20 Examples of Dependent Clauses

Good sentence structure is key to writing well-crafted and comprehensible sentences. Dependent clauses, or subordinate clauses, are an important part of good sentence structure as they provide additional information about the main clause. This article will discuss 20 examples of dependent clauses and how they can be used in sentence construction.

What is a Dependent Clause?

A dependent clause, also known as a subordinate clause, is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought on its own. Because it cannot stand alone as a complete sentence, a dependent clause needs to be attached to an independent clause (a clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence) to form a complex sentence. Dependent clauses often begin with subordinating conjunctions such as although, because, if, since, when, and while.

Here’s an example of a dependent clause:

  • “Since it was raining outside”

In this example, “since” is the subordinating conjunction, “it” is the subject, and “was raining” is the verb. The dependent clause does not convey a complete thought and requires an independent clause to form a complete sentence:

  • “Since it was raining outside, we decided to stay indoors.”

Examples of Dependent Clauses

Here are 20 examples of dependent clauses, each starting with a different subordinating conjunction or relative pronoun:

  1. although the sun was shining
  2. because she practiced every day
  3. if it stops raining later
  4. since you mentioned it
  5. when the clock strikes midnight
  6. while I was walking in the park
  7. before the movie begins
  8. after she finishes her homework
  9. as long as you promise to be careful
  10. until the bell rings
  11. unless you change your mind
  12. provided that you complete the task on time
  13. in case of an emergency
  14. even though she was tired
  15. so that everyone can hear
  16. wherever you go
  17. who lives next door
  18. which is in the attic
  19. that has blue stripes
  20. whose owner is a famous artist

Remember that these dependent clauses need to be combined with an independent clause to form a complete sentence.

For example:

Although the sun was shining, they still needed their jackets because of the chilly wind.”

20 Examples of Dependent Clauses in Sentences

  1. Although the sun was shining, we still wore sunscreen to protect our skin.
  2. She became an excellent pianist because she practiced every day.
  3. We’ll go for a walk if it stops raining later.
  4. I’ve been thinking about that topic since you mentioned it.
  5. Cinderella had to leave the ball when the clock struck midnight.
  6. I found a beautiful feather while I was walking in the park.
  7. Please find your seats before the movie begins.
  8. She can watch TV after she finishes her homework.
  9. You can borrow my car as long as you promise to be careful.
  10. Students must stay in their classrooms until the bell rings.
  11. We won’t go to the party unless you change your mind.
  12. You will receive a bonus provided that you complete the task on time.
  13. Keep a flashlight handy in case of an emergency.
  14. She finished her work even though she was tired.
  15. Speak loudly so that everyone can hear.
  16. I will be with you wherever you go.
  17. The lady who lives next door is a famous author.
  18. I found an old photo album which is in the attic.
  19. He bought a shirt that has blue stripes.
  20. She adopted a dog whose owner is a famous artist.

20 examples of dependent clauses

10 examples of dependent clauses