300+ Other Words for Sad/Depressed, Synonyms for Sad

Sometimes, having just one word to express all the feelings of your sadness can seem inadequate. We may search for another word or phrase to fully communicate our emotional experience—something that conveys deep sorrow and grief, yet at the same time offers a sense of understanding and consolation

Whether you’re looking for words associated with physical pain, heartache, despair, or simply a gloomy mood, discovering an alternative to “sad” might be exactly what you need and this blog will provide a comprehensive list of potential other words for sad to help get started.

Meaning of Sad: The Meaning of sad is a feeling of unhappiness, sorrow, distress, or grief. It is an emotion characterized by feelings of pessimism and hopelessness.

Meaning of Depressed: Depressed is a feeling of hopelessness, helplessness, despair, and discouragement.

Synonyms For Sad

  1. Unhappy
  2. Gloomy
  3. Glum
  4. Melancholy
  5. Dismal
  6. Downhearted
  7. Dispirited
  8. Low
  9. Heavy-Hearted
  10. Miserable
  11. Dejected
  12. Desolate
  13. Oppressed
  14. Tearful
  15. Upset
  16. Daunted
  17. Pessimistic
  18. Fed Up
  19. Moody
  20. Dolorous

Very Sad Synonyms

1- Mournful

2- Grief-Stricken

3- Despairing

4- Heartbroken

5- Bereft

6- Woebegone

7- Lugubrious

8- Woeful

9- Doleful


11- Disconsolate

12- Forlorn

13- Grievous

14- Wretched

15- Tragic

16- Distressed

17- Hapless

18- Hopeless

19- Pathetic

20-Misery Stricken

Synonyms For Sad and Angry

1- Rageful

2- Fuming

3- Vengeful

4- Ireful

5- Vehement

6- Indignant

7- Spiteful

8- Enraged

9- Exasperated


11- Resentful

12- Ire

13- Furious

14- Bitter

15- Choleric

16- Apathetic

17- Vindictive

18- Disgruntled

19- Hostile


Synonyms For Sad and Happy

1- Contented

2- Joyful

3- Grateful

4- Blissful

5- Jubilant

6- Cheerful

7- Elation

8- Exhilarated

9- Satisfied


11- Thrilled

12- Contented

13- Blithe

14- Optimistic

15- Gleeful

16- Exultant

17- Delighted

18- Ecstatic

19- Enchanted


Another Word for Low Mood

1- Despondency

2- Depression

3- Dejection

4- Despair

5- Languor

6- Malaise

7- Melancholia

8- Woefulness

9- Unhappiness


11- Sorrowful

12- Dolefulness

13- Misanthropy

14- Uncheerful

15- Penitential

16- Misery

17- Tristful

18- Weariness

19- Forloness


Words To Describe Depression and Anxiety

1- Terrified

2- Panicked

3- Stressed

4- Uneasy

5- Overwhelmed

6- Hopelessness

7- Powerless

8- Worried

9- Anxious


11- Nervous

12- Tormented

13- Insecure

14- Paralyzed

15- Exhausted

16- Deprived

17- Frightened

18- Defeated

19- Agitated


Depressed Synonyms Slang

1- Hungry

2- Blue

3- Down

4- Mopey

5- Bummed

6- Glum

7- Dep

8- Cranky

9- Torn Up

10-Sad Sacks

11- Deflated

12- Dejected

13- Crushed

14- Beat

15- Miserable

16- Grouchy

17- Sad Sacks

18- Gloomy

19- Funksville

20-In A Funk

Sad Words with Deep Meanings

1- Desolate

2- Solitude

3- Loneliness

4- Painful

5- Heartache

6- Tortured

7- Agonizing

8- Ache

9- Mournful


11- Unrequited

12- Morose

13- Misery

14- Wretchedness

15- Suffering

16- Despair

17- Grief

18- Lost

19- Abandoned


Other Words for Sad

