20+ Slang for High (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does High Mean?

Being “high” refers to a state of altered consciousness, usually resulting from the use of psychoactive substances like drugs or alcohol.

Slang For High

Slang Words for High

  1. Lit: Very intoxicated or excited.
  2. Stoned: Under the influence of marijuana.
  3. Buzzed: Mildly intoxicated.
  4. Baked: Extremely high on marijuana.
  5. Wasted: Severely intoxicated by alcohol or drugs.
  6. Fried: Mentally exhausted or high.
  7. Zooted: Extremely intoxicated.
  8. Blitzed: Highly intoxicated, beyond control.
  9. Lifted: Elevated mood due to drugs.
  10. Toasted: Mildly high on marijuana.
  11. Faded: Intoxicated to the point of dysfunction.
  12. Ripped: High, especially on marijuana.
  13. Loopy: Act strange due to intoxication.
  14. Roasted: Intensely high.
  15. Blown: Surprised or high on drugs.
  16. Tripping: Experiencing hallucinogenic effects.
  17. Skyed: Feeling on top of the world.
  18. Cranked: Highly energized or high.
  19. Plastered: Extremely drunk.
  20. Sloshed: Quite drunk, to a sloppy degree.

Use of High Slang in Example Sentences

  1. She got blazed at the party last night.
  2. The music was loud and everyone was lit.
  3. I can’t think straight; I’m too fried.
  4. He was so zooted he couldn’t speak properly.
  5. She’s just buzzed, not fully drunk.
  6. He was stoned and watching cartoons all evening.
  7. She was so wasted, she forgot her own name.
  8. He’s tripping so hard he thinks he’s a bird.
  9. After two drinks, he was already faded.
  10. The prices at that bar are sky-high.
  11. They were just toasted, not causing any trouble.
  12. I feel so lifted after that concert.
  13. He got baked and then ate a whole pizza.
  14. She was ripped and couldn’t find her keys.
  15. He got sloshed and missed the last train.
  16. They’re all gassed up with nowhere to go.
  17. She’s so looped, she can’t even text.
  18. I was smashed at that New Year’s party.
  19. He got hammered and slept through the whole day.
  20. I’m so jazzed up after that energy drink.

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