20 Examples of Possessive Adjectives in Sentences

Possessive adjectives are a type of adjective that show ownership or possession, indicating who or what something belongs to.

Related: 100 Examples of Possessive Adjectives

20 Examples of Possessive Adjectives

  1. The book on the table is my favorite novel.
  2. In the garden, their cat often chases after the birds.
  3. At the corner of the room, her guitar stands quietly.
  4. For our anniversary, we’re planning a special dinner.
  5. Underneath your coat, I found the missing book.
  6. Among his collection, the rare stamps are the most prized.
  7. In its nest, the bird keeps its eggs warm.
  8. Within our family, traditions hold a special place.
  9. By your desk, I left the documents you need.
  10. Around her neck, she wore a locket.
  11. Through his efforts, the garden flourished.
  12. Beyond their backyard, the woods hold many secrets.
  13. Beneath your window, a garden blooms.
  14. With my project, I aim to address environmental issues.
  15. Against her wishes, the party was a surprise.
  16. Amidst their conversations, important decisions were made.
  17. Beside his bed, the book lay open.
  18. Following our tradition, we gather for dinner each Sunday.
  19. Within your rights, freedom of speech is paramount.
  20. Against my better judgment, I agreed to the plan.

20 Examples of Possessive Adjectives in Sentences

Last updated on February 8th, 2024 at 09:03 am