5 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences!

Related: 100 Examples of Distributive Adjectives

Distributive adjectives are words that describe singular nouns, indicating that they refer to one member of a group at a time. These adjectives are used to distribute or divide the group into individual parts, with each part being considered separately. The most common distributive adjectives are:

  1. Each – used to refer to every individual or thing in a group of two or more. It is always used with a singular noun.

Example sentences:

  • Each student in the class received a certificate of achievement.
  • Each petal on the flower was a different color.
  • The museum displayed each painting with great care.
  1. Either – used to refer to one of two possibilities or alternatives. It can be used with singular or plural nouns.

Example sentences:

  • You can either choose a red shirt or the blue one.
  • Either of these restaurants will serve you a delicious meal.
  • Either John or Sarah will be the new project manager.
  1. Any – used to refer to one or more members of a group, without specifying which one(s). It can be used with singular or plural nouns.

Example sentences:

  • Is there any coffee left in the pot?
  • You can borrow any book from the library.
  • Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  1. Every – used to refer to all members of a group, individually and collectively. It is always used with a singular noun.

Example sentences:

  • Every student in the class must take the final exam.
  • Every flower in the garden was in full bloom.
  • The store offers a discount on every purchase over $50.
  1. Neither – used to refer to none of two possibilities or alternatives. It is always used with a singular noun.

Example sentences:

  • Neither book on the shelf interested me.
  • Neither candidate was qualified for the position.
  • Neither of my parents likes spicy food.

5 Examples of Distributive Adjectives in Sentences

  1. During the storm, we both slept soundly.
  2. There is a silver lining to every cloud.
  3. Is there anyone you’re seeing right now?
  4. Neither heads nor hanged messengers are acceptable options.
  5. Love qualifies one for any job.