One Syllable Words (A List for Kids, Parents, & Teachers)

Hey kids, parents, and teachers! Do you know how fun it can be to play with sounds in words? Each small part of a word that we say with just one beat is called a syllable.

Learning how to hear and say these beats in words helps us get ready to read and write! Today, I’ve got a big, fun list of words that have just one beat each.

We can use these short and sweet words to learn about sounds and new words, play reading games, spell, and even make our own stories. Are you ready to jump in and explore these one-beat wonders? Let’s go!

What are One Syllable Words?

One-syllable words are the simplest units of language that have just a single, unbroken sound. When we speak, we naturally break our words into chunks of sound, and each of those chunks is called a syllable.

A one-syllable word has only one of these chunks and no pauses or breaks within it. When you say a one-syllable word, it comes out in one go, like “cat”, “play”, or “dream”. These words form the beats or the rhythm of our speech. They are like the basic notes in a song, each one clear and complete all on its own.

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1- Syllable Words

Here are some most common one-syllable words;

  • all
  • an
  • and
  • ant
  • as
  • at
  • be
  • bear
  • bee
  • bird
  • black
  • blue
  • brown
  • bug
  • but
  • by
  • cat
  • cow
  • day
  • do
  • dog
  • duck
  • fish
  • fox
  • frog
  • go
  • green
  • he
  • I
  • if
  • in
  • it
  • leaf
  • me
  • moon
  • my
  • no
  • on
  • one
  • or
  • out
  • pig
  • pink
  • red
  • she
  • sky
  • so
  • star
  • sun
  • to
  • tree
  • two
  • up
  • us
  • we
  • white
  • you
one syllable words list

List of One Syllable Words A to Z

Here is a huge list of 1-syllable words starting with each alphabet:

One-Syllable Words Starting with A

  • ace
  • ache
  • act
  • add
  • aft
  • age
  • aid
  • aim
  • ain’t
  • air
  • ale
  • all
  • alms
  • amp
  • and
  • ann
  • ant
  • ape
  • apt
  • arc
  • arch
  • ark
  • arm
  • art
  • ash
  • ask
  • aunt
  • aux
  • awe
  • awl

One-Syllable Words Starting with B

  • babe
  • back
  • bad
  • badge
  • bag
  • bail
  • bake
  • bald
  • bale
  • ball
  • ban
  • band
  • bark
  • barn
  • bat
  • bath
  • bead
  • beam
  • bean
  • beat
  • bed
  • beef
  • been
  • beer
  • beet
  • beg
  • belt
  • bench
  • bend
  • best
  • bet
  • bile
  • bill
  • bit
  • blade
  • blame
  • blast
  • blaze
  • blight
  • blink
  • bloom
  • blotch
  • blue
  • bluff
  • boat
  • both
  • bowl
  • breeze
  • bridge
  • brisk
  • buck
  • bud
  • budge
  • bug
  • build
  • bulb
  • bull

1-Syllable Words Starting with C

  • cab
  • cache
  • cage
  • cain
  • calk
  • call
  • calm
  • came
  • can
  • cap
  • car
  • card
  • care
  • cat
  • catch
  • caught
  • cause
  • chain
  • chair
  • chalk
  • charm
  • chart
  • chase
  • cheap
  • cheat
  • check
  • cheer
  • chest
  • chew
  • chic
  • chill
  • chip
  • choice
  • choke
  • choose
  • chop
  • chord
  • churn
  • clasp
  • cleft
  • cliff
  • climb
  • cling
  • clink
  • clip
  • cloud
  • clove
  • clown
  • clutch
  • cold
  • cook
  • cool
  • crack
  • craft
  • crisp
  • crust
  • cup
  • curl
  • cute

1-Syllable Words Starting with D

  • daft
  • dam
  • dame
  • dance
  • dank
  • dark
  • dart
  • dash
  • dawn
  • day
  • daze
  • dead
  • deaf
  • deal
  • dear
  • dress
  • drift
  • drill
  • drip
  • death
  • deck
  • deed
  • deep
  • deer
  • den
  • dent
  • desk
  • die
  • dig
  • dill
  • dim
  • dime
  • dine
  • dip
  • drop
  • drown
  • drub
  • drubj
  • dirt
  • dish
  • dock
  • doe
  • dog
  • doll
  • dome
  • done
  • dose
  • dot
  • drain
  • drape
  • draw
  • drawl
  • dream
  • drum
  • dry
  • duck

One-Syllable Words Starting with E

  • each
  • ear
  • earl
  • earn
  • earth
  • east
  • eat
  • ebb
  • echo
  • edge
  • eek
  • eel
  • egg
  • eight
  • eke
  • elf
  • elk
  • elm
  • em
  • empt
  • end
  • ept
  • err
  • eve

One-Syllable Words Starting with F

  • face
  • fact
  • fade
  • fail
  • fair
  • faith
  • fall
  • fan
  • far
  • fast
  • fat
  • fate
  • fear
  • feat
  • feed
  • feel
  • feet
  • fell
  • felt
  • fence
  • few
  • field
  • fire
  • fling
  • flint
  • flip
  • float
  • flop
  • fluff
  • flush
  • fly
  • free
  • fringe
  • frost
  • froth
  • frown

