300+ Other Words for Interesting, Synonym of Interesting

Other Words for Interesting in English! Being interesting is a quality that many strive for. Whether you are trying to make conversation with new friends, engage in meaningful conversations, or be the life of the party – having an arsenal of words that can help you express yourself in different ways can give you a leg up.

Today we’re exploring other words for ‘interesting’ and synonyms of ‘interesting’, so if you’re looking to perk up your vocabulary – stay tuned! All the most common synonyms of Interesting are listed here.

Other Words for Interesting

1- Absorbing

2- Active

3- Adorable

4- Affecting

5- Agreeable

6- Alluring

7- Amazing

8- Amused

9- Amusing

10- Animating

11- Anodyne

12- Appealing

13- Arousing

14- Arresting

15- Astonishing

16- Attracting

17- Awesome

18- Beautiful

19- Beguiling

20- Bewitching

21- Breathtaking

22- Bright

23- Brilliant

24- Captivating

25- Catching

26- Catchy

27- Charismatic

28- Charming

29- Colorful

30- Comely

31- Comical

32- Compelling

33- Concerning

34- Consuming

35- Cool

36- Crucial

37- Curious

38- Cute

39- Dazzling

40- Deep

41- Deeply engaging

42- Delicious

43- Delightful

44- Diverting

45- Divine

46- Dramatic

47- Dreadful

48- Droll

49- Electrifying

50- Elegant

51- Enchanting

52- Energizing

53- Engaging

54- Engrossing

55- Enjoyable

56- Enlivening

57- Entertaining

58- Enthralling

59- Enticing

60- Entrancing

61- Enveloping

62- Eventful

63- Exceptional

64- Exciting

65- Exhilarating

66- Exotic

67- Exquisite

68- Extraordinary

69- Eye-catching

70- Eye-opening

71- Eye-popping

72- Fabulous

73- Facetious

74- Fantastic

75- Fascinating

76- Fetching

77- Fine

78- Flashy

79- Fun

80- Galvanizing

81- Glamorous

82- Glorious

83- Good

84- Gorgeous

85- Graceful

86- Gracious

87- Grand

88- Gratifying

89- Great

90- Gripping

91- Groovy

92- Hot

93- Humorous

94- Hypnotic

95- Hypnotizing

96- Imaginative

97- Impressive

98- Inquisitive

99- Inspiring

100- Interested

101- Intoxicating

102- Intriguing

103- Invigorating

104- Inviting

105- Involving

106- Irresistible

107- Lively

108- Lovely

109- Lurid

110- Luscious

111- Luxuriant

112- Magnetic

113- Magnificent

114- Marvelous

115- Meaty

116- Mesmeric

117- Mesmerizing

118- Mind-blowing

119- Monumental

120- Moving

121- Narcotic

122- Newsworthy

123- Next

124- Nice

125- Notable

126- Noteworthy

127- Occupying

128- Original

129- Overwhelming

130- Picturesque

131- Piquant

132- Pleasant

133- Pleasing

134- Pleasurable

135- Poignant

136- Possessing

137- Prepossessing

138- Pretty

139- Previous

140- Provocative

141- Radiant

142- Ravishing

143- Readable

144- Realistic

145- Recommendable

146- Refreshing

147- Remarkable

148- Rich

149- Rip-roaring

150- Riveting

151- Rousing

152- Satisfying

153- Seductive

154- Sensational

155- Serious

156- Sexy

157- Showy

158- Side-splitting

159- Signal

160- Significant

161- Siren

162- Soothing

163- Sparkling

164- Spectacular

165- Spellbinding

166- Spine-tingling

167- Splashy

168- Standout

169- Statuesque

170- Stimulating

171- Stirring

172- Strange

173- Striking

174- Stunning

175- Sublime

176- Suspenseful

177- Sweet

178- Tantalizing

179- Tasty

180- Teasing

181- Tempting

182- Thought-provoking

183- Thrilling

184- Touching

185- Trance-inducing

186- Understandable

187- Unique

188- Unusual

189- Useful

190- Vivid

191- Weird

192- Welcome

193- Whimsical

194- Winning

195- Winsome

196- Witty

197- Wonderful

198- Worthwhile

199- Worthy of note

Other words for Interesting Facts

1- Astonishing Anecdotes

2- Fascinating Findings

3- Remarkable Revelations

4- Surprising Statistics

5- Unbelievable Discoveries

6- Incredible Insights

7- Astounding Facts

8- Amazing Tales

9- Astonishing Details

10- Startling Stories

11- Unusual Information

12- Astonishing Observations

13- Baffling Truths

14- Incredible Accounts

15- Fascinating Facts

16- Bizarre Revelations

17- Unusual Facts

18- Fascinating Tidbits

19- Startling Discoveries

20- Bizarre Truths

Other words for Interesting Person

1- Extraordinary Individual

2- Exceptional Person

3- Prodigious Persona

4- Remarkable Character

5- Astounding Being

6- Fascinating Entity

7- Striking Soul

8- Outstanding Human

9- Amazing Individual

10- Incredible Personage

11- Unusual Being

12- Astonishing Person

13- Baffling Identity

14- Marvelous Person

15- Incredible Human

16- Fascinating Individual

17- Unusual Identity

18- Fascinating Characteristic

19- Startling Persona

20- Bizarre Being

Ways to say Interesting in Different Languages

Here are amazing ways to say Interesting in different languages;

