15 Examples of Countable Nouns in Sentences

15 Examples of Countable Nouns in Sentences

Must Read:

100 Examples of Countable Nouns

15 Examples of Countable Nouns in Sentences

  1. She was dressed in a yellow dress.
  2. He turned off the machine and walked out of the room.
  3. The air in the room was musty and stale.
  4. The young boy sat in a dark corner.
  5. He sat down after removing his coat.
  6. I take Italian classes at the local community college.
  7. A zebra group was roused by a shot.
  8. Toss it in the corner/over there.
  9. In that room, I heard a girl squeal.
  10. This coat can withstand a lot of abuse.
  11. We were able to save the boy who had fallen into the river.
  12. In the box, there is a pencil.
  13. The carpenters started laying the floor in the room.
  14. He became a full member of the college.
  15. A horse is a large and powerful animal.