20+ Slang for Bewildered (Their Uses & Meanings)

What does Bewildered Mean?

Bewildered means feeling confused or disoriented. The word originates from the combination of “be-” (thoroughly) and “wildered” (led astray or lured into the wilds).

Slang For Bewildered

Slang Words for Bewildered

  1. Bamboozled – Thoroughly confused.
  2. Flummoxed – Deeply perplexed.
  3. Thrown – Taken off guard.
  4. Befuddled – Muddled or stumped.
  5. Zonked – Completely dumbfounded.
  6. Lost – Totally unsure.
  7. Spaced – Mentally not present.
  8. Stumped – Can’t figure out.
  9. Gobsmacked – Utterly astonished.
  10. Shell-shocked – Extremely shocked.
  11. Perplexed – Thoroughly puzzled.
  12. Mystified – Completely baffled.
  13. At sea – Feeling lost.
  14. Buffaloed – Overwhelmed with confusion.
  15. Dazed – Temporarily unable to think.
  16. Twisted up – Confused or mixed up.
  17. Mind-blown – Profoundly astounded.
  18. Off the mark – Not understanding.
  19. Out of the loop – Unaware or uninformed.
  20. Boggled – Overwhelmed by surprise.

Use of Bewildered Slangs in Example Sentences

  1. I was completely bamboozled by the puzzle.
  2. The magic trick left me flummoxed.
  3. The sudden question left her thrown.
  4. The riddle had me befuddled.
  5. I’m zonked by this new math problem.
  6. In the new city, I felt lost.
  7. After the movie, he looked spaced.
  8. That question really has me stumped.
  9. The news left her utterly gobsmacked.
  10. After the loud noise, he was shell-shocked.
  11. I’m completely perplexed by this decision.
  12. The magic trick left me mystified.
  13. Without a map, I’m at sea.
  14. The sudden change left me buffaloed.
  15. She looked dazed after the spin.
  16. His instructions got me twisted up.
  17. That revelation left me mind-blown.
  18. Your guess is a bit off the mark.
  19. I’ve been out of the loop lately.
  20. The concept has my mind boggled.

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