
- Canonic
- Canopic
- Capable
- Capital
- Captive
- Cardiac
- Careful
- Carious
- Carless
- Carmine
- Carotid
- Carroty
- Carsick
- Caseous
- Catlike
- Caustic
- Central
- Centric
- Cepheid
- Ceramic
- Certain
- Chaotic
- Charged
- Charmed
- Charnel
- Chested
- Chewing
- Chicken
- Chinese
- Chinned
- Chintzy
- Chipper
- Chloric
- Choking
- Chordal
- Chronic
- Chuffed
- Churchy
- Ciliary
- Cindery
- Citable
- Classic
- Clastic
- Clausal
- Cleanly
- Cleared
- Cliched
- Cliffed
- Cloacal
- Clogged
- Closing
- Cnemial
- Coastal
- Coaxial
- Cockney
- Coeliac
- Coequal
- Cognate
- Coin-op
- Colicky
- Colitic
- Colloid
- Colonic
- Coltish
- Comedic
- Comical
- Comital
- Compact
- Complex
- Concave
- Concise
- Conical
- Content
- Coolest
- Copious
- Coppery
- Copular
- Cordial
- Corneal
- Coronal
- Correct
- Corrupt
- Costive
- Cottony
- Counted
- Counter
- Courtly
- Coveted
- Coxless
- Cracked
- Cragged
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Cranial
- Crapper
- Crimson
- Crinkly
- Crinoid
- Cristal
- Crocked
- Crooked
- Cropped
- Crossed
- Crowded
- Crucial
- Crumbly
- Crunchy
- Crushed
- Crustal
- Cryonic
- Cryptic
- Cubical
- Cultish
- Cunning
- Curable
- Curious
- Curling
- Current
- Cursive
- Cursory
- Cuspate
- Cutting
- Cynical
8 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cackling
- Callable
- Callused
- Canadian
- Candidal
- Cannibal
- Cantonal
- Captious
- Carbolic
- Carbonic
- Cardinal
- Carefree
- Careless
- Careworn
- Carmined
- Carpeted
- Cashable
- Cashless
- Cast-off
- Catenary
- Cathodic
- Catholic
- Cationic
- Cat-like
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Celibate
- Cellular
- Centered
- Centrist
- Cephalic
- Cerebral
- Cerulean
- Cervical
- Cetacean
- Champion
- Changing
- Chanting
- Charging
- Charming
- Chatting
- Cheapest
- Chearful
- Cheerful
- Cheering
- Chemical
- Cherubic
- Chewable
- Childish
- Chilling
- Chimeric
- Chinless
- Choleric
- Chthonic
- Chuffing
- Churlish
- Chymical
- Ciliated
- Cinerary
- Circling
- Circular
- Citified
- Citywide
- Civilian
- Clanging
- Clannish
- Clapping
- Clashing
- Cleanish
- Clerical
- Climatic
- Clinging
- Clinical
- Cliquish
- Clitoral
- Close-up
- Clownish
- Clueless
- Co-axial
- Cobwebby
- Cochlear
- Cockeyed
- Cocksure
- Coelomic
- Coercive
- Coffered
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coliform
- Colinear
- Colonial
- Colorful
- Colossal
- Columnar
- Columned
- Comatose
- Combined
- Cometary
- Communal
- Comorbid
- Compleat
- Complete
- Compound
- Computer
- Conative
- Concrete
- Confocal
- Confused
- Conjugal
- Conjunct
- Constant
- Consular
- Contrary
- Contrite
- Converse
- Copyable
- Cordless
- Cornered
- Corn-fed
- Corniced
- Coronary
- Coronoid
- Corporal
- Cortical
- Cosmetic
- Costless
- Cotectic
- Cottagey
- Coughing
- Covalent
- Covetous
- Cowardly
- Cowering
- Crablike
- Crackers
- Crackpot
- Crashing
- Cratonic
- Crawling
- Creaking
- Creative
- Credible
- Creeping
- Criminal
- Crippled
- Critical
- Crutched
- Cubiform
- Cuboidal
- Culinary
- Culpable
- Cultural
- Cultured
- Cumbrous
- Cup-tied
- Curative
- Cushiony
- Cuteness
- Cut-rate
- Cyanotic
- Cyclical
- Cyclonic
9 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cadaveric
- Cadential
- Calloused
- Calorific
- Cambodian
- Cancelled
- Cancerous
- Candlelit
- Canonical
- Capacious
- Capillary
- Capitular
- Capsulate
- Cardboard
- Carribean
- Cartesian
- Cast-iron
- Catabolic
- Catalytic
- Catarrhal
- Catatonic
- Catchable
- Categoric
- Cathartic
- Caucasian
- Causative
- Causeless
- Cavernous
- Ceaseless
- Ceilinged
- Celestial
- Certified
- Chambered
- Charmless
- Checkable
