20+ Best Words to Describe Temperature, Adjectives for Temperature

Temperature, a fundamental concept in physics, refers to the measure of heat or coldness of an object or environment. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, influencing our comfort, activities, and even the behavior of substances around us.

To articulate and communicate these varying degrees of temperature, we rely on a diverse range of descriptive words. From scorching and sweltering to freezing and frigid, each word vividly paints a picture of the atmospheric conditions we experience. Let’s explore the rich lexicon of words that help us convey the sensations of temperature with precision and flair.

Adjectives for Temperature

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for temperature:

  1. Extreme
  2. Mild
  3. Freezing
  4. Balmy
  5. Boiling
  6. Frigid
  7. Scorching
  8. Chilly
  9. Sweltering
  10. Bitter
  11. Pleasant
  12. Icy
  13. Warm
  14. Searing
  15. Brisk
  16. Sultry
  17. Cool
  18. Torrid
  19. Frosty
  20. Comfortable

Adjectives for Cold Temperature:

  1. Frigid
  2. Freezing
  3. Chilly
  4. Icy
  5. Frosty
  6. Bitter
  7. Nippy
  8. Glacial
  9. Arctic
  10. Polar

Adjectives for Room Temperature:

  1. Comfortable
  2. Mild
  3. Pleasant
  4. Neutral
  5. Moderate
  6. Ambient
  7. Cozy
  8. Balanced
  9. Temperate
  10. Ambient

Adjectives for Hot Temperature:

  1. Scorching
  2. Sweltering
  3. Searing
  4. Blistering
  5. Boiling
  6. Roasting
  7. Sultry
  8. Torrid
  9. Burning
  10. Oppressive

Words to Describe Temperature with Meanings

  1. Extreme: Very high or very low temperature.
  2. Mild: Moderately warm or cool temperature.
  3. Freezing: Below the freezing point of water.
  4. Balmy: Pleasantly warm and refreshing temperature.
  5. Boiling: Extremely hot; reaching boiling point.
  6. Frigid: Extremely cold and icy temperature.
  7. Scorching: Extremely hot and intense temperature.
  8. Chilly: Slightly cold or uncomfortably cool.
  9. Sweltering: Unbearably hot and humid temperature.
  10. Bitter: Uncomfortably cold and unpleasant temperature.
  11. Pleasant: Comfortably enjoyable and mild temperature.
  12. Icy: Covered in or producing ice.
  13. Warm: Comfortably or moderately high temperature.
  14. Searing: Intensely hot and scorching temperature.
  15. Brisk: Refreshingly cool and invigorating temperature.
  16. Sultry: Hot and humid; creating discomfort.
  17. Cool: Moderately low and refreshing temperature.
  18. Torrid: Extremely hot and dry temperature.
  19. Frosty: Covered with frost; icy cold temperature.
  20. Comfortable: Pleasant and suitable temperature.

Example Sentences for Temperature Adjectives

  1. The extreme heat melted the plastic.
  2. Enjoy the mild breeze on the beach.
  3. It’s freezing outside; wear a coat.
  4. The Caribbean has balmy weather year-round.
  5. Water boiling in a hot kettle.
  6. The Arctic is known for frigid temperatures.
  7. The sand was scorching underfoot.
  8. Don’t forget your jacket; it’s chilly tonight.
  9. Avoid outdoor activities during sweltering days.
  10. The bitter cold made her shiver.
  11. We had a pleasant picnic in the park.
  12. The road was icy after the snowstorm.
  13. Enjoy the warm sunlight on your face.
  14. The searing heat made breathing difficult.
  15. Take a brisk walk to wake up.
  16. The sultry weather made sleeping hard.
  17. Find some shade in this cool spot.
  18. Surviving in the torrid desert requires preparation.
  19. The trees sparkled with frosty beauty.
  20. The house was comfortable with central heating.

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Words to Describe Hot

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How to describe temperature writing?

Temperature can be described using descriptive adjectives like “scorching,” “frigid,” or “mild,” conveying the level of heat or coldness.

What are the 3 types of temperature?

The three types of temperature are ambient temperature (surrounding environment), absolute temperature (measured in Kelvin), and relative temperature (compared to a reference point).

What is the symbol of temperature?

The symbol of temperature is “T,” typically used in scientific equations and formulas.

Adjectives for Temperature Words to Describe Temperature