100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences! Do you want to learn how to use superlative adjectives in sentences? This article will provide you with 100 examples of superlative adjectives in sentences. You’ll get to see just how expansive your vocabulary can be when you use these words correctly.

We’ll cover examples from everyday conversations and formal writing, making sure that you have plenty of options for any kind of situation. Whether you’re a native English speaker or a language learner, you’ll find something helpful here!

100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives

Adjective Comparative Superlative
1. fair fairer fairest
2. old older/elder oldest/eldest
3. brief briefer briefest
4. great greater greatest
5. scary scarier scariest
6. close closer closest
7. icy icier iciest
8. smooth smoother smoothest
9. cool cooler coolest
10. late later latest
11. sweet sweeter sweetest
12. brave braver bravest
13. greasy greasier greasiest
14. sane saner sanest
15. dull duller dullest
16. near nearer nearest
17. cheap cheaper cheapest
18. hard harder hardest
19. slim slimmer slimmest
20. dark darker darkest
21. messy messier messiest
22. warm warmer warmest
23. creepy creepier creepiest
24. likely likelier likeliest
25. tasty tastier tastiest
26. filthy filthier filthiest
27. proud prouder proudest
28. chewy chewier chewiest
29. harsh harsher harshest
30. slimy slimier slimiest
31. calm calmer calmest
32. handy handier handiest
33. skinny skinnier skinniest
34. chubby chubbier chubbiest
35. healthy healthier healthiest
36. slow slower slowest
37. busy busier busiest
38. hairy hairier hairiest
39. sincere sincerer sincerest
40. firm firmer firmest
41. quick quicker quickest
42. coarse coarser coarsest
43. kind kinder kindest
44. sore sorer sorest
45. angry angrier angriest
46. flaky flakier flakiest
47. rare rarer rarest
48. fierce fiercer fiercest
49. pretty prettier prettiest
50. fit fitter fittest
51. quiet quieter quietest
52. dense denser densest
53. narrow narrower narrowest
54. curvy curvier curviest
55. low lower lowest
56. tough tougher toughest
57. bitter bitterer bitterest
58. friendly friendlier friendliest
59. roomy roomier roomiest
60. calm calmer calmest
61. happy happier happiest
62. sleepy sleepier sleepiest
63. cruel crueller cruellest
64. long longer longest
65. thin thinner thinnest
66. dusty dustier dustiest
67. nice nicer nicest
68. faint fainter faintest
69. oily oilier oiliest
70. bland blander blandest
71. classy classier classiest
72. funny funnier funniest
73. hip hipper hippest
74. rude ruder rudest
75. small smaller smallest
76. cold colder coldest
77. large larger largest
78. sweaty sweatier sweatiest
79. fancy fancier fanciest
80. plain plainer plainest
81. clean cleaner cleanest
82. hot hotter hottest
83. smart smarter smartest
84. blue bluer bluest
85. fat fatter fattest
86. good better best
87. polite politer politest
88. sad sadder saddest
89. deadly deadlier deadliest
90. mild milder mildest
91. weak weaker weakest
92. clear clear clearest
93. humble humbler humblest
94. smelly smellier smelliest
95. crispy crispier crispiest
96. little littler littlest
97. thick thicker thickest
98. crunchy crunchier crunchiest
99. loud louder loudest
100. thirsty thirstier thirstiest

Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

  1. It is the most prized possession in my home.
  2. That is, without a doubt, the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.
  3. She was the boldest person I’ve met, never afraid to take risks.
  4. The weakest link in a chain is the weakest link.
  5. He was the cleverest person in the room, coming up with creative solutions to problems.
  6. It was by far the most amusing story I’d ever heard.
  7. I felt the calmest I’ve ever felt when I was lying on the beach, listening to the waves.
  8. He outscored his nearest competitor by 20 points.
  9. The bluest ocean I’ve ever seen was in Hawaii.
  10. His most prized possession was the portrait.
  11. It’s the simplest thing to do to send her flowers.
  12. I felt the calmest I’ve ever been after meditating for an hour.
  13. That is the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard.
  14. She’s the worst singer I’ve ever heard.
  15. She always has the coolest outfits, with a unique sense of style.
  16. It’s one of the most amusing things I’ve ever seen.
  17. Every man’s worst enemy is himself.
  18. That was the cheapest hotel room I’ve ever booked, but it was surprisingly nice.
  19. You are her closest confidante and friend.
  20. The bridge was the broadest one I’ve ever crossed, spanning over a river.
  21. The most dreadful misfortunes are those that never occur.
  22. The chewiest steak I’ve ever had was like rubber.
  23. Act II featured one of the most hilarious scenes I’ve ever seen.
  24. The brightest star in the sky shone brightly that night.
  25. In the worst-case scenario, nuclear war could be launched.
  26. Its tallest volcano, Olympus Mons, has been extinct for a long time.
  27. I felt like the clumsiest person in the room, constantly bumping into things.
  28. The thread snaps at its weakest point.
  29. Halifax, Nova Scotia, was the closest safe anchorage.
  30. I don’t have the foggiest idea what you’re talking about.
  31. Her tone lacked even the tiniest hint of irony.
  32. At the weekend, one of her closest friends passed away.
  33. He arranged the dolls in order of height from tallest to shortest.
  34. Our worst fears were confirmed by the doctor’s report.
  35. First thing in the morning, I’m at my worst.
  36. The angriest cat I’ve ever seen scratched my hand.
  37. It had been one of the coldest Decembers in recorded history.
  38. The busiest airport in the world never seems to slow down.
  39. Chapter 6 contains one of the book’s funniest scenes.
  40. The crispiest french fries I’ve ever tasted were from that food truck.
  41. Lucy has always been one of my closest friends.
  42. We are all “were,” with our closest happiness blurred.
  43. Jules and Ady are two of my closest friends.
  44. This year’s hottest tickets are for computer science graduates.
  45. The biggest apple in the basket caught my attention.
  46. The baby was the chubbiest one I’ve ever seen, with adorable little rolls of fat.
  47. The worst part is that you can’t do anything about it.
  48. The busiest time of day at the restaurant is during the lunch rush.
  49. The fire that is kept the closest burns the most.
  50. The Arctic Ocean is the world’s coldest ocean.
  51. She always dressed in the classiest clothes, looking elegant and sophisticated.
  52. Taking hardwood cuttings is the simplest way to propagate a vine.
  53. I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about!
  54. The blackest night sky was mesmerizing to behold.
  55. This is the most severe storm we’ve seen in years.
  56. The succession was handed down to the closest living relative.
  57. The hotel room was the cleanest one I’ve ever stayed in, spotless and well-maintained.
  58. The worst nemesis is inward suffering.
  59. He’s the craziest person I’ve ever met, always doing wild and unpredictable things.
  60. She is one of my closest friends.
  61. She’s the craziest driver I’ve ever ridden with, weaving in and out of traffic and taking sharp turns at high speeds.
  62. The company must concentrate on its most important customers.
  63. The most straightforward way to take a fortress is from within.
  64. The coldest day of the year was the day the pipes froze.
  65. It’s the hottest day I’ve ever experienced.
  66. The show went on to become the biggest flop in television history.
  67. The smallest deed is preferable to the noblest intention.
  68. The presentation was the briefest one I’ve ever given, lasting only five minutes.
  69. The vice president is her closest rival.
  70. Gouter, the goalkeeper, was the weakest link.
  71. The month of August was one of the hottest on record.
  72. Among her classmates, she is the tallest.
  73. Richard is the most egotistical person I’ve ever met.
  74. The sandpaper was the coarsest I’ve ever used, scratching my skin.
  75. We won’t be able to finish until next Friday at the earliest.
  76. The bitterest medicine I’ve tasted made me gag.
  77. St. Louis was the closest major city.
  78. The blandest dish I’ve ever eaten was tasteless.
  79. By all accounts, today is the coldest day of the year.
  80. The store is the closest one to my house, only a five-minute walk away.
  81. This is the coldest winter I’ve ever experienced
  82. That was the funniest thing I’d ever heard, I thought.
  83. Cigar commercials are among the most amusing on television.
  84. The second trimester of a pregnancy is usually the most comfortable.
  85. My mom is the bossiest person in our household, always telling us what to do.
  86. We’ve arrived at the most heated part of the election campaign.
  87. The water in the lake was the clearest I’ve ever seen, with fish swimming in it.
  88. Winter is when the weather is at its worst.
  89. The bravest firefighter rushed into the burning building to save the child.
  90. It was the most severe storm in years.
  91. The sky was the cloudiest I’ve ever seen, with dark, ominous clouds gathering overhead.
  92. It was the most humbling experience of my life.
  93. This is the worst movie I’ve ever watched.
  94. The couple is the hottest property in Hollywood.
  95. The bloodiest battle in history lasted for days.
  96. It had been the worst day of my life.
  97. My earliest memories of my mother are of her bending over my cot.
  98. Taking a taxi is the most convenient option.
  99. Her eyes had the faintest hint of a tear in them.
  100. What is the location of the nearest Mexican restaurant?

100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences

100 Examples of Superlative Adjectives in Sentences


  1. 50 Examples of Superlative Adjectives
  2. 20 Examples of Superlative Adjectives
  3. 15 Examples of Superlative Adjectives