- Cheerless
- Chelonian
- Cherished
- Childless
- Childlike
- Chimaeric
- Chitinous
- Chivalric
- Chorionic
- Christian
- Chromatic
- Chuckling
- Cimmerian
- Cinematic
- Circadian
- Cirrhotic
- Civilized
- Cladistic
- Claimable
- Clamoring
- Clamorous
- Classical
- Classless
- Claustral
- Cleanable
- Clean-cut
- Clear-cut
- Cleverest
- Climactic
- Climbable
- Clockwise
- Cloistral
- Closeable
- Close-run
- Close-set
- Cloudless
- Clubbable
- Cluttered
- Coalfired
- Cobwebbed
- Cock-eyed
- Coelomate
- Cognisant
- Cognitive
- Cognizant
- Coldwater
- Collapsed
- Collected
- Collegial
- Collinear
- Colloidal
- Collusive
- Colluvial
- Colombian
- Colorless
- Colourful
- Combatant
- Combative
- Comforted
- Committed
- Communist
- Competent
- Completed
- Compliant
- Complicit
- Component
- Composite
- Comradely
- Concealed
- Conceited
- Concerned
- Concerted
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Conducive
- Confident
- Confirmed
- Confluent
- Conformal
- Confusing
- Congenial
- Congested
- Congruent
- Congruous
- Connected
- Connubial
- Conscious
- Consoling
- Consonant
- Contented
- Continual
- Contoured
- Contrasty
- Convinced
- Convivial
- Corporate
- Corporeal
- Corpulent
- Corrosive
- Corrupted
- Countable
- Countless
- Courteous
- Covariant
- Covetable
- Crackling
- Credulous
- Cretinous
- Crippling
- Criterial
- Crosswise
- Crotchety
- Cruciform
- Crumbling
- Crunching
- Crushable
- Crustless
- Cryogenic
- Cuneiform
- Custodial
- Customary
- Cutaneous
- Cuticular
- Cut-price
- Cutthroat
- Cyclopean
- Cytolytic
- Cytosolic
- Cytotoxic
10 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cacophonic
- Cadaverous
- Calamitous
- Calcareous
- Calculable
- Calculated
- Capacitive
- Capitalist
- Capricious
- Captivated
- Carbonated
- Carbonless
- Carboxylic
- Cataleptic
- Cataphoric
- Categorial
- Causewayed
- Cautionary
- Celebrated
- Cellulosic
- Censorious
- Centennial
- Centesimal
- Centralist
- Cerebellar
- Ceremonial
- Challenged
- Chalybeate
- Changeable
- Changeless
- Chargeable
- Charitable
- Chattering
- Child-free
- Child-like
- Childproof
- Chiliastic
- Chimerical
- Chivalrous
- Chlamydial
- Chock-full
- Chocoholic
- Choleretic
- Chondritic
- Circuitous
- Cis-acting
- Clangorous
- Clarifying
- Classified
- Clear-eyed
- Clearwater
- Cloistered
- Close-knit
- Clutchless
- Coal-fired
- Cockamamie
- Coexistent
- Coincident
- Collapsing
- Collarless
- Collective
- Collegiate
- Colloquial
- Colonnaded
- Colorectal
- Colourfast
- Colourless
- Combustive
- Comforting
- Commanding
- Commercial
- Commodious
- Commonable
- Commutable
- Comparable
- Compatible
- Compelling
- Complacent
- Completing
- Compresent
- Compulsive
- Compulsory
- Computable
- Concealing
- Concentric
- Conceptive
- Conceptual
- Concerning
- Concessive
- Conclusive
- Concordant
- Concurrent
- Conductive
- Confederal
- Configured
- Conflicted
- Conformant
- Confounded
- Confusable
- Congeneric
- Congenital
- Congestive
- Coniferous
- Connecting
- Connective
- Consensual
- Consenting
- Consequent
- Consistent
- Consumable
- Consummate
- Contagious
- Contentful
- Contextual
- Contiguous
- Contingent
- Continuing
- Continuous
- Contraband
- Contrarian
- Convective
- Convenient
- Conventual
- Convergent
- Conversant
- Convincing
- Convoluted
- Convulsive
- Copulatory
- Coquettish
- Corrective
- Corrupting
- Courageous
- Covenantal
- Creaturely
- Credential
- Creditable
- Crescentic
- Cretaceous
- Cricketing
- Crinolined
- Cross-eyed
- Crotchless
- Crunchable
- Crutchless
- Cryoscopic
- Cultivable
- Cultivated
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative
