20+ Best Words to Describe Slavery, Adjectives for Slavery

In the annals of human history, slavery stands as a dark chapter that spans across continents and centuries. Defined as the abhorrent practice of owning individuals as property, slavery degrades the very essence of humanity. Exploring the lexicon that encapsulates this harrowing past, we discover a plethora of words that evoke emotions ranging from sorrow and indignation to resilience and liberation. In this blog post, we delve into the words that best describe slavery, shedding light on the profound impact it has had on societies and the enduring legacy it leaves behind.

Adjectives for Slavery

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for slavery:

  1. Abhorrent
  2. Brutal
  3. Captive
  4. Cruel
  5. Degrading
  6. Enslaved
  7. Exploitative
  8. Harrowing
  9. Inhumane
  10. Oppressive
  11. Pernicious
  12. Reprehensible
  13. Shackled
  14. Sinister
  15. Subjugated
  16. Traumatic
  17. Unjust
  18. Vicious
  19. Wretched
  20. Yoked

Words to Describe Slavery with Meanings

  1. Abhorrent: Hateful and detestable practice.
  2. Brutal: Extremely harsh and merciless treatment.
  3. Captive: Held against their will as prisoners.
  4. Cruel: Inflicting suffering and pain deliberately.
  5. Degrading: Reducing to a lower status or condition.
  6. Enslaved: Held in bondage or servitude.
  7. Exploitative: Taking unfair advantage for gain.
  8. Harrowing: Causing intense distress or anguish.
  9. Inhumane: Lacking compassion and decency.
  10. Oppressive: Cruelly controlling and dominating.
  11. Pernicious: Extremely harmful and destructive.
  12. Reprehensible: Deserving strong criticism and blame.
  13. Shackled: Restrained or limited in freedom.
  14. Sinister: Involving evil or ominous intentions.
  15. Subjugated: Brought under complete control and authority.
  16. Traumatic: Causing emotional or physical distress.
  17. Unjust: Lacking fairness and equality.
  18. Vicious: Characterized by cruelty and violence.
  19. Wretched: Miserable and pitiable state.
  20. Yoked: Forced into servitude or bondage.

Example Sentences for Slavery Adjectives

  1. The treatment of slaves was abhorrent to humanity.
  2. Slaves endured brutal punishment for minor offenses.
  3. The fugitive slave remained a captive in hiding.
  4. The slave owner displayed cruel disregard for human life.
  5. Slave auctions were degrading and dehumanizing events.
  6. Families were torn apart, and individuals were enslaved.
  7. The plantation system was built on exploitative labor practices.
  8. The tales of their suffering were truly harrowing.
  9. The conditions on slave ships were inhumane and appalling.
  10. The oppressive laws kept slaves in perpetual bondage.
  11. Slavery had a pernicious impact on social equality.
  12. The master’s actions were reprehensible, and he faced consequences.
  13. The slaves worked tirelessly with shackled hands.
  14. The slave owner’s intentions were sinister and malevolent.
  15. The rebellion sought to overthrow the subjugated ruling class.
  16. The memories of slavery caused traumatic nightmares.
  17. The abolition movement fought against unjust treatment.
  18. The overseer’s behavior was vicious and unrelenting.
  19. The slave’s life was wretched and filled with despair.
  20. Their ancestors were yoked by the chains of oppression.

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How to describe slavery in writing?

Describing slavery in writing involves using powerful adjectives like “horrific,” “oppressive,” and “degrading” to convey its inhumane nature.

What word can replace slavery?

A suitable word that can replace “slavery” is “bondage” or “servitude.”

What is the adjective of the verb to enslave?

The adjective form of the verb “enslave” is “enslaved.”

Adjectives for Slavery Words to Describe Slavery