15 Examples of Prepositions of Time

15 Examples of Prepositions of time! Time is one of the most important concepts in language, and learning how to use prepositions of time can help you communicate more effectively. Prepositions of time are words that express when something happens or happened. It’s essential to understand prepositions of time if you’re trying to master a foreign language or simply become more proficient in your native language. This article will provide 15 examples of prepositions of time for reference.

15 Examples of Prepositions of Time

15 Examples of Prepositions of Time

  1. In the morning
  2. At night
  3. On Tuesday
  4. In May
  5. At 2:30 pm
  6. On Christmas Day
  7. In the summer
  8. At midnight
  9. On New Year’s Eve
  10. In the afternoon
  11. At sunrise
  12. On Halloween
  13. In the fall
  14. At lunchtime
  15. On weekends

Related: 20 Examples of Prepositions of Time

15 Prepositions of Time in Sentences

  1. In the morning, I like to have a cup of coffee and read the news.
  2. At night, the city is lit up with beautiful lights.
  3. On Tuesday, I have a meeting with my boss.
  4. In May, the flowers begin to bloom and the weather gets warmer.
  5. At 2:30 pm, I have an appointment with my doctor.
  6. On Christmas Day, my family and I exchange gifts and share a meal.
  7. In the summer, I like to go to the beach and swim in the ocean.
  8. At midnight, the city is usually very quiet.
  9. On New Year’s Eve, people often celebrate with fireworks and parties.
  10. In the afternoon, I like to take a break and go for a walk.
  11. At sunrise, the sky is painted with beautiful colors.
  12. On Halloween, kids dress up in costumes and go trick-or-treating.
  13. In the fall, the leaves change colors and fall from the trees.
  14. At lunchtime, I usually eat a sandwich or salad.
  15. On weekends, I like to relax and spend time with my family and friends.