- Cup-shaped
- Curatorial
- Curricular
- Curvaceous
- Cut-throat
- Cyanogenic
- Cyberdelic
- Cybernetic
- Cytometric
11 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cabbalistic
- Cack-handed
- Cacophonous
- Caffeinated
- Calciferous
- Calculating
- Calculative
- Calendrical
- Camouflaged
- Canalicular
- Cancellable
- Caparisoned
- Captivating
- Cardiogenic
- Carnivorous
- Castellated
- Cataclysmic
- Categorical
- Categorized
- Celebrating
- Celebratory
- Centimetric
- Centrifugal
- Centripetal
- Centromeric
- Ceremonious
- Certifiable
- Challenging
- Champertous
- Charismatic
- Chemotactic
- Cherishable
- Chirurgical
- Choc-a-bloc
- Cholestatic
- Cholinergic
- Chromogenic
- Chromosomal
- Circulatory
- Circumpolar
- Circumspect
- Clairvoyant
- Clandestine
- Class-based
- Clearheaded
- Client-side
- Climacteric
- Close-range
- Cock-a-hoop
- Coextensive
- Collapsible
- Collectable
- Collectible
- Colligative
- Collisional
- Colonialist
- Colouristic
- Combinatory
- Combustible
- Comfortable
- Comfortless
- Commendable
- Commonplace
- Commonsense
- Communicant
- Communistic
- Commutative
- Comparative
- Compellable
- Compendious
- Competitive
- Complaining
- Complaisant
- Complicated
- Compressive
- Concealable
- Conceivable
- Concomitant
- Conditional
- Confirmable
- Conflicting
- Conflictual
- Conformable
- Confusional
- Conjectural
- Conjunctive
- Connectable
- Connexional
- Connotative
- Consecutive
- Considerate
- Consolatory
- Consonantal
- Conspecific
- Conspicuous
- Constituent
- Constrained
- Consumptive
- Contactable
- Containable
- Contentious
- Contestable
- Contextless
- Continental
- Contractile
- Contractual
- Contrastive
- Controlling
- Convertible
- Cool-headed
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Cornucopian
- Corporatist
- Corpuscular
- Correctable
- Correlative
- Corruptible
- Cost-saving
- Coterminous
- Counterfeit
- Countrified
- Countrywide
- Craftsmanly
- Crenellated
- Crepuscular
- Crestfallen
- Criss-cross
- Cross-party
- Cryptogamic
- Cryptogenic
- Crystalline
- Curtainless
- Curvilinear
- Custom-made
- Cyclostyled
- Cyclothymic
- Cylindrical
- Cytogenetic
- Cytological
- Cytoplasmic
12 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Calligraphic
- Calorimetric
- Cantankerous
- Capacitative
- Capitalistic
- Carbamylated
- Carbonaceous
- Carbon-based
- Carcinogenic
- Cartographic
- Case-by-case
- Catastrophic
- Catechetical
- Cementitious
- Characterful
- Chauvinistic
- Chemiosmotic
- Childbearing
- Church-going
- Civic-minded
- Class-action
- Classifiable
- Clean-limbed
- Clean-living
- Clean-shaven
- Clear-headed
- Cliffhanging
- Close-hauled
- Close-minded
- Close-packed
- Co-extensive
- Coincidental
- Cold-blooded
- Cold-hearted
- Colonoscopic
- Colorimetric
- Colour-blind
- Commensurate
- Communicable
- Companionate
- Compensatory
- Complexioned
- Componential
- Compressible
- Computerized
- Concessional
- Conciliatory
- Condemnatory
- Confessional
- Confidential
- Configurable
- Confirmatory
- Confiscatory
- Conjunctural
- Conservative
- Considerable
- Consistently
- Constabulary
- Constitutive
- Constrictive
- Constructive
- Consultative
- Contemporary
- Contemptible
- Contemptuous
- Contestatory
- Context-free
- Contrapuntal
- Contributive
- Contributory
- Controllable
- Contumacious
- Convalescent
- Conventional
- Co-operative
- Correctional
- Cosmological
- Cosmopolitan
- Cotyledonary
- Craniofacial
- Creditworthy
- Crime-ridden
- Criminogenic
- Criticizable
- Cross-border
- Cross-legged
- Cross-shaped
- Cruelty-free
- Crystallized
- Curmudgeonly
- Custom-built
- Customisable
- Customizable
- Cutting-edge
