Opposite of Strange, Antonyms of strange (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective

Meaning/Definition of strange: Adjective describing something unfamiliar, unusual, or peculiar.

What is the Opposite of strange?

The Opposite of strange is familiar.

Other Opposites of strange:

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of strange:

  • Accepted
  • Accustomed
  • Average
  • Balanced
  • Banal
  • Basic
  • Bland
  • Bog-standard
  • Boring
  • Classic
  • Common
  • Commonplace
  • Conventional
  • Customary
  • Daily
  • Dull
  • Earthly
  • Established
  • Everyday
  • Expected
  • Familiar
  • Frequent
  • Garden
  • General
  • Generic
  • Habitual
  • Hackneyed
  • Household
  • Humdrum
  • Indifferent
  • Mainstream
  • Mediocre
  • Modest
  • Mundane
  • Natural
  • No-frills
  • Nondescript
  • Nonexotic
  • Nonglamorous
  • Normal
  • Old
  • Ordinary
  • Orthodox
  • Pedestrian
  • Plain
  • Plain old
  • Plain-jane
  • Predictable
  • Prosaic
  • Prototypical
  • Quotidian
  • Reasonable
  • Regular
  • Representative
  • Routine
  • Sane
  • Sensible
  • Settled
  • Simple
  • Sound
  • Stale
  • Standard
  • Standardised
  • Standardized
  • Stereotyped
  • Stereotypical
  • Stock
  • Time-honored
  • Tired
  • Traditional
  • Typical
  • Undistinguished
  • Unexceptional
  • Unexotic
  • Unextraordinary
  • Unglamorous
  • Uninteresting
  • Unmemorable
  • Unnoteworthy
  • Unoriginal
  • Unremarkable
  • Unromantic
  • Unsurprising
  • Usual
  • Vanilla
  • Warmed-over
  • Well-known
  • Wonted
  • Workaday

Example Sentences Using Opposites of “strange”:

  1. The place felt oddly familiar despite never visiting before.
  2. The situation was common and had been encountered before.
  3. Everything seemed normal and followed the expected pattern.
  4. It was an ordinary day with nothing out of the ordinary happening.
  5. The event unfolded in the usual manner without any surprises.
  6. The outcome was regular and aligned with previous experiences.
  7. The behavior exhibited was typical and expected in that context.
  8. The process followed the standard procedure without any deviations.
  9. The decision made was conventional and aligned with common practices.
  10. The details provided were known and not unfamiliar.

Explore More Opposite Words:

Opposite of Strange, Antonyms of strange with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF