20+ Slang for Absolutely (Their Uses & Meanings)

“Absolutely” is an adverb that is commonly used to express complete agreement, certainty, or affirmation. It emphasizes a strong and unequivocal affirmation or confirmation of a statement or idea.

Slang For Absolutely

Slang Words for Absolutely

Here is the list of slang words for absolutely:

  1. Totally
  2. For sure
  3. Def
  4. No doubt
  5. 100%
  6. Spot on
  7. Right on
  8. Dead on
  9. Yep
  10. Uh-huh
  11. On point
  12. No cap
  13. Without a doubt
  14. Legit
  15. True that
  16. You bet
  17. No lie
  18. For real
  19. Without question
  20. Bingo
  21. Exactamundo
  22. Bang on
  23. On the money
  24. On the nose
  25. Straight up
  26. Word
  27. Fo’ shizzle
  28. Ain’t that the truth
  29. You got it
  30. Yep yep

Slang Terms for Absolutely with Meanings

  1. Totally – Completely, without a doubt.
  2. For sure – Definitely, no question.
  3. Def – Definitely, without a doubt.
  4. No doubt – Certainly, for sure.
  5. 100% – Completely certain.
  6. Spot on – Exactly right.
  7. Right on – Agree completely.
  8. Dead on – Precisely accurate.
  9. Yep – Yes, for sure.
  10. Uh-huh – Casual yes.
  11. On point – Perfectly accurate.
  12. No cap – Truly, no lie.
  13. Without a doubt – Totally certain.
  14. Legit – Genuine, for real.
  15. True that – I agree fully.
  16. You bet – Absolutely, indeed.
  17. No lie – Telling the truth.
  18. For real – Not kidding, serious.
  19. Without question – Beyond doubt.
  20. Bingo – Exactly right.
  21. Exactamundo – Precisely correct.
  22. Bang on – Spot on, exactly.
  23. On the money – Accurately right.
  24. On the nose – Precisely correct.
  25. Straight up – Honestly, no lie.
  26. Word – I agree.
  27. Fo’ shizzle – For sure (playful).
  28. Ain’t that the truth – I agree.
  29. You got it – That’s correct.
  30. Yep yep – Enthusiastic yes.

Use of Absolutely Slangs in Example Sentences

  1. That movie was totally amazing!
  2. I’ll be there, for sure.
  3. That’s def a great idea.
  4. She’ll win, no doubt.
  5. I agree with you 100%.
  6. Your answer was spot on.
  7. That’s a great song, right on.
  8. Your prediction was dead on.
  9. You’re going, yep?
  10. She’s coming to the party, uh-huh.
  11. His style is always on point.
  12. He’s really talented, no cap.
  13. She’s the best, without a doubt.
  14. That restaurant is legit awesome.
  15. He’s so funny, true that.
  16. You’ll love this, you bet.
  17. She’s coming, no lie.
  18. That’s a for real great deal.
  19. He knows his stuff, without question.
  20. You found it? Bingo!
  21. That’s the right answer, exactamundo.
  22. Your solution was bang on.
  23. Your calculations are on the money.
  24. That guess was on the nose.
  25. He told me straight up.
  26. Did she say that? Word.
  27. That’s a cool ride, fo’ shizzle.
  28. It’s a hard job, ain’t that the truth?
  29. That’s the right choice, you got it.
  30. You’re joining us, yep yep?

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