- Cytoskeletal
13 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Calculational
- Candy-striped
- Cannibalistic
- Carboniferous
- Carcinomatous
- Card-carrying
- Cardiological
- Carnivalesque
- Cartilaginous
- Cash-strapped
- Cat-and-mouse
- Cerebrospinal
- Challengeable
- Characterless
- Chart-topping
- Chock-a-block
- Chocolate-box
- Choreographic
- Chrome-plated
- Chronological
- Circumambient
- Circumnuclear
- Clear-sighted
- Clever-clever
- Clientelistic
- Client-server
- Close-cropped
- Close-fitting
- Close-quarter
- Cloven-hoofed
- Coeducational
- Coin-operated
- Collaborative
- Collocational
- Combinatorial
- Coming-of-age
- Commemorative
- Commensurable
- Communicative
- Communitarian
- Companionable
- Compartmental
- Compartmented
- Compassionate
- Complementary
- Complimentary
- Compositional
- Comprehensive
- Compressional
- Computational
- Concentrative
- Concessionary
- Condescending
- Congressional
- Conscientious
- Consequential
- Constructible
- Contemplative
- Contraceptive
- Contractarian
- Contradicting
- Contradictory
- Contralateral
- Controversial
- Correlational
- Corresponding
- Corroborative
- Craftsmanlike
- Credit-worthy
- Crisis-ridden
- Cross-channel
- Cross-country
- Cross-grained
- Cryptographic
- Crystal-clear
14 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cardiothoracic
- Cardiovascular
- Case-sensitive
- Characteristic
- Circumlocutory
- Circumstantial
- Civilisational
- Classificatory
- Claustrophobic
- Climatological
- Closed-circuit
- Coarse-grained
- Coast-to-coast
- Coevolutionary
- Commonsensical
- Compassionless
- Comprehensible
- Computer-based
- Conformational
- Congratulatory
- Congregational
- Consanguineous
- Conscienceless
- Consociational
- Conspiratorial
- Constitutional
- Constructional
- Constructivist
- Consubstantial
- Contractionary
- Conversational
- Copy-protected
- Cost-conscious
- Cost-effective
- Counterfactual
- Criminological
- Cross-cultural
- Cross-platform
- Crystallizable
- Cytoprotective
15 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Cardiopulmonary
- Centrosymmetric
- Cerebrovascular
- Character-based
- Characterisable
- Chorioallantoic
- Chromatographic
- Chromium-plated
- Cinematographic
- Circumferential
- Class-conscious
- Common-sensical
- Communicational
- Configurational
- Conflict-ridden
- Confrontational
- Contemporaneous
- Copper-bottomed
- Countercyclical
- Cradle-to-grave
- Crinkle-crankle
- Cross-sectional
- Cytophotometric
16-21 Letter Adjectives that Start with C
- Carcinoembryonic
- Chemotherapeutic
- Cholangiographic
- Cloak-and-dagger
- Collaborationist
- Common-or-garden
- Company-specific
- Counterintuitive
- Crystallographic
- Capital-intensive
- Cardiorespiratory
- Clinicopathologic
- Computer-literate
- Congregationalist
- Context-sensitive
- Counter-intuitive
- Counterproductive
- Counterregulatory
- Catch-as-catch-can
- Counter-productive
- Clinicopathological
- Country-and-western
- Counterrevolutionary
- Chronostratigraphical
- Counter-revolutionary
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With C (Sorted Alphabetically)
Curating the cream of the ‘C’ crop, we spotlight a standout selection. Dive into our alphabetical arrangement of the top 100 ‘C’ adjectives, each chosen for its unique charm and character.
1. Calm
Meaning: Not showing or feeling nervousness or excitement; serene, peaceful.
Example: The sea was perfectly calm that day.
2. Candid
Meaning: Truthful and straightforward; frank, honest.
Example: Her candid feedback helped improve the project.
3. Capable
Meaning: Having the ability or capacity; competent, skilled.
