30+ Slang for What’s Up (with Meanings & Uses)

What does What’s Up Mean?

“What’s up?” is a casual and colloquial greeting often used to ask how someone is doing or inquire about their current activities or state of affairs. It’s a way to initiate conversation and show interest in the other person’s well-being.

Slang for What’s Up

Slang Words for What’s Up

Here is the list of slang words for What’s Up:

  1. Hey
  2. Sup
  3. Howdy
  4. Yo
  5. Wazzup
  6. ‘S’up
  7. Hiya
  8. G’day
  9. Wassup
  10. Allo
  11. Hola
  12. Bonjour
  13. Hey there
  14. What’s crackin’
  15. How’s it hangin’
  16. How’s life
  17. What’s the word
  18. How’s tricks
  19. What’s new
  20. How’s things
  21. How’s the vibe
  22. How’s the scene
  23. How’s your world
  24. How’s your day
  25. How’s your game
  26. How’s your grind
  27. How’s your hustle
  28. How’s your flow
  29. How’s your mood
  30. How’s your groove

Slang Terms for What’s Up with Meanings

  1. Hey: Informal greeting or attention getter.
  2. Sup: Short for “What’s up.”
  3. Howdy: Casual greeting, often southern American.
  4. Yo: Informal greeting or attention getter.
  5. Wazzup: Energetic greeting, variation of “What’s up.”
  6. ‘S’up: Abbreviated form of “What’s up.”
  7. Hiya: Informal and friendly greeting.
  8. G’day: Australian greeting, short for “Good day.”
  9. Wassup: Casual variation of “What’s up.”
  10. Allo: Informal greeting, variation of “Hello.”
  11. Hola: Spanish for “Hello.”
  12. Bonjour: French for “Hello.”
  13. Hey there: Friendly and familiar greeting.
  14. What’s crackin’: Asking what’s happening or new.
  15. How’s it hangin’: Asking about someone’s well-being.
  16. How’s life: Inquiring about someone’s overall state.
  17. What’s the word: Asking for news or information.
  18. How’s tricks: How are things going?
  19. What’s new: Asking for recent updates.
  20. How’s things: Inquiring about general well-being.
  21. How’s the vibe: Asking about the atmosphere.
  22. How’s the scene: Asking about the situation.
  23. How’s your world: Inquiring about someone’s life.
  24. How’s your day: Asking about their day’s events.
  25. How’s your game: Asking about performance.
  26. How’s your grind: Asking about efforts.
  27. How’s your hustle: Asking about work.
  28. How’s your flow: Asking about creativity or rhythm.
  29. How’s your mood: Inquiring about emotional state.
  30. How’s your groove: Asking about rhythm or style.

Use of What’s Up Slangs in Example Sentences

  1. Passed by and said, “Hey, what’s up?”
  2. Texted my friend: “Sup, wanna hang out?”
  3. Howdy, partner! Ready for some fun today?
  4. Yo, haven’t seen you in ages, let’s catch up!
  5. Wazzup? Ready to rock this party tonight?
  6. ‘S’up? Got any plans for the weekend?
  7. Hiya, nice to meet you at the event.
  8. G’day, mate! How’s life down under?
  9. Wassup! Long time no chat, how you been?
  10. Allo, my dear friend! Ready for adventure?
  11. Hola, amigo! Let’s hit the beach this weekend.
  12. Bonjour, everyone! Welcome to this lovely gathering.
  13. Hey there, how’s your day treating you?
  14. Wondering, “What’s crackin’?” for the weekend plans.
  15. Checking in on a friend: “How’s it hangin’?”
  16. Meeting up, asking, “How’s life on your end?”
  17. Just got here, “What’s the word” on everything?
  18. Asking a friend, “How’s tricks” on your side?
  19. Reuniting with excitement, “What’s new” in your life?
  20. Chatting with an old pal, “How’s things” these days?
  21. Entering the party, asking, “How’s the vibe” here?
  22. Arriving at the scene, “How’s the scene” tonight?
  23. Catching up, wondering, “How’s your world” been lately?
  24. Greeting a colleague, “How’s your day” been going?
  25. Playing some basketball, asking, “How’s your game”?
  26. Discussing projects, inquiring, “How’s your grind” lately?
  27. Meeting for coffee, asking, “How’s your hustle” lately?
  28. Jamming together, asking, “How’s your flow” today?
  29. Noticing a friend, “How’s your mood” these days?
  30. Dancing at the party, “How’s your groove” tonight?

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