20+ Slang for Dmt (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Dmt Mean?

DMT stands for Dimethyltryptamine, a powerful psychedelic compound found in certain plants and animals. It is often used for its mind-altering effects, which include intense visuals and a sense of transcending time and space.

Slang For Dmt

Slang Words for Dmt

  1. Spirit Molecule – Spiritual psychedelic compound
  2. Deemsters – Another name for DMT
  3. Businessman’s Trip – Short-lasting experience
  4. Changa – DMT-infused smoking blend
  5. Jungle Spice – Crude DMT extract
  6. Elf Spice – Reference to ‘machine elves’
  7. Hyper-Space – DMT-induced realm
  8. DMTea – DMT-infused drink
  9. Divine Moment – Spiritual breakthrough
  10. Breakthrough – Intense DMT trip
  11. Crystal Jester – Mystical DMT entity
  12. Fairy Dust – DMT crystals
  13. God Molecule – Spiritual connotation
  14. Toad Venom – 5-MeO-DMT source
  15. Tryptamine Palace – DMT experience
  16. Cosmic Key – Unlocking other dimensions
  17. Ego Death – Loss of self-identity
  18. Vape Juice – DMT in e-liquid
  19. Third Eye Spice – Psychic awareness
  20. Mind Candy – Enticing mental experience

Use of Dmt Slang in Example Sentences

  1. The documentary explores the Spirit Molecule and its effects.
  2. He decided to try Deemsters for the first time.
  3. It’s often called a Businessman’s Trip due to its brevity.
  4. They mixed the DMT with herbs to make Changa.
  5. She opted for Jungle Spice for a more rustic experience.
  6. Many people report seeing ‘machine elves’ with Elf Spice.
  7. The visuals transported him into Hyper-Space quickly.
  8. Some prefer to consume it as DMTea.
  9. He felt he had a Divine Moment during the trip.
  10. This dosage could lead to a Breakthrough experience.
  11. She felt like she met the Crystal Jester during her trip.
  12. He carefully measured out the Fairy Dust before smoking.
  13. For some, it is considered the God Molecule.
  14. Toad Venom contains a powerful variant of DMT.
  15. He described his trip as a visit to the Tryptamine Palace.
  16. Users claim it’s like a Cosmic Key to another dimension.
  17. She experienced Ego Death and felt reborn.
  18. They used Vape Juice for a smoother experience.
  19. It’s as if Third Eye Spice opened his psychic awareness.
  20. The trip was like a dose of Mind Candy for him.

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