Adjectives that start with B to describe a person! It contains a list of all cool, positive, and negative adjectives that begin with B to describe a person positively. You can download the PDF of this list. Here all adjectives are listed. These adjectives are very helpful to describe a person. These adjectives are very helpful to improve your writing and the way you describe someone.
Adjectives That Start With B (Divided by Number of Letters)
3 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Bad
- Big
4 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Bald
- Bare
- Base
- Best
- Blae
- Blue
- Bold
- Boxy
- Brag
- Braw
- Busy
5 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Baggy
- Baled
- Balky
- Balmy
- Banal
- Bandy
- Baric
- Barky
- Barmy
- Basal
- Basic
- Bated
- Batty
- Baume
- Bawdy
- Beady
- Beamy
- Beige
- Bigot
- Bijou
- Bilgy
- Binal
- Birch
- Black
- Blady
- Bland
- Blank
- Blase
- Blest
- Blind
- Blond
- Blown
- Blowy
- Bogus
- Booby
- Bossy
- Bousy
- Bovid
- Boxen
- Braky
- Brave
- Brent
- Brief
- Brill
- Briny
- Brisk
- Broad
- Brown
- Brute
- Buffy
- Buggy
- Bulgy
- Bulky
- Bully
- Burly
- Bushy
- Busky
- Buxom
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
6 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Babish
- Baltic
- Banded
- Barbed
- Barbre
- Bardic
- Barful
- Basial
- Basque
- Beachy
- Beaded
- Beaked
- Beamed
- Beaten
- Bedded
- Bedlam
- Bedrid
- Beechy
- Bennet
- Benumb
- Bereft
- Better
- Biacid
- Bicorn
- Biface
- Bifold
- Binous
- Birken
- Bitter
- Bivial
- Blabby
- Bladed
- Blanch
- Blasty
- Blithe
- Blocky
- Blonde
- Bloody
- Blotto
- Blowsy
- Blowzy
- Blythe
- Bollen
- Bolshy
- Bonair
- Booted
- Boreal
- Boring
- Bosomy
- Boyish
- Bracky
- Braggy
- Brainy
- Branny
- Brashy
- Brassy
- Bratty
- Brawny
- Brazen
- Breezy
- Breton
- Brevet
- Briary
- Bricky
- Bridal
- Briery
- Bright
- Briton
- Broche
- Bromic
- Broomy
- Brumal
- Brutal
- Bubbly
- Buccal
- Burbly
- Buried
- Burked
- Burled
- Bursal
- Busked
7 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Babyish
- Baddish
- Baffled
- Baleful
- Balking
- Balkish
- Ballast
- Balneal
- Balsamy
- Baneful
- Banging
- Bardish
- Barfing
- Barocco
- Baroque
- Barytic
- Bashful
- Basilar
- Basilic
- Basinal
- Basined
- Bathyal
- Batwing
- Beamful
- Beaming
- Beamish
- Bearded
- Bearing
- Bearish
- Beastly
- Bedewed
- Bedfast
- Bedless
- Bedouin
- Beechen
- Beggary
- Belgian
- Beloved
- Bemused
- Bengali
- Benthal
- Benzoic
- Bernese
- Berried
- Berserk
- Bestial
- Biaural
- Bibasic
- Bibless
- Bicched
- Bifocal
- Biggish
- Biliary
- Billowy
- Bilobed
- Bimetal
- Bimodal
- Bipedal
- Birchen
- Bittern
- Bivious
- Bizarre
- Bizonal
- Blanket
- Blaring
- Blasted
- Blatant
- Blazing
- Blessed
- Blissom
- Blotchy
- Blowzed
- Blueish
- Boarish
- Bobbish
- Bodeful
- Boletic
- Bombast
- Bondage
- Boolean
- Booming
- Boorish
- Bootleg
- Borable
- Boracic
- Boronic
- Bosnian
- Botched
- Bothnic
- Bowable
- Boylike
- Braided
- Braised
- Braless
- Branchy
- Braying
- Breachy
- Breaded
- Brickle
- Bridgey
- Briered
- Brimful
- Brinish
- British
- Brittle
- Brumous
- Brusque
- Brutish
- Bubonic
- Buckish
- Budding
- Buffoon
- Bugbear
- Buglike
- Bulbous
- Bulging
