Type: Adjective/Noun
Meaning/Definition of Kind: Adjective describing someone who is considerate, compassionate, and generous, or a noun referring to a category or type.
What is the Opposite of Kind?
The Opposite of Kind is Cruel.
Other Opposites of Kind
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of kind:
- Unkindly
- Unkind
- Malevolent
- Pitiless
- Stern
- Insensitive
- Hard-boiled
- Rude
- Stonyhearted
- Rough
- Unfriendly
- Bitter
- Violent
- Impolite
- Unsociable
- Ill-mannered
- Vicious
- Aloof
- Heavy-handed
- Malicious
- Mean
- Discourteous
- Ill-bred
- Cold-blooded
- Severe
- Savage
- Barbarous
- Unsympathetic
- Unmindful
- Inhumane
- Unheeding
- Merciless
- Heedless
- Unsentimental
- Unhelpful
- Heartless
- Nasty
- Insensate
- Ironhearted
- Unthinking
- Malignant
- Ruthless
- Cool
- Indifferent
- Inconsiderate
- Inhospitable
- Truculent
- Bad
- Ungenerous
- Hard
- Brutish
- Harsh
- Unmannerly
- Unfeeling
- Hard-hearted
- Inattentive
- Bestial
- Uncaring
- Cold
- Callous
- Brute
- Brutal
- Barbaric
- Uncivil
- Uncompassionate
- Grim
- Atrocious
- Sadistic
- Cruel
- Uncharitable
- Thoughtless
- Inhuman
- Virulent
- Hateful
- Spiteful
- Tough
- Disagreeable
- Antagonistic
- Antihumanitarian
- Fiendish
Example Sentences Using Opposites of Kind:
- She was mean and never showed any compassion.
- The person’s actions were cruel and hurtful.
- He was unkind and never offered a helping hand.
- The words she used were harsh and disrespectful.
- The gesture was unfriendly and lacked warmth.
- The person’s behavior was rude and inconsiderate.
- Instead of being kind, he was hostile and confrontational.
- She displayed malicious intent with her actions.
- The remarks were unpleasant and caused distress.
- Instead of being kind-hearted, she was heartless and cold.
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