Demonstrative adjectives are words that point to specific nouns or pronouns, clarifying their proximity or distance, typically identified as “this,” “that,” “these,” and “those.”
Examples of Demonstrative Adjectives in Sentences
- This apple is the juiciest of all.
- Can you reach that book on the top shelf?
- These cookies are absolutely delicious.
- I haven’t seen those movies yet.
- Is this seat taken?
- That idea seems quite innovative.
- These flowers in the garden are blooming beautifully.
- Those stars seem brighter tonight.
- Can you believe this weather we’re having?
- That painting is truly a masterpiece.
- These puzzles are quite challenging.
- Do those glasses belong to you?
- This task is more difficult than I expected.
- That song has been stuck in my head all day.
- These shoes are really comfortable.
- Those clouds look like they might bring rain.
- This book you recommended is fascinating.
- I can’t seem to find that pen I was using.
- These days, good news seems rare.
- Those were the best moments of the trip.