Example: She is highly capable in her field.
4. Caring
Meaning: Displaying kindness and concern; compassionate, loving.
Example: He has a caring nature.
5. Caustic
Meaning: Sarcastic in a bitter way; sharp, biting.
Example: The critic gave a caustic review of the film.
6. Cautious
Meaning: Avoiding risks; careful, wary.
Example: She was cautious when crossing the busy road.
7. Celestial
Meaning: Related to the sky or outer space; heavenly, astral.
Example: Stars are celestial bodies.
8. Central
Meaning: At the center; main, pivotal.
Example: The fireplace is the central feature of the room.
9. Cerebral
Meaning: Related to the brain; intellectual, brainy.
Example: It was a cerebral discussion on philosophy.
10. Certain
Meaning: Known for sure; definite, sure.
Example: I am certain that he will come.
11. Chaotic
Meaning: In a state of chaos; disordered, tumultuous.
Example: The traffic was chaotic during the parade.
12. Charismatic
Meaning: Exercising a compelling charm; magnetic, alluring.
Example: The leader was charismatic and drew many followers.
13. Charming
Meaning: Pleasant and attractive; delightful, enchanting.
Example: Her smile was truly charming.
14. Cheap
Meaning: Low in price; inexpensive, affordable.
Example: It was a cheap but valuable purchase.
15. Cheerful
Meaning: Noticeably happy and optimistic; joyful, sunny.
Example: She has a cheerful disposition.
16. Chemical
Meaning: Related to substances or chemistry; synthetic, artificial.
Example: This solution has a chemical compound in it.
17. Chief
Meaning: Most important; principal, main.
Example: His chief concern was the safety of his family.
18. Chilly
Meaning: Uncomfortably cool; cold, frosty.
Example: The morning was quite chilly.
19. Chivalrous
Meaning: Courteous and gallant, especially towards women; knightly, honorable.
Example: His chivalrous act earned him praise.
20. Chubby
Meaning: Slightly fat; plump, rounded.
Example: The chubby cheeks of the baby were adorable.
21. Circular
Meaning: Having the form of a circle; round, disk-shaped.
Example: He drew a circular pattern on the paper.
22. Classic
Meaning: Judged over time to be high quality; traditional, typical.
Example: Shakespeare’s works are classic literature.
23. Clean
Meaning: Free from dirt or contamination; pure, spotless.
Example: She always keeps her house clean.
24. Clear
Meaning: Easy to see through or understand; transparent, obvious.
Example: The instructions were clear and easy to follow.
25. Clever
Meaning: Quick in learning and understanding; smart, intelligent.
Example: She came up with a clever solution to the problem.
26. Close
Meaning: A short distance away or apart in space or time; near, adjacent.
Example: My house is close to the park.
27. Closed
Meaning: Not open; shut, sealed.
Example: The shop is closed on Sundays.
28. Clumsy
Meaning: Awkward in movement or action; graceless, ungainly.
Example: The clumsy cat knocked over the vase.
29. Coarse
Meaning: Rough in texture; crude, raw.
Example: The coarse sandpaper is used for initial smoothing.
30. Cold
Meaning: Low temperature; chilly, freezing.
Example: The water was too cold to swim in.
31. Collaborative
Meaning: Produced by working together; cooperative, joint.
Example: The project was a collaborative effort.
32. Colorful
Meaning: Having much or varied color; vibrant, vivid.
Example: The festival was bright and colorful.
33. Comfortable
Meaning: Providing physical ease and relaxation; cozy, snug.
Example: The couch was extremely comfortable.
34. Comical
Meaning: Funny; amusing, humorous.
Example: His antics were comical to watch.
35. Common
Meaning: Occurring frequently; usual, ordinary.
Example: Apples are a common fruit.
36. Compassionate
Meaning: Feeling or showing sympathy; kind, caring.
Example: The nurse was compassionate towards her patients.
37. Competent
Meaning: Having the necessary ability; capable, adept.
Example: He is competent in his job.
38. Complete
Meaning: Having all parts; whole, entire.
Example: The puzzle is complete.
39. Complex
Meaning: Consisting of many parts; intricate, complicated.
Example: The machinery is complex.
40. Concerned
Meaning: Worried, troubled, or anxious; caring, interested.
Example: She was concerned about her missing cat.
41. Concrete
Meaning: Existing in reality; tangible, real.
Example: We need concrete evidence to prove it.
