5 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences

Related: 100 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives

5 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences 1

1. What book are you reading now?

  • In this sentence, “what” is an interrogative adjective that modifies the noun “book” and asks for more information about it. The speaker is asking about the specific book that the listener is currently reading.

2. Which car is yours, the blue one or the red one?

  • Here, “which” is an interrogative adjective that modifies the noun “car” and asks the listener to specify which of the two cars is theirs. The speaker is referring to a choice between two specific cars, one blue and one red.

3. Whose pen did you borrow to write this note?

  • “Whose” is an interrogative adjective that modifies the noun “pen” and asks about the owner of the pen that the listener borrowed. The speaker is asking for the specific person who owns the pen that was used to write the note.

4. What time does the train leave?

  • In this sentence, “what” is an interrogative adjective that modifies the noun “time” and asks for the specific time that the train is scheduled to leave. The speaker is seeking more information about the departure time of the train.

5. Which team won the championship last year?

  • “Which” is an interrogative adjective that modifies the noun “team” and asks for the specific team that won the championship the previous year. The speaker is seeking more information about the winning team.

5 Examples of Interrogative Adjectives in Sentences