  1. Blue devils
  2. Bitter
  3. Discouraging
  4. Dark
  5. Wretched
  6. Gloomy
  7. Wailing
  8. Contemptible
  9. Pitiable
  10. Moving
  11. Inferior
  12. Droopy
  13. Melancholy
  14. Disgusting
  15. Bereaved
  16. Despicable
  17. Mourning
  18. Downcastness
  19. Blue
  20. Heavy heart
  21. Aggrieved
  22. Heavyhearted
  23. Lugubrious
  24. Miserable
  25. Bleakness
  26. Blahs
  27. Poignancy
  28. Heartbroken
  29. In doldrums
  30. Shameful
  31. Hateful
  32. The dumps
  33. Shocking
  34. Woe
  35. Inconsolable
  36. Doleful
  37. Dispirited
  38. Heartrending
  39. Scandalous
  40. Downcast
  41. Bad
  42. Drear
  43. Distress
  44. Unfortunate
  45. Dishonorable
  46. The blues
  47. Unhappy
  48. Lamentable
  49. Downhearted
  50. Funk
  51. Darkening
  52. Hopeless
  53. Bleak
  54. Deplorable
  55. Blue funk
  56. Sordid
  57. Down in the mouth
  58. Grieving
  59. Not happy
  60. Discreditable
  61. Dismal
  62. Down
  63. Affecting
  64. Rueful
  65. Murky
  66. Sick at heart
  67. Gloominess
  68. Hurting
  69. Distressed
  70. Dejected
  71. Misbegotten
  72. Sorrowful
  73. Heavy-hearted
  74. Wistful
  75. Disheartened
  76. Black
  77. Pathetic
  78. Crestfallen
  79. Bummer
  80. Saturnine
  81. Morbid
  82. Mournfulness
  83. Brokenhearted
  84. Cheerlessness
  85. Hangdog
  86. Pensive
  87. Abominable
  88. Tribulation
  89. Lousy
  90. Sunk
  91. Plaintive
  92. Despondent
  93. Lame
  94. Low-spirited
  95. Disgraceful
  96. Morose
  97. Sombre
  98. Odious
  99. Discouraged
  100. In grief
  101. Tearful
  102. Dejection
  103. Infamous
  104. Heartache
  105. Perturbing
  106. Gray
  107. Desolate
  108. Dolor
  109. Depressing
  110. Dispiritedness
  111. Agonized
  112. Broken heart
  113. Touching
  114. Sorrowfulness
  115. Dismals
  116. Discomforting
  117. Glum
  118. Heartsore
  119. Letdown
  120. Teary
  121. Disconsolate
  122. Dolefulness
  123. Moodiness
  124. Disappointed
  125. Downer
  126. Unsavory
  127. Troubled
  128. Out of sorts
  129. Uneasy
  130. Grief-stricken
  131. Dreary
  132. Comfortless
  133. Grieved
  134. Suicidal
  135. Elegiac
  136. Funereal
  137. Languishing
  138. Grievous
  139. Listlessness
  140. Saddened
  141. Abhorrent
  142. Despondency
  143. Forlorn
  144. Ignominious
  145. Sullen
  146. Unworthy
  147. Despairing
  148. Unquiet
  149. Worthless
  150. Distressful
  151. Forlornness
  152. Disheartening
  153. Cast down
  154. Anguish
  155. Hopelessness
  156. Down in dumps
  157. Regretful
  158. Beastly
  159. Poignant
  160. Pitiful
  161. Upset
  162. Sorry
  163. Disreputable
  164. Mournful
  165. Grey
  166. Anguished
  167. Meritless
  168. Disconsolateness
  169. Joyless
  170. Elegiacal
  171. Pessimistic
  172. Poor
  173. Grief
  174. Distressing
  175. Cheerless
  176. Mopes
  177. In the dumps
  178. Worried
  179. Disturbing
  180. Dysphoria
  181. Heartsick
  182. Lachrymose
  183. Melancholic
  184. Low
  185. Saddening
  186. Sorrow
  187. Misery
  188. Somber
  189. Detestable
  190. Disquieting
  191. Woeful
  192. Depressed
  193. Heartbreak
  194. Notorious
  195. Woebegone
  196. Weeping
  197. Stinking
  198. Dolorous