- Bulimic
- Bullish
- Buoyant
- Burghal
- Burmese
- Burundi
- Butyric
- Buxeous
8 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Babbling
- Babelike
- Backless
- Backmost
- Backward
- Baconian
- Bactrian
- Baffling
- Bahamian
- Bailable
- Balanced
- Balearic
- Balletic
- Banausic
- Bandaged
- Bankable
- Bankrupt
- Baptized
- Barbaric
- Barnlike
- Baronial
- Basaltic
- Baseborn
- Baseless
- Basidial
- Basihyal
- Basilary
- Basylous
- Batavian
- Bathetic
- Bauxitic
- Bavarian
- Bayesian
- Beadlike
- Beakless
- Beaklike
- Beamless
- Bearable
- Beardown
- Beatable
- Beavered
- Becalmed
- Becoming
- Bedaubed
- Bedimmed
- Befogged
- Befouled
- Beggable
- Begrimed
- Beheaded
- Beholden
- Belching
- Beltlike
- Bendable
- Beneaped
- Beninese
- Benumbed
- Benzylic
- Beplumed
- Bepuffed
- Bereaved
- Bermudan
- Besprent
- Betrayed
- Biblical
- Bibulous
- Bicaudal
- Biconvex
- Bicrural
- Biddable
- Bidental
- Biennial
- Biferous
- Biforked
- Biforous
- Bijugous
- Bilabial
- Bilinear
- Bimanous
- Bimanual
- Bimedial
- Bimensal
- Binaural
- Bindable
- Biparous
- Biradial
- Biramous
- Birdlike
- Biscayan
- Biserial
- Bisexual
- Blackish
- Bladdery
- Blameful
- Blasting
- Blendous
- Blenniid
- Blighted
- Blissful
- Blockish
- Blooming
- Blotless
- Blubbery
- Bluntish
- Blushful
- Blushing
- Boastful
- Boatable
- Bodleian
- Boeotian
- Bogglish
- Bohemian
- Boistous
- Bolivian
- Bondable
- Boobyish
- Bookable
- Bootless
- Boracous
- Bordeaux
- Bothnian
- Bouncing
- Brachial
- Brackish
- Bracteal
- Bragless
- Brainish
- Brambled
- Brattish
- Brawling
- Breasted
- Breathed
- Breeched
- Breeding
- Breviped
- Briarean
- Bribable
- Brimless
- Bristled
- Bruneian
- Bryozoan
- Bubaline
- Buccinal
- Bullocky
- Bullying
- Bumbling
- Bungling
- Burletta
- Burnable
- Burrlike
- Bursting
- Bushless
- Buskined
- Bustling
- Butyrous
9 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Baboonish
- Babylonic
- Bacchanal
- Bacchical
- Backboned
- Badgeless
- Ballooned
- Balsamous
- Balzacian
- Barbadian
- Barbarian
- Barbarous
- Barbecued
- Barbequed
- Barnacled
- Basifixed
- Basilical
- Basipetal
- Battleful
- Beardless
- Beastlike
- Beatified
- Beauteous
- Beautiful
- Beckoning
- Bedazzled
- Bedridden
- Befitting
- Befuddled
- Bejeweled
- Bell-like
- Bellyless
- Bengalese
- Benighted
- Benignant
- Benthamic
- Berrylike
- Beseeming
- Betrothed
- Bewitched
- Bewrought
- Bibacious
- Bibliotic
- Bicallous
- Bicameral
- Bicipital
- Bickering
- Biconcave
- Bicornous
- Bifarious
- Biflorous
- Bifurcous
- Bigeminal
- Bigeneric
- Bilateral
- Biliteral
- Bimembral
- Bioactive
- Biogenous
- Birthless
- Bismuthal
- Bisulcous
- Biventral
- Blackened
- Bladelike
- Blameless
- Blastemal
- Blastemic
- Blighting
- Blindfold
- Blissless
- Blitheful
- Blocklike
- Blood-red
- Bloomless
- Blue-eyed
- Blushless
- Boardable
- Boastless
- Bodacious
- Bogartian
- Bolognese
- Bolstered
- Bombproof
- Bosporian
- Botanical
- Botulinal
- Boughless
- Boundless
- Bounteous
- Bountiful
- Bourgeois
- Bournless
- Bowelless
- Bractless
- Brahmanic
- Brahminic
- Brainless
- Brainsick
- Branchial
- Brasslike
- Brazilian
- Breadless
- Breakable
- Breakaway
- Breakneck
- Bregmatic
- Bribeless
- Briefless
- Brillante