In Spanish

1- Interesante

2- Fascinante

3- Notable

In French

1- Intéressant

2- Captivant

3- Remarquable

In German

1- Interessant

2- Faszinierend

3- Bemerkenswert

In Italian

1- Interessante

2- Affascinante

3- Notevole

In Japanese

1- Omoshiroi

2- Hihyougen suru

3- Sorezore no teki na mono desu

In Mandarin

1- Yǒuqùliào

2- Hěnjízhe

3- Tèbiéde yǒuyìsi

In Portuguese

1- Interessante

2- Fascinante

3- Notável

In Russian

1- Интересно

2- Увлекательно

3- Замечательно

Synonyms of Interesting

  • exciting
  • thought-provoking
  • intriguing
  • captivating
  • unputdownable
  • amusing
  • compelling
  • enthralling
  • stimulating
  • fascinating
  • spellbinding
  • riveting
  • appealing
  • diverting
  • gripping
  • engaging
  • engrossing
  • attractive
  • compulsive
  • absorbing
  • entrancing
  • action-packed
  • entertaining
  • beguiling

Synonyms of Interest

  • diversion
  • notice
  • significance
  • attentiveness
  • sport
  • preoccupation
  • game
  • recreation
  • pastime
  • case
  • affection
  • passion
  • concern
  • relaxation
  • activity
  • pursuit
  • concernment
  • sympathy
  • consequence
  • moment
  • into
  • enthusiasm
  • importance
  • excitement
  • leisure activity
  • interestedness
  • regard
  • engrossment
  • relevance
  • absorption
  • note
  • care
  • hobby
  • matter
  • suspicion
  • racket
  • thing

Synonyms of Interested

  • absorbed
  • intent
  • inspirited
  • fascinated
  • gone
  • caught
  • involved
  • obsessed
  • engrossed
  • stirred
  • lured
  • affected
  • enticed
  • prejudiced
  • moved
  • partisan
  • touched
  • inspired
  • occupied
  • hooked
  • drawn
  • taken
  • impressed
  • sympathetic
  • fired
  • roused
  • biased
  • predisposed
  • attentive
  • open
  • into
  • excited
  • responsive
  • implicated
  • partial
  • awakened
  • on the case
  • stimulated
  • struck
  • attracted
  • sold
  • keen

