Opposite of Tidy, Antonyms of Tidy (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective/Verb

Meaning/Definition of tidy: Adjective describing something that is neat, orderly, or well-organized; Verb referring to the act of cleaning up or arranging things in a neat manner.

What is the Opposite of tidy?

The Opposite of tidy is messy.

Other Opposites of tidy:

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of tidy:

  • Slobbish
  • Sloven
  • Shuffled
  • Plain
  • Lengthy
  • Flexible
  • Mussed
  • Dull
  • Rumpled
  • Unkempt
  • Slobby
  • Unfastidious
  • Warm
  • Bad
  • Slovenly
  • Random
  • Orderless
  • Disorderly
  • Disheveled
  • Confused
  • Ruffled
  • Filthy
  • Unordered
  • Disarranged
  • Wrinkled
  • Disarrayed
  • Jumbled
  • Immethodical
  • Dirty
  • Tousled
  • Unsubstantial
  • Systemless
  • Planless
  • Coarse
  • Disjointed
  • Haphazard
  • Unorderly
  • Hit-or-miss
  • Topsy-turvy
  • Littered
  • Scruffy
  • Ill-groomed
  • Shabby
  • Patternless
  • Frowzy
  • Higgledy-piggledy
  • Unbusinesslike
  • Imprecise
  • Disrupted
  • Stupid
  • In disarray
  • Unsettled
  • Cluttered
  • Unclean
  • Sloppy
  • Chubby
  • Rough
  • Unintelligent
  • Nonsystematic
  • Messy
  • Overweight
  • Unorganized
  • Unstylish
  • Disorganised
  • Slipshod
  • Temperate
  • Shambolic
  • Messed
  • Mussy
  • Unsystematic
  • Disordered
  • Dishevelled
  • Dowdy
  • Chaotic
  • Clumsy
  • Disorganized
  • Unfashionable
  • Ungroomed
  • Irregular
  • Unmethodical
  • Muddled
  • Frowsy
  • Untidy
  • Long

Example Sentences Using Opposites of “tidy”:

  1. Her room was always messy with clothes strewn around.
  2. The desk was cluttered with papers and books.
  3. His work area was disorganized, making it difficult to find things.
  4. The living room was untidy, with toys scattered everywhere.
  5. The situation became chaotic as things got misplaced.
  6. His hair was unkempt, sticking out in all directions.
  7. The shelves were disorderly, with items haphazardly placed.
  8. The files were unsystematic, making it hard to locate specific documents.
  9. The books on the shelf were unarranged, stacked in random order.
  10. Her handwriting was sloppy and untidy.

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Opposite of Tidy, Antonyms of tidy with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF