5 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences

5 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences! Comparative adjectives are a great way to compare two or more things. They are used to describe the similarities and differences between people, places, objects, and ideas. In this article, we will provide 5 examples of comparative adjectives in sentences to help you understand how they are used in everyday language. Comparative adjectives can be a powerful tool for expressing yourself clearly and accurately.

Related: 100 Examples of Comparative Adjectives

Here are five comparative adjectives and examples of how they can be used in sentences:

  1. Bigger – This adjective is used to compare the size of two or more things. It indicates that something is of greater size or magnitude than another thing.


  • The elephant is bigger than the mouse.
  • John’s house is bigger than Mary’s house.
  • The new car is bigger than the old car.
  1. Faster – This adjective is used to compare the speed of two or more things. It indicates that something is of greater speed than another thing.


  • The cheetah is faster than the lion.
  • The airplane is faster than the train.
  • The new internet connection is faster than the old one.
  1. Richer – This adjective is used to compare the wealth or financial status of two or more things. It indicates that something has greater wealth or financial resources than another thing.


  • Bill Gates is richer than Mark Zuckerberg.
  • The company’s revenue this year is richer than last year’s revenue.
  • The Sheikh’s palace is richer than the commoner’s house.
  1. Smarter – This adjective is used to compare the intelligence of two or more things. It indicates that something has greater intelligence or mental capacity than another thing.


  • Albert Einstein was smarter than Thomas Edison.
  • The computer is smarter than the calculator.
  • The AI robot is smarter than the human assistant.
  1. Younger – This adjective is used to compare the age of two or more things. It indicates that something is of a more recent or lesser age than another thing.


  • Jane is younger than John.
  • The new employee is younger than the senior staff.
  • The latest version of the software is younger than the previous version.

5 Examples of Comparative Adjectives in Sentences