20 Examples of Common Nouns in Sentences

20 Examples of Common Nouns in Sentences! In this article, we will provide 20 examples of common nouns being used in sentences to help you better understand how they work. We’ll also discuss what makes a noun common so that you can use them correctly in your own writing.

Related: 100 Examples of Common Nouns

20 Examples of Common Nouns in Sentences

  1. The cat purred softly.
  2. She opened a book.
  3. Birds chirped in the garden.
  4. A car honked loudly.
  5. People crowded the street.
  6. He tasted the cake.
  7. Lights glowed in the museum.
  8. A tree swayed gently.
  9. They shared a pizza.
  10. The dog wagged its tail.
  11. Leaves rustled in the park.
  12. She chose a dress.
  13. The teacher smiled.
  14. We watched a movie.
  15. He fixed the bike.
  16. Tourists filled the beach.
  17. Music played on the radio.
  18. Books lined the shelf.
  19. He sipped his coffee.
  20. Snow capped the mountains.

Common Nouns With Meaning

  1. Issue: a topic or problem that requires discussion or resolution
  2. Party: a social gathering of people for a specific purpose, such as a celebration or political activity
  3. Child: a young human being who is not yet an adult
  4. Student: a person who is studying at a school, college, or university
  5. Community: a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
  6. Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together and bound in covers
  7. Mother: a female parent of a child or children
  8. Health: the state of being free from illness or injury
  9. Home: a place where one life, especially with one’s family
  10. Case: a particular instance of something; a situation requiring investigation or action
  11. Study: a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation
  12. Family: a group consisting of parents and their children, or relatives
  13. End: the final part of something; the point at which something finishes
  14. Woman: an adult female human being
  15. Force: physical strength or energy; coercion or compulsion
  16. Room: a space in a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling
  17. Job: a paid position of regular employment
  18. Game: an activity engaged in for pleasure or competition
  19. Number: a mathematical value expressed in digits or symbols
  20. Life: the existence of an individual organism, including physical and mental experiences and events.

20 Examples of Common Nouns in Sentences