Synonyms of Interesting in Example Sentences

  • Absorbing: The book was absorbing from start to finish.
  • Active: She’s always active, never sitting still for long.
  • Affecting: The movie’s ending was so affecting that it made me cry.
  • Agreeable: We came to an agreeable solution to the problem.
  • Alluring: The smell of fresh bread was alluring.
  • Amazing: The view from the top of the mountain was amazing.
  • Amused: She was amused by his silly jokes.
  • Amusing: The comedian’s jokes were very amusing.
  • Animating: The music was animating, making everyone want to dance.
  • Anodyne: The medicine had an anodyne effect on her pain.
  • Appealing: The new restaurant had an appealing menu.
  • Arousing: The spicy food was arousing her taste buds.
  • Arresting: The street performer’s act was arresting.
  • Astonishing: The magician’s tricks were astonishing.
  • Attracting: The bright colors were attracting everyone’s attention.
  • Awesome: The fireworks display was awesome.
  • Beautiful: The sunset was so beautiful, it took our breath away.
  • Beguiling: Her smile was beguiling.
  • Bewitching: The full moon was bewitching.
  • Breathtaking: The view of the waterfall was breathtaking.
  • Bright: The sun was shining bright in the sky.
  • Brilliant: The scientist made a brilliant discovery.
  • Captivating: The storyteller’s tale was captivating.
  • Catching: The contagious laughter was catching.
  • Catchy: The song was so catchy, it stayed in my head all day.
  • Charismatic: The politician had a charismatic personality.
  • Charming: The old town was charming with its cobblestone streets.
  • Colorful: The garden was full of colorful flowers.
  • Comely: The actress was comely on stage.
  • Comical: The clown’s performance was comical.
  • Compelling: The documentary was compelling and thought-provoking.
  • Concerning: The news was concerning.
  • Consuming: The fire was consuming the forest.
  • Cool: The breeze was cool on a hot summer day.
  • Crucial: The meeting was crucial for the success of the project.
  • Curious: The cat was curious about the new toy.
  • Cute: The baby’s outfit was cute.
  • Dazzling: The jewelry was dazzling.
  • Deep: The ocean was deep and mysterious.
  • Deeply engaging: The novel was deeply engaging.
  • Delicious: The food was delicious.
  • Delightful: The garden was a delightful surprise.
  • Diverting: The game was diverting.
  • Divine: The chocolate was divine.
  • Dramatic: The play was dramatic and intense.
  • Dreadful: The horror movie was dreadful.
  • Droll: The comedian’s humor was droll.
  • Electrifying: The concert was electrifying.
  • Elegant: The ballroom was elegant and grand.
  • Enchanting: The fairy tale was enchanting.
  • Energizing: The workout was energizing.
  • Engaging: The lecture was engaging and informative.
  • Engrossing: The book was engrossing, I couldn’t put it down.
  • Enjoyable: The picnic was enjoyable.
  • Enlivening: The art exhibit was enlivening.
  • Entertaining: The movie was entertaining and
  • Enticing: The smell of freshly baked cookies was enticing.
  • Entrancing: The dancer’s graceful movements were entrancing.
  • Enveloping: The fog was enveloping the city, making it hard to see.
  • Eventful: It was an eventful day at the amusement park.
  • Exceptional: The service at the restaurant was exceptional.
  • Exciting: Riding a roller coaster is always exciting.
  • Exhilarating: The feeling of jumping out of a plane is exhilarating.
  • Exotic: Trying new foods can be an exotic experience.
  • Exquisite: The dress was made from exquisite materials.
  • Extraordinary: The view from the top of the mountain was extraordinary.
  • Eye-catching: The bright red sports car was eye-catching.
  • Eye-opening: The documentary was eye-opening and educational.
  • Eye-popping: The fireworks display was eye-popping.
  • Fabulous: The party was fabulous, with great food and music.
  • Facetious: She made a facetious remark, causing everyone to laugh.
  • Fantastic: The concert was fantastic, with amazing performers.
  • Fascinating: The history of the ancient ruins was fascinating.
  • Fetching: The new haircut was fetching and flattering.
  • Fine: The wine had a fine flavor and aroma.
  • Fun: Playing board games with friends is always fun.
  • Glorious: The sunset over the ocean was glorious.
  • Good: The soup had a good flavor and was satisfying.
  • Gorgeous: The bride looked gorgeous in her wedding dress.
  • Graceful: The ballerina’s movements were graceful and fluid.
  • Gracious: The host was gracious and welcoming to all of the guests.
  • Grand: The ballroom was grand and opulent.
  • Gratifying: Finishing a challenging project can be very gratifying.
  • Great: The movie was great, with an exciting plot and great acting.
  • Gripping: The mystery novel was gripping and kept me on the edge of my seat.
  • Groovy: The song had a groovy beat and catchy lyrics.
  • Hot: The temperature outside was hot and humid.
  • Humorous: The comedian’s jokes were humorous and made everyone laugh.
  • Hypnotic: The repetitive sound of the waves was hypnotic and soothing.
  • Hypnotizing: The snake’s movements were hypnotizing and mesmerizing.
  • Imaginative: The author’s writing was imaginative and creative.
  • Impressive: The skyscraper was an impressive feat of engineering.
  • Inquisitive: The child was very inquisitive, always asking questions.
  • Interested: The student was interested in learning about different cultures.
  • Intoxicating: The aroma of the flowers was intoxicating and sweet.
  • Intriguing: The unsolved mystery was intriguing and kept people guessing.
  • Invigorating: The fresh mountain air was invigorating and revitalizing.
  • Inviting: The cozy fireplace was inviting on a cold winter night.
  • Involving: The game was involving and required strategy and skill.
  • Irresistible: The smell of freshly baked bread was irresistible.