- Brilliant
- Britannic
- Bronchial
- Brunonian
- Bugginess
- Bulgarian
- Bullantic
- Bullfaced
- Bumpkinly
- Bumptious
- Burlesque
- Burundian
10 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Babylonian
- Bacchantic
- Baldheaded
- Balneatory
- Balustered
- Baptizable
- Barmecidal
- Barometric
- Basiscopic
- Batrachian
- Batrachoid
- Beaconless
- Beatifical
- Bedraggled
- Beforehand
- Behavioral
- Behindhand
- Behooveful
- Belarusian
- Belemnitic
- Belgravian
- Believable
- Beneficial
- Berkeleian
- Bestraught
- Bestubbled
- Bettermost
- Better-off
- Bewailable
- Bewildered
- Biangulous
- Bicapsular
- Bicipitous
- Bicorporal
- Bighearted
- Bigmouthed
- Biliferous
- Bimestrial
- Bimetallic
- Binominous
- Biological
- Biomedical
- Bionomical
- Bioplasmic
- Biparietal
- Bipartible
- Bipetalous
- Bipunctate
- Bipunctual
- Bishoplike
- Bismuthous
- Bissextile
- Bite-sized
- Bituminous
- Blistering
- Blithesome
- Blottesque
- Blundering
- Blustering
- Boisterous
- Bombylious
- Boneheaded
- Bonnetless
- Boswellian
- Botryoidal
- Bounderish
- Brachyural
- Branchless
- Brassbound
- Breastless
- Breathable
- Breathless
- Brecciated
- Breezeless
- Bridgeable
- Bridgeless
- Brigandish
- Bright-red
- Brightsome
- Brown-eyed
- Bryophytic
- Buddhistic
- Bulbaceous
- Bullheaded
- Bullnecked
- Bunglesome
- Burdenless
- Burdensome
- Burgeoning
11 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Babylonical
- Bacciferous
- Baccivorous
- Balanceable
- Baptistical
- Barbaresque
- Barbigerous
- Barycentric
- Belligerent
- Benedictive
- Beneficiary
- Beneficient
- Benzoinated
- Betulaceous
- Bewhiskered
- Bezoartical
- Bibliopegic
- Bicephalous
- Bichromated
- Bimillenial
- Biochemical
- Biomagnetic
- Bipyramidal
- Bisectional
- Bittersweet
- Bladderlike
- Blameworthy
- Blasphemous
- Blastematic
- Blastomeric
- Blastoporal
- Blastoporic
- Bleary-eyed
- Blue-ribbon
- Bombycinous
- Bonapartean
- Bootlicking
- Boragineous
- Brachyceral
- Brachyurous
- Brahminical
- Brainwashed
- Brazenfaced
- Breadthless
- Bright-eyed
- Bristlelike
- Brotherlike
- Bryological
- Burglarious
- Butyraceous
12 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Bacchanalian
- Bad-tempered
- Balaniferous
- Beethovenian
- Belletristic
- Bequeathable
- Bespectacled
- Bibliophilic
- Bibliothecal
- Bicarbureted
- Bicentennial
- Biographical
- Biopsychical
- Bipinnatifid
- Birefringent
- Blastocoelic
- Blastodermic
- Blastophoral
- Blastophoric
- Blennogenous
- Bloodstained
- Bloodsucking
- Bloodthirsty
- Bootylicious
- Brachycranic
- Brachytypous
- Breathtaking
- Brevirostral
- Bromoiodized
- Bushwhacking
- Businesslike
13 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Baccalaureate
- Basioccipital
- Bathymetrical
- Behavioristic
- Beneficential
- Bibliolatrous
- Bibliological
- Bicylindrical
- Bidirectional
- Bignoniaceous
- Biodegradable
- Birectangular
- Blastocarpous
- Blastogenetic
- Blastomycotic
- Blastospheric
- Bone-crushing
- Boraginaceous
- Brachiopodous
- Brachycranial
- Brachypterous
- Brassicaceous
- Bromeliaceous
- Bronchoscopic
14 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Belletristical
- Bibliomaniacal
- Bibliopegistic
- Bismuthiferous
- Bituminiferous
