17 Sentences Using ‘MAY’, MAY in Example Sentences

MAY is a very useful word in the English language. It has many different uses and can be used to express possibilities, permission, requests, and more. In this article, we will take a closer look at 17 sentences using MAY. We will explore how MAY can be used in a variety of ways in everyday situations. With the help of these sentences, you will be able to understand how this versatile word works in English conversations and writing.

may in example sentences

Sentences Using ‘MAY’

  1. I may pray for you.
  2. I may have a headache.
  3. If I may say so myself, my work is very good.
  4. I may be wrong about this.
  5. I may get fired for this!
  6. I may have to look for another job after this.
  7. I may get the house if they don’t pay the mortgage.
  8. I may be able to finish it in time after all.
  9. I may have been wrong about that.
  10. I may not be able to afford a house like this.
  11. I may eat at the restaurant tonight, or I may cook at home.
  12. I may be late for work tomorrow.
  13. You may use my car if you want to go out.
  14. I may do my homework later.
  15. You may borrow my car if you promise to be careful with it.
  16. I may have to work overtime today.
  17. You may call me on my cell phone if you need anything.

Negative Sentences Using May | Sentence Of May Not

  1. She may not make it to the party on time.
  2. We may not be able to finish the project by tomorrow.
  3. He may not understand what you are trying to explain.
  4. 4 They may not agree with your decision.
  5. I may not have enough money to buy that dress.
  6. They may not be interested in joining the club.
  7. She may not be able to keep up with the other students in her class.
  8. He may not pass the exam without extra help.
  9. You may not view the entire movie due to technical difficulties.
  10. We may not have enough time to complete the task.

Interrogative Sentences Using May

  1. May she come to the party?
  2. May we finish the project on time?
  3. May he understand what I am trying to explain?
  4. May they agree with your decision?
  5. May I have enough money to buy that dress?
  6. May they be interested in joining the club?
  7. May she keep up with the other students in her class?
  8. May he pass the exam without extra help?
  9. May you view the entire movie without technical difficulties?
  10. May we have enough time to complete the task?


  1. Sentences Using ‘CAN’
  2. Sentences Using ‘MUST’
  3. Sentences Using ‘WILL’
  4. Sentences Using ‘SHALL’