  • Lively: The party was lively, with music and dancing.
  • Lovely: The garden was filled
  • Mind-blowing: The special effects were mind-blowing.
  • Monumental: The discovery was a monumental achievement.
  • Moving: The movie’s ending was incredibly moving.
  • Narcotic: The music had a narcotic effect on me.
  • Newsworthy: The scandal was deemed newsworthy.
  • Next: The next chapter is even more exciting.
  • Nice: The weather outside is nice and sunny.
  • Notable: The artist’s work is notable for its use of color.
  • Noteworthy: The team’s comeback was noteworthy.
  • Occupying: The book is occupying my attention completely.
  • Original: The idea was so original, it took my breath away.
  • Overwhelming: The amount of work was overwhelming at times.
  • Picturesque: The village was so picturesque, it looked like a painting.
  • Piquant: The dish was piquant, with just the right amount of spice.
  • Pleasant: The walk in the park was very pleasant.
  • Pleasing: The artwork was pleasing to the eye.
  • Pleasurable: The massage was very pleasurable and relaxing.
  • Poignant: The scene was very poignant and emotional.
  • Possessing: The painting is possessing a unique charm.
  • Pretty: The flowers in the garden were pretty shades of pink and yellow.
  • Previous: The previous owners left the house in good condition.
  • Provocative: The article had a provocative headline.
  • Radiant: The bride looked radiant in her wedding dress.
  • Ravishing: The actress wore a ravishing red gown.
  • Readable: The novel was an easy, readable book.
  • Realistic: The graphics in the video game were very realistic.
  • Refreshing: The lemonade was very refreshing on a hot day.
  • Remarkable: The athlete’s performance was truly remarkable.
  • Rich: The cake was rich and chocolatey.
  • Rip-roaring: The party was a rip-roaring success.
  • Riveting: The suspense in the movie was riveting.
  • Rousing: The speech was very rousing and inspiring.
  • Satisfying: The meal was very satisfying and filling.
  • Seductive: The perfume had a seductive scent.
  • Sensational: The concert was a sensational experience.
  • Serious: The topic is very serious and requires attention.
  • Sexy: The dress was very sexy and alluring.
  • Showy: The peacock’s feathers were very showy and colorful.
  • Side-splitting: The comedy show was side-splittingly funny.
  • Signal: The bell was used to signal the start of the race.
  • Significant: The discovery was very significant and groundbreaking.
  • Siren: The sound of the siren could be heard in the distance.
  • Soothing: The music was very soothing and calming.
  • Sparkling: The diamonds in the ring were sparkling in the light.
  • Spectacular: The fireworks display was truly spectacular.
  • Spine-tingling: The horror movie was spine-tinglingly scary.
  • Splashy: The party was a splashy affair with lots of champagne.
  • Standout: The actor’s performance was a standout in the movie.
  • Statuesque: The model was very statuesque with
  • Stunning: She looked stunning in her new dress.
  • Stupendous: The view from the top was stupendous.
  • Sublime: The sunset was a sublime sight.
  • Sufficient: The supplies were sufficient for the trip.
  • Sultry: The summer day was sultry and humid.
  • Superb: The meal at the restaurant was superb.
  • Supreme: The court’s decision was supreme.
  • Surprising: It was surprising to see her there.
  • Svelte: She had a svelte figure and elegant posture.
  • Sweeping: The novel had a sweeping narrative.
  • Sweltering: The heat was sweltering and unbearable.
  • Sympathetic: She was very sympathetic to his situation.
  • Tactful: She was very tactful in her response.
  • Talented: He was a very talented musician.
  • Tangy: The sauce had a tangy flavor.
  • Tasteful: The decor was tasteful and elegant.
  • Tasty: The food was very tasty and flavorful.
  • Teachable: She was a very teachable student.
  • Tempestuous: The sea was tempestuous and rough.
  • Tempted: She was tempted to try the new dish.
  • Tense: The atmosphere was tense and anxious.
  • Terrific: The concert was terrific and energetic.
  • Thankful: She was very thankful for his help.
  • Thorough: The report was very thorough and detailed.
  • Thoughtful: She was very thoughtful in her gift-giving.
  • Thriving: The business was thriving and growing.
  • Ticklish: The sensation was ticklish and uncomfortable.
  • Timeless: The story had a timeless quality.
  • Tolerant: She was very tolerant of other people’s beliefs.
  • Top-notch: The service was top-notch and impeccable.
  • Tough: The exam was tough and challenging.
  • Traditional: The ceremony was very traditional and formal.
  • Tranquil: The lake was tranquil and peaceful.
  • Transparent: The process was transparent and fair.
  • Trendy: The new fashion trend was very trendy and popular.
  • Triumphant: She felt triumphant after winning the race.
  • Trustworthy: He was a very trustworthy person.
  • Truthful: She was always truthful and honest.
  • Tumultuous: The crowd was tumultuous and chaotic.
  • Tuneful: The song was tuneful and melodic.
  • Turbulent: The flight was turbulent and bumpy.
  • Ultimate: The ultimate goal was to win the championship.
  • Unbelievable: The story was almost unbelievable.
  • Unforgettable: The experience was unforgettable and memorable.
  • Unique: The product had a unique design.
  • Unity: The team had a strong sense of unity and cooperation.
  • Upbeat: The music was upbeat and lively.

Other Words for Interesting Other Words for Interesting 2 Other Words for Interesting facts Other Words for Interesting persons synonyms of interesting synonyms of interest synonyms of interested

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF

Other Words for Interesting in English - Interesting Synonym List PDF


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