20 Sentences in Past Continuous Tense

20 Sentences in Past Continuous Tense! Have you ever wondered how to talk about things that were happening in the past, but are no longer happening? The past continuous tense is a great way to do just that! We’ll provide some examples so you can see how it works in action. So let’s get started!

20 Sentences in Past Continuous Tense

  1. She was showing her picture to the class yesterday morning.
  2. We were studying for a test last night.
  3. I was not studying yesterday.
  4. He was eating lunch outside yesterday afternoon.
  5. The wind was blowing hard yesterday morning.
  6. It wasn’t raining last night, but the sky was very cloudy.
  7. You were teaching your class last week, weren’t you?
  8. The sun was shining yesterday, but it is raining right now.
  9. She wasn’t sleeping last night.
  10. He wasn’t playing with his friends outside yesterday afternoon.
  11. You were teaching your class last week, weren’t you?
  12. I was thinking about you when my mother called me.
  13. Were you doing anything when the phone rang?
  14. I wasn’t feeling very well yesterday, so I didn’t go to work.
  15. We were having dinner when there was a knock at the door.
  16. I was working on a new song when he phoned me.
  17. Were they sleeping when you reached their house?
  18. She was having lunch when she realized that I had been waiting for three hours.
  19. We were watching TV and the power went out.
  20. They were walking in the rain.

Want More Examples? Read 100 Sentences in Past Continuous Tense

20 sentences in past continuous tense