42. Confident
Meaning: Sure of oneself; self-assured, certain.
Example: She was confident in her answer.
43. Confused
Meaning: Unable to think clearly; bewildered, perplexed.
Example: He was confused by the math problem.
44. Congruent
Meaning: In agreement or harmony; compatible, consistent.
Example: The two shapes are congruent.
45. Conscious
Meaning: Aware of one’s surroundings; awake, sentient.
Example: He was conscious during the surgery.
46. Constant
Meaning: Occurring continuously over time; unchanging, steady.
Example: Her constant support meant a lot.
47. Content
Meaning: In a state of peaceful happiness; satisfied, pleased.
Example: He seemed content with his meal.
48. Contrary
Meaning: Opposite in nature; adverse, conflicting.
Example: His views are contrary to mine.
49. Cool
Meaning: Moderately cold; chill, refreshing.
Example: The breeze was cool and pleasant.
50. Cooperative
Meaning: Involving mutual assistance; collaborative, joint.
Example: The team was cooperative in their efforts.
51. Cordial
Meaning: Warm and friendly; amiable, affable.
Example: He greeted me with a cordial smile.
52. Correct
Meaning: Free from error; right, accurate.
Example: Your answer is correct.
53. Costly
Meaning: Expensive; high-priced, valuable.
Example: The painting is costly.
54. Courageous
Meaning: Not deterred by danger; brave, valiant.
Example: The courageous firefighter saved the child.
55. Courteous
Meaning: Polite, respectful; civil, mannerly.
Example: The staff was courteous and helpful.
56. Covert
Meaning: Not openly displayed; secret, concealed.
Example: The operation was covert.
57. Cozy
Meaning: Comfortably warm and snug; comfortable, homely.
Example: The blanket made the room cozy.
58. Crafty
Meaning: Clever at achieving one’s aims; cunning, sly.
Example: The fox is known to be crafty.
59. Cramped
Meaning: Feeling uncomfortably confined; tight, restricted.
Example: The room was too cramped for three people.
60. Crazy
Meaning: Mentally deranged; insane, mad.
Example: He had a crazy idea for a new invention.
61. Creative
Meaning: Relating to or involving the use of the imagination; innovative, original.
Example: Her creative skills are impressive.
62. Credible
Meaning: Able to be believed; trustworthy, reliable.
Example: The source is credible.
63. Crisp
Meaning: Firm and fresh; crunchy, clear.
Example: The apple was crisp and juicy.
64. Critical
Meaning: Expressing adverse judgments; crucial, important.
Example: It’s a critical situation.
65. Crooked
Meaning: Bent or twisted; irregular, askew.
Example: The path was crooked and winding.
66. Cruel
Meaning: Causing pain or suffering; brutal, harsh.
Example: It’s cruel to treat animals badly.
67. Crunchy
Meaning: Making a sharp noise when bitten or crushed; crisp, firm.
Example: The cereal is nice and crunchy.
68. Cunning
Meaning: Having skill in achieving one’s ends by deceit; crafty, sly.
Example: The cunning fox outwitted the hunter.
69. Curious
Meaning: Eager to learn or know; inquisitive, interested.
Example: The child was curious about the world.
70. Current
Meaning: Belonging to the present time; contemporary, modern.
Example: The current trends are changing.
71. Curvy
Meaning: Characterized by curves; rounded, sinuous.
Example: The road was curvy and scenic.
72. Cute
Meaning: Attractive in a pretty or endearing way; charming, sweet.
Example: The kitten is so cute.
73. Cynical
Meaning: Distrusting the motives of others; skeptical, doubtful.
Example: His cynical outlook often surprised people.
74. Coherent
Meaning: Logical and consistent; clear, articulate.
Example: Her argument was coherent and persuasive.
75. Congenial
Meaning: Pleasant because of personality or qualities; agreeable, friendly.
Example: The environment in the office is congenial.
76. Copious
Meaning: Abundant in supply; plentiful, ample.
Example: She took copious notes during the lecture.
77. Corrosive
Meaning: Tending to cause damage; destructive, caustic.
Example: The corrosive chemical ate through the metal.
78. Craven
Meaning: Lacking in courage; cowardly, fearful.
Example: The villain in the story was craven.
79. Cultured
Meaning: Characterized by refined taste and manners; cultivated, educated.
Example: She is a cultured individual with diverse interests.
80. Customary
Meaning: According to customs or usual practices; traditional, typical.
