(Example Sentences)
Type: Noun
Meaning/Definition of joy: Noun referring to a feeling of great pleasure, happiness, or delight.
What is the Opposite of joy?
The Opposite of joy is sorrow.
Other Opposites of joy:
Here is the list of all opposites or antonyms of joy:
- bereaved
- bitter
- distressed
- distressing
- doleful
- down
- downcast
- glum
- grieved
- harrowing
- heartbreaking
- heartbroken
- melancholy
- painful
- pessimistic
- regrettable
- somber
- sorrowful
- sorry
- wistful
Example Sentences Using Opposites of “joy”:
- Her smile turned into tears of sorrow upon hearing the news.
- He couldn’t escape the overwhelming feeling of sadness.
- The loss of a loved one brought them immense grief.
- He sank into a state of misery and couldn’t find solace.
- The weight of depression made it hard to find joy in anything.
- She fell into a pit of despair and struggled to see a way out.
- The news filled them with anguish and heartache.
- The dark clouds of melancholy hung heavy over his spirit.
- The constant feeling of unhappiness weighed on her soul.
- He lived a life of discontent and never found true joy.