Synonyms for sad Other Words for sad Other Words for depressed

Other Words for Sad with Example Sentences

  1. Blue devils: The sadness consumed her.
  2. Bitter: The bitter memories haunted him.
  3. Discouraging: The discouraging news left her hopeless.
  4. Dark: The dark clouds matched his mood.
  5. Wretched: The wretched feeling wouldn’t leave her.
  6. Gloomy: The gloomy weather reflected his feelings.
  7. Wailing: Her wailing was a sign of deep sorrow.
  8. Contemptible: The contemptible actions made him feel ashamed.
  9. Pitiable: His pitiable state made her heart ache.
  10. Moving: The moving speech brought tears to her eyes.
  11. Inferior: She felt inferior and insignificant.
  12. Droopy: The droopy flowers matched her mood.
  13. Melancholy: The melancholy music made her weep.
  14. Disgusting: The disgusting behavior left her feeling sick.
  15. Bereaved: The bereaved family was inconsolable.
  16. Despicable: The despicable act left her feeling angry.
  17. Mourning: The mourning period seemed endless.
  18. Downcast Ness: The downcast Ness was palpable in the room.
  19. Blue: The blue mood wouldn’t lift.
  20. Heavy heart: She had a heavy heart after the breakup.
  21. Aggrieved: The aggrieved party felt betrayed.
  22. Heavyhearted: He was heavyhearted after the loss.
  23. Lugubrious: The lugubrious song made her cry.
  24. Miserable: She felt miserable and alone.
  25. Bleakness: The bleakness of the situation was overwhelming.
  26. Blahs: The blahs kept her in bed all day.
  27. Poignancy: The poignancy of the moment made her weep.
  28. Heartbroken: He was heartbroken and despondent.
  29. In doldrums: She was in the doldrums and couldn’t snap out of it.
  30. Shameful: The shameful act left her feeling embarrassed.
  31. Hateful: The hateful words left a bitter taste.
  32. The dumps: He was in the dumps and couldn’t shake it off.
  33. Shocking: The shocking news left her reeling.
  34. Woe: The woe was written all over her face.
  35. Inconsolable: The inconsolable child cried for hours.
  36. Doleful: The doleful expression was heart-wrenching.
  37. Dispirited: The dispirited team lost the game.
  38. Heartrending: The heartrending story left her in tears.
  39. Scandalous: The scandalous behavior left her feeling disgusted.
  40. Downcast: His downcast eyes spoke volumes.
  41. Bad: The bad news hit her hard.
  42. Drear: The dreariness of the day matched his mood.
  43. Distress: The distress was too much to bear.
  44. Unfortunate: The unfortunate event left a deep scar.
  45. Dishonorable: The dishonorable actions left her feeling betrayed.
  46. The blues: She had a bad case of the blues.
  47. Unhappy: She was unhappy and didn’t know why.
  48. Lamentable: The lamentable state of affairs made her sad.
  49. Downhearted: He was downhearted after the loss.
  50. Funk: He was in a funk and couldn’t shake it off.
  51. Darkening: The darkening skies matched his mood.
  52. Hopeless: She felt hopeless and lost.
  53. Bleak: The bleak landscape matched his mood.
  54. Deplorable: The deplorable conditions left her feeling angry.
  55. Hurting: My heart is hurting.
  56. Distressed: She looked distressed and unhappy.
  57. Dejected: He was dejected after losing.
  58. Misbegotten: His misbegotten plans failed.
  59. Sorrowful: She had a sorrowful expression.
  60. Heavy-hearted: I am heavy-hearted today.
  61. Wistful: She gazed wistfully outside.
  62. Disheartened: He felt disheartened by the news.
  63. Black: My mood is black.
  64. Pathetic: The situation was pathetic.
  65. Crestfallen: He was crestfallen by the result.
  66. Bummer: It was such a bummer.
  67. Saturnine: He had a saturnine expression.
  68. Morbid: Her thoughts turned morbid.
  69. Mournfulness: There was a mournfulness in her voice.
  70. Brokenhearted: She was brokenhearted after the breakup.
  71. Cheerlessness: The atmosphere was full of cheerlessness.
  72. Hangdog: He had a hangdog expression.
  73. Pensive: She sat there, looking pensive.
  74. Abominable: The weather was abominable.
  75. Tribulation: He went through tribulation.
  76. Lousy: I feel lousy today.
  77. Sunk: He was sunk in misery.
  78. Plaintive: She had a plaintive tone.
  79. Despondent: He was despondent after the failure.
  80. Lame: The excuse was lame.
  81. Low-spirited: She was low-spirited today.
  82. Disgraceful: His behavior was disgraceful.
  83. Morose: He had a morose expression.
  84. Sombre: The mood was sombre and quiet.
  85. Odious: His actions were odious.
  86. Discouraged: She felt discouraged by the setback.
  87. In grief: She was lost in grief.
  88. Tearful: She had a tearful expression.
  89. Dejection: He was filled with dejection.
  90. Infamous: The event was infamous.
  91. Heartache: He suffered from heartache.
  92. Perturbing: The news was perturbing.
  93. Gray: The day was gray and dreary.
  94. Desolate: The place was desolate and barren.
  95. Dolor: She felt dolor after the injury.
  96. Depressing: The situation was depressing.
  97. Dispiritedness: The team played with dispiritedness.
  98. Agonized: She had an agonized expression.
  99. Broken heart: He had a broken heart.
  100. Touching: The movie was touching.
  101. Sorrowfulness: She was filled with sorrowfulness.
  102. Dismals: She had the dismals.
  103. Discomforting: The news was discomforting.
  104. Glum: He had a glum expression.
  105. Heartsore: She was heartsore after the argument.
  106. Letdown: The outcome was a letdown.
  107. Teary: She had teary eyes.
  108. Disconsolate: He felt disconsolate after the loss.
  109. Dolefulness: There was a dolefulness in the air.
  110. Moodiness: He was in a moodiness.
  111. Disappointed: She was disappointed by the result.
  112. Downer: The news was a real downer.
  113. Unsavory: The situation was unsavory.
  114. Troubled: She looked troubled and anxious.
  115. Out of sorts: He was feeling out of sorts.
  116. Uneasy: She felt uneasy and uncomfortable.

other words for sad or depressed

other words for sad or depressed

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