Example: It’s customary to bow in some cultures.
81. Cautious
Meaning: Careful to avoid risks; prudent, wary.
Example: He is cautious when making decisions.
82. Cohesive
Meaning: Sticking together; unified, connected.
Example: The team was cohesive in its efforts.
83. Complacent
Meaning: Self-satisfied and unaware of possible dangers; smug, self-content.
Example: The team became complacent after their early victories.
84. Conducive
Meaning: Making a certain situation likely or possible; favorable, helpful.
Example: This environment is conducive to learning.
85. Cumbersome
Meaning: Large and heavy; burdensome, unwieldy.
Example: The package was cumbersome to carry.
86. Consecutive
Meaning: Following one another in order; sequential, successive.
Example: He won three consecutive matches.
87. Crude
Meaning: In a natural or raw state; unrefined, basic.
Example: Crude oil is processed to produce gasoline.
88. Concurrent
Meaning: Occurring at the same time; simultaneous, coincident.
Example: There are concurrent events at the conference.
89. Cryptic
Meaning: Having a meaning that is mysterious; enigmatic, ambiguous.
Example: The message was cryptic and hard to understand.
90. Curative
Meaning: Able to cure diseases or heal people; therapeutic, healing.
Example: The herb has curative properties.
91. Convoluted
Meaning: Complex and difficult to follow; intricate, complicated.
Example: The plot of the story was convoluted.
92. Crystalline
Meaning: Clear and shining like crystal; transparent, lucid.
Example: The lake had a crystalline quality.
93. Copasetic
Meaning: Completely satisfactory; fine, in order.
Example: Everything is copasetic in the team.
94. Cogent
Meaning: Convincing or believable; compelling, persuasive.
Example: His argument was cogent and hard to refute.
95. Commendable
Meaning: Deserving praise; praiseworthy, laudable.
Example: Her dedication to charity is commendable.
96. Censorious
Meaning: Severely critical; fault-finding, disparaging.
Example: The critic was known for his censorious reviews.
97. Capricious
Meaning: Given to sudden changes of mood or behavior; unpredictable, whimsical.
Example: The weather can be capricious in the mountains.
98. Cacophonous
Meaning: Producing a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds; noisy, dissonant.
Example: The city streets were cacophonous during rush hour.
99. Choleric
Meaning: Bad-tempered or irritable; angry, irate.
Example: He had a choleric disposition and was easily angered.
100. Chimerical
Meaning: Unreal; imaginary; visionary; wildly fanciful; highly unrealistic.
Example: His plans for the future were often seen as chimerical.
Adjectives that Start with C to Describe a Person
Characterizing individuals with the compelling ‘C’, we introduce a tailored list. Discover adjectives beginning with this letter, handpicked to vividly depict the nuances of a person’s personality and presence.
- Cackling
- Caged
- Cagey
- Calculable
- Calculated
- Calculating
- Callous
- Calm
- Calming
- Camouflaged
- Cancelled
- Cancerous
- Candid
- Cantankerous
- Capable
- Capricious
- Captivated
- Captivating
- Captive
- Carefree
- Careful
- Careless
- Caring
- Carnivorous
- Carpeted
- Carsick
- Casual
- Catastrophic
- Catatonic
- Catchable
- Caustic
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavernous
- Ceaseless
- Celebrated
- Celestial
- Centered
- Central
- Cerebral
- Ceremonial
- Certain
- Certifiable
- Certified
- Challenged
- Challenging
- Chance
- Changeable
- Changing
- Chanting
- Charging
- Charismatic
- Charitable
- Charmed
- Charming
- Chattering
- Chatting
- Chatty
- Chauvinistic
- Cheap
- Cheapest
- Cheeky
- Cheerful
- Cheering
- Cheerless
- Cheery
- Chemical
- Chewable
- Chewy
- Chic
- Chicken
- Chief
- Childish
- Childlike
- Chilling
- Chilly
- Chivalrous
- Choice
- Choking
- Choppy
- Chronological
- Chubby
- Chuckling
- Chunky
- Cinematic
- Circling
- Circular
- Circumstantial
- Civil
- Civilian
- Civilized
- Clammy
- Clamoring
- Clandestine
- Clanging
- Clapping
- Clashing
- Classic
- Classical
- Classifiable
- Classified
- Classy
- Clean
- Cleanable
- Clear
- Cleared
- Clearheaded
- Clever
- Climatic
- Climbable
- Clinging
- Clingy
- Clinical
- Cliquish
- Clogged
- Cloistered
- Close
- Closeable
- Closed
- Close-minded
Positive Adjectives that Start with C
Celebrating the optimistic side of our vocabulary, we delve into delightful descriptors. Revel in this curated collection of positive adjectives, each radiating with the cheerful charm of the letter ‘C’.
