3 Degrees of Smooth, Comparative Degree of Smooth, Superlative Degree of Smooth

Meaning of Smooth: having an even and regular surface

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Smooth

The comparative degree of Smooth is the smoother, superlative degree of Smooth is the smoothest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Smooth smoother smoothest

Examples Using Positive Degree Of Smooth:

  • The ice cream was smooth and creamy on my tongue.
  • The polished marble countertop felt cool and smooth.
  • The jazz musician played a smooth and soulful melody.
  • The lotion made my skin feel soft and smooth.
  • The chocolate melted in my mouth, velvety and smooth.
  • The silk fabric was luxurious and smooth against my skin.
  • The car’s ride was smooth and comfortable on the highway.
  • The artist’s brush strokes created a smooth gradient.
  • The dance routine flowed with smooth movements.
  • The river’s surface was calm and smooth in the morning.

Example Using Comparative Degree Of Smooth:

  • The ice cream was smoother than any I had tasted before.
  • The polished marble countertop felt even smoother after cleaning.
  • The jazz musician’s performance was smoother than the previous night.
  • The lotion made my skin feel even softer and smoother.
  • The chocolate melted in my mouth, becoming even more velvety and smoother.
  • The silk fabric was even more luxurious and smoother against my skin.
  • The car’s ride on the newly paved road was smoother than ever.
  • The artist’s brush strokes created an even smoother gradient.
  • The dance routine became smoother with each rehearsal.
  • The river’s surface was calmer and smoother than I had ever seen.

Example Using Superlative Degree Of Smooth:

  • The ice cream was the smoothest I had ever tasted.
  • The polished marble countertop felt like the smoothest surface.
  • The jazz musician’s performance was the smoothest of the entire concert.
  • The lotion made my skin the softest and smoothest it had ever been.
  • The chocolate melted in my mouth, reaching the pinnacle of velvety and smoothest texture.
  • The silk fabric was the most luxurious and smoothest against my skin.
  • The car’s ride on the newly paved road was the smoothest experience.
  • The artist’s brush strokes created the smoothest gradient imaginable.
  • The dance routine flowed with the smoothest movements of the entire show.
  • The river’s surface was the calmest and smoothest I had ever witnessed.

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Complete List: Degree of Adjectives