15 Examples of Linking Verbs in Sentences

15 Examples of Linking Verbs in Sentences! Linking verbs is a vital part of English language grammar, allowing us to express a variety of thoughts and ideas. They help to create complex sentences that draw connections between different topics and concepts. In this article, we will discuss fifteen examples of linking verbs in sentences. We will explore the structure and purpose of each sentence, and how linking verbs can help to create more sophisticated language.

Related: 100 Examples of Linking Verbs

15 Examples of Linking Verbs in Sentences 1

Examples of Linking Verbs in Sentences

Below are 15 examples of linking verbs with answers:

  1. She is a doctor. (is)
  2. The flowers smell lovely. (smell)
  3. He seems happy today. (seems)
  4. The cake tastes delicious. (tastes)
  5. They appear tired after the long hike. (appear)
  6. The sky looks blue today. (looks)
  7. The music sounds soothing. (sounds)
  8. The water feels cold to the touch. (feels)
  9. The party was great fun. (was)
  10. She became a teacher after finishing her degree. (became)
  11. The book remains on the shelf untouched. (remains)
  12. The coffee turned cold after being left out. (turned)
  13. His mood grew sour as the day went on. (grew)
  14. The leaves turn yellow in the fall. (turn)
  15. The sun sets in the west every day. (sets)

15 Examples of Linking Verbs in Sentences