- Blabbermouthed
- Blandiloquious
- Blastodermatic
- Blood-curdling
- Borraginaceous
- Brachycephalic
- Brachydactylic
- Brachydiagonal
- Branchiopodous
- Branchiostegal
- Broken-hearted
- Bureaucratical
15 Letter Adjectives That Start With B
- Batrachophagous
- Biantheriferous
- Bibliographical
- Bibliothecarial
- Biogeographical
- Boustrophedonic
- Brachycephalous
- Brachydactylous
- Branchiostegous
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With B (Sorted Alphabetically)
1. Bad
Meaning: Inferior in quality; not good.
Example: She thought the movie was bad compared to the book.
2. Baffling
Meaning: Hard to understand or solve; perplexing.
Example: His behavior was completely baffling to everyone.
3. Bald
Meaning: Lacking hair on the head.
Example: He had a bald patch on the back of his head.
4. Baleful
Meaning: Threatening harm or evil.
Example: The cat gave a baleful glare to the intruding dog.
5. Banal
Meaning: So common as to be boring; trite.
Example: The speech was filled with banal clichés.
6. Barren
Meaning: Unable to produce or support growth.
Example: The barren land was unsuitable for farming.
7. Buff
Meaning: A person who is enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a subject.
Example: He’s a film buff who has seen thousands of movies.
8. Basic
Meaning: Fundamental or essential.
Example: He needs to improve his basic skills in mathematics.
9. Batty
Meaning: Crazy or eccentric.
Example: His ideas are a bit batty, but they sometimes work.
10. Bulging
Meaning: Swelling or protruding outwards.
Example: The suitcase was bulging with clothes.
11. Beautiful
Meaning: Pleasing to the eye or mind aesthetically.
Example: The sunset over the ocean was incredibly beautiful.
12. Bellicose
Meaning: Demonstrating aggression or willingness to fight.
Example: The bellicose nation was always ready for war.
13. Belligerent
Meaning: Hostile or aggressive.
Example: His belligerent attitude made discussions difficult.
14. Beneficial
Meaning: Resulting in good; favorable or advantageous.
Example: Eating vegetables is beneficial to your health.
15. Benevolent
Meaning: Showing kindness or goodwill.
Example: The benevolent old man donated to many charities.
16. Benign
Meaning: Gentle; not harmful.
Example: The tumor was benign and not a threat to her health.
17. Bent
Meaning: Determinedly set in a particular direction.
Example: She was bent on completing her novel by the end of the year.
18. Bitter
Meaning: Having a sharp, pungent taste; showing strong hostility.
Example: He felt a bitter taste from the medicine.
19. Bizarre
Meaning: Very strange or unusual.
Example: He wore a bizarre outfit to the party.
20. Black
Meaning: Of the very darkest color; the absence of light.
Example: The room was pitch black without any lights on.
21. Blameless
Meaning: Free from blame; innocent.
Example: She was blameless in the entire situation.
22. Blaring
Meaning: Making a loud, harsh noise.
Example: The blaring music made it hard to concentrate.
23. Blatant
Meaning: Completely obvious, especially in an offensive manner.
Example: His lies were blatant and easily detected.
24. Bleak
Meaning: Lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements.
