Opposite of Intelligent, Antonyms of Intelligent (Example Sentences)

Type: Adjective

Meaning/Definition of Intelligent: Adjective describing someone who is smart, knowledgeable, and capable of understanding and learning.

What is the Opposite of Intelligent?

The Opposite of Intelligent is Ignorant.

Other Opposites of Intelligent

Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of intelligent:

  • Airheaded
  • Asinine
  • Birdbrained
  • Blockheaded
  • Blockish
  • Blunt
  • Blunted
  • Bonehead
  • Boobish
  • Bovine
  • Brain-dead
  • Brainless
  • Clueless
  • Crass
  • Cretinous
  • Daft
  • Dark
  • Deficient
  • Delicate
  • Dense
  • Dim
  • Dimwitted
  • Dim-witted
  • Divvy
  • Doltish
  • Dopey
  • Dopy
  • Dorky
  • Dozy
  • Dull
  • Dulled
  • Dull-witted
  • Dumb
  • Flat
  • Foolish
  • Forthright
  • Frank
  • Glaikit
  • Gormless
  • Gullible
  • Half-baked
  • Half-witted
  • Harebrained
  • Idiotic
  • Idiotical
  • Ignorant
  • Ill-advised
  • Ill-considered
  • Illiterate
  • Illogical
  • Imbecile
  • Imbecilic
  • Imperceptive
  • Imprudent
  • Inane
  • Indifferent
  • Indiscreet
  • Inept
  • Ingenuous
  • Irrational
  • Knuckleheaded
  • Lamebrain
  • Lamebrained
  • Lazy
  • Limited
  • Low
  • Lowbrow
  • Lumpish
  • Lunkheaded
  • Mediocre
  • Mindless
  • Moderate
  • Moronic
  • Muttonheaded
  • Naive
  • Naïve
  • Nice
  • Nonrational
  • Nonsensical
  • Nonthinking
  • Normal
  • Oafish
  • Obtuse
  • Old-fashioned
  • Opaque
  • Ordinary
  • Philistine
  • Pinheaded
  • Pointless
  • Senseless
  • Shallow
  • Silly
  • Simple
  • Slow
  • Slow-witted
  • Soft
  • Stupid
  • Thick
  • Thickheaded
  • Thick-headed
  • Thick-witted
  • Thoughtless
  • Unacademic
  • Unaccomplished
  • Unaware
  • Unbrilliant
  • Unclever
  • Uncomprehending
  • Uncultivated
  • Undefined
  • Unthinking
  • Unwise
  • Useless
  • Vacuous
  • Vapid
  • Weak-minded
  • Witless
  • Woodenheaded
  • Wooden-headed

Example Sentences Using Opposites of Intelligent:

  1. She is ignorant and lacks knowledge on the subject.
  2. He is unintelligent and struggles with basic concepts.
  3. The student’s answers were stupid and lacked logical reasoning.
  4. The decision she made was foolish and had negative consequences.
  5. He displayed ignorance by not knowing the answer.
  6. Instead of being intelligent, she was dense and slow to grasp ideas.
  7. The person’s actions were unwise and showed poor judgment.
  8. His reasoning was illogical and didn’t make sense.
  9. The ideas presented were dumb and lacked coherence.
  10. Instead of being intelligent, she was simple-minded and easily deceived.

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