3 Degrees of Itchy, Comparative Degree of Itchy, Superlative Degree of Itchy

Meaning of Itchy: having or causing an itch.

Comparative and Superlative Degree of Itchy

Comparative degree of itchy is itchier, superlative degree of itchy is itchiest.

Adjective Comparative Superlative
Itchy itchier itchiest

Examples Using Positive Degree of Itchy:

  • The woolen sweater is itchy against my skin.
  • Mosquito bites can be itchy and annoying.
  • The rash on my arm is itchy and red.
  • Her sunburn is causing her skin to feel itchy.
  • The new detergent made my clothes feel itchy.
  • Poison ivy can cause an itchy rash.
  • Scratching an itchy mosquito bite only makes it worse.
  • I can’t sleep at night because of this itchy sweater.
  • The dry air in winter makes my skin itchy.
  • I need to find a solution for my itchy scalp.

Example Using Comparative Degree of Itchy:

  • This wool sweater is itchier than the cotton one.
  • The mosquito bite on my leg is itchier than the one on my arm.
  • The allergic reaction from the new cream is itchier than before.
  • His hives are getting itchier with each passing hour.
  • The poison ivy on my friend’s leg looks itchier than mine.
  • The bug bites on her feet are itchier than on her hands.
  • My cat’s flea bites seem itchier than usual.
  • The new fabric softener made my clothes feel itchier than before.
  • The mosquito bites on my sister’s back are itchier than on her stomach.
  • The sunburn on his face is starting to feel itchier.

Example Using Superlative Degree of Itchy:

  • This wool sweater is the itchiest one I’ve ever worn.
  • The mosquito bite on my foot is the itchiest of them all.
  • His hives are the itchiest he’s ever experienced.
  • The poison ivy on her arm is the itchiest she’s had in years.
  • The bug bites on his legs are the itchiest he’s ever had.
  • My cat’s flea bites are the itchiest they’ve ever been.
  • The new detergent made my clothes feel the itchiest ever.
  • The mosquito bites on my friend’s back are the itchiest he’s had.
  • The sunburn on her shoulders is the itchiest she’s ever felt.
  • The dry air in winter makes my skin the itchiest it’s ever been.

Explore More Adjectives:

Complete List: Degree of Adjectives