Example: The bleak landscape was a stark contrast to the lush forest.
25. Blissful
Meaning: Extremely happy; full of joy.
Example: She had a blissful day at the spa.
26. Bloated
Meaning: Swollen or puffed up.
Example: After eating too much, he felt bloated.
27. Blond
Meaning: Having fair hair or complexion.
Example: The blond child played happily on the beach.
28. Blue
Meaning: Color of the sky on a clear day; feeling sad.
Example: She felt a bit blue after the sad movie.
29. Blunt
Meaning: Having a broad or rounded end; straightforward.
Example: He was known for his blunt feedback.
30. Blurred
Meaning: Not clear or distinct.
Example: The photo was blurred because he moved the camera.
31. Boastful
Meaning: Expressing excessive pride in oneself.
Example: He was boastful about his achievements.
32. Boisterous
Meaning: Noisy, energetic, and cheerful.
Example: The boisterous crowd cheered for their team.
33. Bold
Meaning: Showing the ability to take risks; confident.
Example: Her bold move won her the game.
34. Bountiful
Meaning: Plentiful or abundant.
Example: The harvest was bountiful this year.
35. Brave
Meaning: Showing courage.
Example: The brave firefighter saved the child from the burning building.
36. Brazen
Meaning: Bold and without shame.
Example: He made a brazen attempt to cheat in front of the teacher.
37. Breezy
Meaning: Relatively windy; carefree and casual.
Example: It was a breezy day at the beach.
38. Brief
Meaning: Lasting only a short time.
Example: He made a brief visit to the town.
39. Bright
Meaning: Emitting or reflecting light; intelligent.
Example: She’s a bright student with a promising future.
40. Brilliant
Meaning: Exceptionally clever or talented; shining brightly.
Example: The diamonds were brilliant under the light.
41. Brittle
Meaning: Hard but liable to break easily.
Example: The old book’s pages were brittle with age.
42. Broad
Meaning: Having a great extent from side to side.
Example: The river was quite broad at this point.
43. Broken
Meaning: Having been fractured or damaged.
Example: The vase was broken into many pieces.
44. Brusque
Meaning: Abrupt in manner or speech.
Example: Her brusque reply caught him off-guard.
45. Brutal
Meaning: Savagely violent; direct and lacking any attempt to disguise unpleasantness.
Example: The movie depicted brutal combat scenes.
46. Bubbly
Meaning: Full of cheerful high spirits; effervescent.
Example: She had a bubbly personality that everyone loved.
47. Bulky
Meaning: Taking up much space; large in volume.
Example: The package was too bulky to carry on the bus.
48. Bumbling
Meaning: Acting in a confused or ineffectual way; clumsy.
Example: The bumbling detective always missed the obvious clues.
49. Buoyant
Meaning: Able to float; cheerful and optimistic.
Example: His buoyant spirit kept the team motivated.
50. Burdensome
Meaning: Causing difficulty or discomfort.
Example: The large backpack was burdensome on the long hike.
51. Burly
Meaning: Large and strong; heavily built.
Example: The burly man easily lifted the heavy boxes.
52. Bustling
Meaning: Busy with activity.
Example: The market was bustling with shoppers.
53. Buttery
Meaning: Resembling, containing, or spread with butter.
Example: The freshly baked bread had a soft, buttery texture.
54. Buoyed
Meaning: Supported or kept afloat.
Example: He was buoyed by the good news.
55. Bygone
Meaning: Belonging to an earlier time; past.
Example: In bygone days, communication took weeks or even months.
56. Byzantine
Meaning: Excessively complex and intricate.
Example: The plot of the novel was so byzantine that it was hard to follow.
57. Babbling
Meaning: Talking rapidly and continuously in a foolish or excited way.
Example: The excited toddler was babbling about his day at the park.
58. Balanced
Meaning: Keeping or showing a balance; in good proportions.
Example: A balanced diet is crucial for good health.
59. Barbaric
Meaning: Savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal.
Example: The barbaric practices of ancient civilizations can be shocking.
60. Bare
Meaning: Without covering or clothing; simple and unadorned.
