100 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences

100 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences! Adverbs of time are an important part of the English language, and mastering them is key to effective communication. They are versatile tools that can be used to establish a timeline within a sentence, express frequency, and provide emphasis. This article provides 100 examples of adverbs of time in sentences to help readers better understand their usage and function.

From simple daily activities to complex calculations, these sentences demonstrate the breadth of adverbial expressions available in English.

100 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences

  1. I will meet you soon.
  2. We have to leave now.
  3. He yesterday apologized for his behavior.
  4. She always wakes up early.
  5. They arrived late to the party.
  6. The concert begins tonight at 8pm.
  7. I visit my grandparents often.
  8. She is currently working on a new project.
  9. We will go on vacation next week.
  10. He left immediately after the meeting.
  11. I saw her last night at the restaurant.
  12. The store opens daily at 9am.
  13. I will call you back shortly.
  14. She is constantly checking her phone.
  15. He is always late for work.
  16. The bus arrives frequently at this stop.
  17. I used to play tennis regularly.
  18. She is already finished with her work.
  19. They left early in the morning.
  20. I will finish this task later.
  21. He has been sick recently.
  22. She is never on time.
  23. We will meet up tomorrow.
  24. The sun rises daily in the east.
  25. I will come to the party tonight.
  26. He finally finished the project.
  27. She is usually very organized.
  28. They will return soon from their trip.
  29. I will call you back later.
  30. The meeting starts in an hour.
  31. I read books often before bed.
  32. She is currently living abroad.
  33. We will have a meeting next month.
  34. He will be back shortly.
  35. I saw him recently at the gym.
  36. She often forgets her keys.
  37. They are already at the restaurant.
  38. I will meet you later today.
  39. He has recently started a new job.
  40. She is usually very punctual.
  41. We will go to the beach this weekend.
  42. The plane arrives daily at this airport.
  43. I will be home tonight.
  44. He finally got the promotion he deserved.
  45. She is constantly studying for exams.
  46. They are never on time.
  47. I will finish the report later.
  48. The conference starts next week.
  49. I exercise regularly at the gym.
  50. She is already on her way home.
  51. We will meet tomorrow afternoon.
  52. The sun sets daily in the west.
  53. I will call you back in a few minutes.
  54. He is always
  55. She recently bought a new car.
  56. They left early in the morning.
  57. I will come to the event tonight.
  58. The movie starts in ten minutes.
  59. He finally found his lost keys.
  60. She is currently reading a book.
  61. We will go on a trip next year.
  62. I will finish this task by tomorrow.
  63. The concert ends later tonight.
  64. I watch TV often before going to bed.
  65. She is always in a hurry.
  66. They will return soon from their vacation.
  67. I will call you back later this evening.
  68. He has been working hard recently.
  69. She is usually very busy.
  70. We will have dinner together tonight.
  71. The store closes daily at 9pm.
  72. I will come to your party next month.
  73. He left the room immediately after the argument.
  74. She often goes to the gym in the morning.
  75. They are already on the bus.
  76. I will meet you at the park later this afternoon.
  77. The play starts in an hour and a half.
  78. He finally passed his driving test.
  79. She is currently studying for her exams.
  80. We will have a meeting later this week.
  81. The sun shines daily in the sky.
  82. I will be there for you tonight.
  83. He has recently moved to a new city.
  84. She is never satisfied with her work.
  85. We will visit our family next weekend.
  86. I will finish the project by the end of the week.
  87. The train arrives frequently at this station.
  88. He always takes his time in making decisions.
  89. She is currently traveling around the world.
  90. They will return soon from their business trip.
  91. I will call you back later this week.
  92. The lecture starts in ten minutes.
  93. He finally learned how to play the guitar.
  94. She is constantly checking her email.
  95. We will go to the museum next Saturday.
  96. The sun sets daily in the west.
  97. I will meet you at the airport later this evening.
  98. He has been sick recently.
  99. She is usually very quiet.
  100. We will have a party this weekend.

100 Examples of Adverbs of Time in Sentences