- Cloudless
- Cloudy
- Clownish
- Clueless
- Clumsy
- Cluttered
- Coachable
- Coarse
- Cockamamie
- Cocky
- Codified
- Coercive
- Cognitive
- Coherent
- Cohesive
- Coincidental
- Cold
- Coldhearted
- Collaborative
- Collapsed
- Collapsing
- Collectable
- Collegial
- Colloquial
- Colonial
- Colorful
- Colorless
- Colossal
- Combative
- Combined
- Comfortable
- Comforted
- Comforting
- Comical
- Commanding
- Commemorative
- Commendable
- Commercial
- Committed
- Common
- Communal
- Communicable
- Communicative
- Communist
- Compact
- Comparable
- Comparative
- Compassionate
- Compelling
- Competent
- Competitive
- Complacent
- Complaining
- Complete
- Completed
- Complex
- Compliant
- Complicated
- Complimentary
- Compound
- Comprehensive
- Compulsive
- Compulsory
- Computer
- Computerized
- Concealable
- Concealed
- Conceited
- Conceivable
- Concerned
- Concerning
- Concerted
- Concise
- Concurrent
- Condemned
- Condensed
- Condescending
- Conditional
- Confident
- Confidential
- Confirmable
- Confirmed
- Conflicted
- Conflicting
- Conformable
- Confounded
- Confused
- Confusing
- Congenial
- Congested
- Congressional
- Congruent
- Congruous
- Connectable
- Connected
- Connecting
- Connective
- Conscientious
- Conscious
- Consecutive
- Consensual
- Consenting
- Conservative
- Considerable
- Considerate
- Consistent
- Consoling
- Conspicuous
- Conspiratorial
- Constant
- Constitutional
- Constrictive
- Constructive
- Consumable
- Consummate
- Contagious
- Containable
- Contemplative
- Contemporary
- Contemptible
- Contemptuous
- Content
- Contented
- Contentious
- Contextual
- Continual
- Continuing
- Continuous
- Contoured
- Contractual
Negative Adjectives That Start With C
Casting a spotlight on the critical side of our lexicon, we navigate the nuanced negatives. Explore this curated collection, where each adjective echoes the challenging and less cheery facets introduced by the letter ‘C’.
- Contradicting
- Contradictory
- Contrarian
- Contrary
- Contributive
- Contrite
- Controllable
- Controlling
- Controversial
- Convenient
- Conventional
- Conversational
- Convinced
- Convincing
- Convoluted
- Convulsive
- Cooing
- Cooked
- Cool
- Coolest
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Copious
- Coquettish
- Cordial
- Corner
- Cornered
- Corny
- Corporate
- Corpulent
- Correct
- Correctable
- Corrective
- Corresponding
- Corrosive
- Corrupt
- Corrupting
- Corruptive
- Cosmetic
- Cosmic
- Costly
- Cottony
- Coughing
- Courageous
- Courteous
- Covert
- Coveted
- Cowardly
- Cowering
- Coy
- Cozy
- Crabby
- Cracked
- Crackling
- Crafty
- Craggy
- Crammed
- Cramped
- Cranky
- Crashing
- Crass
- Craven
- Crawling
- Crazy
- Creaking
- Creaky
- Creamy
- Creative
- Credible
- Creeping
- Creepy
- Crestfallen
- Criminal
- Crippled
- Crippling
- Crisp
- Crispy
- Critical
- Crooked
- Cropped
- Cross
- Crossed
- Crotchety
- Crowded
- Crucial
- Crude
- Cruel
- Crumbling
- Crumbly
- Crumply
- Crunchable
- Crunching
- Crunchy
- Crushable
- Crushed
- Crusty
- Crying
- Cryptic
- Crystalline
- Crystallized
- Cuddly
- Culpable
- Cultural
- Cultured
- Cumbersome
- Cumulative
- Cunning
- Curable
- Curative
- Curious
- Curly
- Current
- Cursed
- Curt
- Curved
- Curvy
- Customary
- Cut
- Cute
- Cutting
- Cylindrical
- Cynical
Here, You can DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of Adjectives starting with C.