Example: The bare walls needed some decoration.
61. Baroque
Meaning: Relating to a style of European architecture, music, and art in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Example: The cathedral is a fine example of baroque architecture.
62. Bashful
Meaning: Reluctant to draw attention to oneself; shy.
Example: She gave a bashful smile when complimented.
63. Bawdy
Meaning: Dealing with sexual matters in a comical way.
Example: The comedian’s bawdy jokes made some people uncomfortable.
64. Beauteous
Meaning: Beautiful, especially to the sight.
Example: The beauteous painting captured everyone’s attention.
65. Becoming
Meaning: Flattering a person’s appearance.
Example: The dress was very becoming on her.
66. Bedraggled
Meaning: Dirty and disheveled.
Example: After the rainstorm, the travelers looked bedraggled.
67. Befuddled
Meaning: Make someone unable to think clearly.
Example: The complex math problem left him befuddled.
68. Beguiling
Meaning: Charming or enchanting, often in a deceptive way.
Example: The salesman had a beguiling manner.
69. Belated
Meaning: Coming or happening later than should have been the case.
Example: He sent a belated birthday card.
70. Beleaguered
Meaning: Put in a very difficult situation.
Example: The beleaguered team struggled to finish the project on time.
71. Beloved
Meaning: Loved very much; dearly loved.
Example: The beloved family dog was missed by everyone.
72. Bemused
Meaning: Puzzled, confused, or bewildered.
Example: His unexpected gift left her bemused.
73. Benighted
Meaning: In a state of pitiful or contemptible intellectual or moral ignorance.
Example: He considered them benighted for not sharing his views.
74. Bestial
Meaning: Savagely cruel and wicked.
Example: The villain in the movie had a bestial nature.
75. Bewildered
Meaning: Causing someone to be perplexed and confused.
Example: He was bewildered by her sudden change of heart.
76. Bewitching
Meaning: Enchanting or delightful.
Example: Her bewitching voice captivated the audience.
77. Bitter
Meaning: Showing deep-seated resentment or anger.
Example: He felt bitter about his early retirement.
78. Bittersweet
Meaning: Both pleasant and painful or regretful.
Example: The farewell was a bittersweet moment for everyone.
79. Blithe
Meaning: Showing a casual and cheerful indifference.
Example: She had a blithe disregard for the rules.
80. Blooming
Meaning: Flourishing or thriving healthily.
Example: The garden was blooming with colorful flowers.
81. Bodacious
Meaning: Excellent, admirable, or attractive.
Example: Her bodacious performance won her the award.
82. Bogus
Meaning: Not genuine or true; fake.
Example: The jewelry turned out to be bogus and not real gold.
83. Boorish
Meaning: Rude and insensitive in manner or behavior.
Example: His boorish comments offended many people.
84. Boundless
Meaning: Unlimited or immense.
Example: Her boundless energy amazed everyone.
85. Bovine
Meaning: Relating to or affecting cattle.
Example: The disease was found to be bovine in origin.
86. Boxed
Meaning: Enclosed or confined in a space or system.
Example: He felt boxed in by the strict rules.
87. Boyish
Meaning: Characteristic of a young boy; youthful.
Example: He had a boyish charm that was infectious.
88. Brackish
Meaning: Slightly salty, as in the mixture of river water and seawater.
Example: The brackish water wasn’t suitable for drinking.
89. Bragging
Meaning: Excessively proud and boastful talk about one’s achievements.
Example: He kept bragging about his new car.
90. Brainy
Meaning: Intelligent; clever.
Example: The brainy student always had an answer to the teacher’s questions.
91. Brand-new
Meaning: Absolutely new; recently created or introduced.
Example: She bought a brand-new dress for the party.
92. Brash
Meaning: Self-assertive in a rude way; bold.
Example: His brash attitude often got him into trouble.
93. Breathless
Meaning: Out of breath; having difficulty catching one’s breath.
Example: After the race, she was breathless and exhausted.
94. Breathtaking
Meaning: Astonishing or awe-inspiring.
