What does Bewildered Mean?
Bewildered means feeling confused or disoriented. The word originates from the combination of “be-” (thoroughly) and “wildered” (led astray or lured into the wilds).
Slang Words for Bewildered
- Bamboozled – Thoroughly confused.
- Flummoxed – Deeply perplexed.
- Thrown – Taken off guard.
- Befuddled – Muddled or stumped.
- Zonked – Completely dumbfounded.
- Lost – Totally unsure.
- Spaced – Mentally not present.
- Stumped – Can’t figure out.
- Gobsmacked – Utterly astonished.
- Shell-shocked – Extremely shocked.
- Perplexed – Thoroughly puzzled.
- Mystified – Completely baffled.
- At sea – Feeling lost.
- Buffaloed – Overwhelmed with confusion.
- Dazed – Temporarily unable to think.
- Twisted up – Confused or mixed up.
- Mind-blown – Profoundly astounded.
- Off the mark – Not understanding.
- Out of the loop – Unaware or uninformed.
- Boggled – Overwhelmed by surprise.
Use of Bewildered Slangs in Example Sentences
- I was completely bamboozled by the puzzle.
- The magic trick left me flummoxed.
- The sudden question left her thrown.
- The riddle had me befuddled.
- I’m zonked by this new math problem.
- In the new city, I felt lost.
- After the movie, he looked spaced.
- That question really has me stumped.
- The news left her utterly gobsmacked.
- After the loud noise, he was shell-shocked.
- I’m completely perplexed by this decision.
- The magic trick left me mystified.
- Without a map, I’m at sea.
- The sudden change left me buffaloed.
- She looked dazed after the spin.
- His instructions got me twisted up.
- That revelation left me mind-blown.
- Your guess is a bit off the mark.
- I’ve been out of the loop lately.
- The concept has my mind boggled.
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