10 Examples of Intransitive verbs in Sentences

10 Examples of Intransitive Verbs in Sentences! Intransitive verbs are verbs that do not require a direct object to complete their action. These verbs usually convey an action or a state of being that doesn’t require any further action or involvement of someone or something.

Related: 100 Examples of Intransitive Verbs

10 Examples of Intransitive Verbs in Sentences

10 Examples of Intransitive Verbs

  1. Laugh
  2. Sleep
  3. Arrive
  4. Disappear
  5. Fall
  6. Cry
  7. Run
  8. Shine
  9. Swim
  10. Wonder

10 Examples of Intransitive Verbs in Sentences

Here are 10 examples of intransitive verbs in sentences:

1. The sun rose.

(The verb “rose” doesn’t take a direct object and doesn’t require any further action. It is complete in itself.)

2. She laughed.

(The verb “laughed” doesn’t require any direct object to complete the action.)

3. The bird flew away.

(The verb “flew” doesn’t need a direct object, it conveys an action without having to act on something or someone.)

4. He ran quickly.

(The verb “ran” doesn’t require a direct object to convey the action of running.)

5. The leaves fell from the tree.

(The verb “fell” doesn’t require a direct object, it conveys an action without having to act on something or someone.)

6. The children played in the park.

(The verb “played” doesn’t require any direct object to complete the action.)

7. The water boiled.

(The verb “boiled” doesn’t require any direct object to complete the action.)

8. The wind blew fiercely.

(The verb “blew” doesn’t need a direct object, it conveys an action without having to act on something or someone.)

9. The cat slept on the windowsill.

(The verb “slept” doesn’t require any direct object to complete the action.)

10. The flowers bloomed in the spring.

(The verb “bloomed” doesn’t require any direct object to convey the action of blooming.)