Example: The view from the mountaintop was breathtaking.
95. Brevity
Meaning: Shortness of time or duration.
Example: He was known for the brevity of his speeches.
96. Bridled
Meaning: Show resentment or anger.
Example: She bridled at the insinuation that she was lying.
97. Brisk
Meaning: Active, fast, and energetic.
Example: He set a brisk pace during the morning run.
98. Brittle
Meaning: Hard but likely to break or shatter easily.
Example: The dry cookie was very brittle.
99. Broody
Meaning: Thoughtful or moody; wanting to have a baby.
Example: The hen became broody and started nesting.
100. Bucolic
Meaning: Relating to the countryside or rural life.
Example: The painting depicted a bucolic landscape with grazing sheep.
Adjectives that start with B to Describe a Person
Some most common adjectives which are used to describe a person positively and negatively are listed below.
- Babbling
- Baby
- Background
- Backhanded
- Bacterial
- Bad
- Bad-tempered
- Baffled
- Baffling
- Bald
- Balding
- Balmy
- Bandaged
- Banging
- Bankable
- Banned
- Bantering
- Barbaric
- Barbarous
- Barbequed
- Barefooted
- Barking
- Barren
- Bashful
- Basic
- Battered
- Batty
- Bawling
- Beady
- Beaming
- Bearable
- Beautiful
- Beckoning
- Bedazzled
- Bedazzling
- Beefy
- Beeping
- Befitting
- Befuddled
- Beginning
- Belching
- Believable
- Bellicose
- Belligerent
- Bellowing
- Bendable
- Beneficial
- Benevolent
- Benign
- Bent
- Berserk
- Best
- Betrayed
- Better
- Betteroff
- Better-late-than-never
- Bewildered
- Bewildering
- Bewitched
- Bewitching
Positive Adjectives that Start with B
What are positive adjectives starting with B? Some common and important positive adjectives starting with B that are commonly used in English are:
- Biased
- Biblical
- Big
- Big-city
- Bigger
- Biggest
- Big-headed
- Bighearted
- Bigoted
- Bilingual
- Billable
- Billowy
- Binary
- Binding
- Bioactive
- Biodegradable
- Biographical
- Bite-sized
- Biting
- Bitter
- Bizarre
- Black
- Black-and-blue
- Blamable
- Blameless
- Bland
- Blank
- Blaring
- Blasphemous
- Blatant
- Blazing
- Bleached
- Bleak
- Bleary
- Bleary-eyed
- Blessed
- Blind
- Blindfolded
- Blinding
- Blissful
- Blistering
- Bloated
- Blonde
- Bloodied
- Blood-red
- Bloodthirsty
- Bloody
- Blooming
- Blossoming
- Blue
- Blundering
- Blunt
- Blurred
- Blurry
- Blushing
- Boastful
- Bodacious
- Bohemian
- Boiling
- Boisterous
Negative Adjectives that Start with B
What are negative adjectives starting with B? Some common and important negative adjectives starting with B that are commonly used in English are:
- Bold
- Bookish
- Booming
- Boorish
- Bordering
- Bored
- Boring
- Born
- Bossy
- Both
- Bothered
- Bouncing
- Bouncy
- Boundless
- Bountiful
- Boyish
- Braided
- Brainless
- Brainy
- Brash
- Brassy
- Brave
- Brawny
- Brazen
- Breakable
- Breathable
- Breathless
- Breathtaking
- Breezy
- Bribable
- Brick
- Brief
- Bright
- Bright-eyed
- Bright-red
- Brilliant
- Briny
- Brisk
- Bristly
- Broad
- Broken
- Broken-hearted
- Bronchial
- Bronze
- Bronzed
- Brooding
- Brown
- Bruised
- Brunette
- Brutal
- Brutish
- Bubbly
- Budget
- Built-in
- Bulky
- Bumpy
- Bungling
- Buoyant
- Bureaucratic
- Burly
- Burnable
- Burning
- Bushy
- Busiest
- Business
- Bustling
- Busy
- Buzzing
Here, You can DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of Adjectives starting with B.