1-Syllable Words Starting with G

  • gag
  • gage
  • gain
  • gal
  • gale
  • game
  • gang
  • gap
  • gas
  • gate
  • gave
  • gear
  • gem
  • germ
  • get
  • ghost
  • gift
  • gild
  • girl
  • give
  • glad
  • gland
  • glare
  • glass
  • gleam
  • glee
  • glint
  • gloat
  • gloom
  • good
  • goose
  • graft
  • grasp
  • grass
  • greed
  • grit
  • groove
  • grouch
  • grow

1-Syllable Words Starting with H

  • hack
  • had
  • hag
  • hail
  • hair
  • half
  • hall
  • halt
  • ham
  • hand
  • hang
  • hard
  • hare
  • harm
  • harp
  • hat
  • hate
  • have
  • hay
  • he
  • head
  • heal
  • heap
  • hear
  • heat
  • heed
  • heel
  • hike
  • hill
  • hitch
  • hoax
  • hog
  • hold
  • hole
  • home
  • hoof
  • hook
  • hoop
  • hoot

One-Syllable Words Starting with I

  • ice
  • ick
  • id
  • if
  • ill
  • imp
  • in
  • inch
  • ink
  • inn
  • ire
  • irk
  • isle
  • it
  • itch
  • item
  • its
  • ives

One-Syllable Words Starting with J

  • jab
  • jack
  • jade
  • jail
  • jam
  • jamb
  • jar
  • jaunt
  • jaw
  • jazz
  • jeans
  • jeep
  • jeer
  • jell
  • jest
  • jet
  • jig
  • jinx
  • jive
  • job
  • jock
  • join
  • joke
  • jolt
  • joust
  • jowl
  • joy
  • judge
  • juice
  • jump

1-Syllable Words Starting with K

  • keen
  • keep
  • kelp
  • ken
  • kent
  • kept
  • key
  • kick
  • kid
  • kill
  • kilt
  • kind
  • king
  • kiss
  • kit
  • kite
  • knack
  • knead
  • knee
  • kneel
  • knelt
  • knew
  • knight
  • knit
  • knob
  • knock
  • knoll
  • knot
  • know

1-Syllable Words Starting with L

  • lace
  • lack
  • lad
  • lake
  • lamb
  • land
  • lane
  • lap
  • lark
  • last
  • latch
  • late
  • lath
  • laugh
  • lawn
  • lay
  • lead
  • leaf
  • leak
  • lean
  • leap
  • learn
  • lease
  • least
  • leave
  • led
  • leech
  • lick
  • lie
  • limp
  • lint
  • log
  • long
  • loom
  • loon
  • lurch

One-Syllable Words Starting with M

  • mace
  • mack
  • mad
  • mail
  • main
  • make
  • male
  • man
  • map
  • march
  • mare
  • mark
  • mash
  • mask
  • mass
  • mast
  • mat
  • match
  • mate
  • math
  • may
  • maze
  • meal
  • meld
  • melt
  • mew
  • mirth
  • miss
  • mite
  • mix
  • much
  • muck
  • mud
  • mule
  • munch
  • mush
  • must
  • mute
  • myth

One-Syllable Words Starting with N

  • nab
  • nail
  • name
  • nap
  • nape
  • neat
  • neck
  • need
  • neigh
  • nerd
  • nest
  • net
  • new
  • news
  • nice
  • niche
  • nick
  • niece
  • night
  • nip
  • nix
  • node
  • noise
  • nome
  • none
  • nook
  • north
  • nose
  • now
  • nudge

1-Syllable Words Starting with O

  • oaf
  • oak
  • oar
  • oat
  • oath
  • oats
  • obey
  • odd
  • ode
  • of
  • off
  • oft
  • often
  • ogle
  • oh
  • oil
  • oink
  • old
  • on
  • once
  • one
  • ooze
  • open
  • orb
  • ouch
  • ought
  • our
  • oust
  • out
  • owe
  • own
  • ox
  • oz

1-Syllable Words Starting with P

  • pack
  • pact
  • pad
  • page
  • paid
  • pail
  • pain
  • paint
  • pale
  • palm
  • pan
  • pant
  • park
  • part
  • pass
  • patch
  • path
  • pause
  • paw
  • pay
  • peace
  • peach
  • peak
  • peal
  • pear
  • peck
  • peel
  • peep
  • peg
  • peh
  • pen
  • perch
  • pew
  • pitch
  • plant
  • plate
  • pluck
  • plumb
  • plume
  • plunge
  • poll
  • pool
  • pork
  • pound
  • pour
  • prank
  • primp
  • print
  • prize
  • prune
  • puck
  • puff
  • pug
  • put

1-Syllable Words Starting with Q

  • quack
  • quad
  • quag
  • quail
  • quaint
  • quake
  • qualm
  • quark
  • quart
  • quartz
  • quash
  • queen
  • queer
  • quell
  • quench
  • quest
  • queue
  • quiche
  • quick
  • quiet
  • quill
  • quilt
  • quip
  • quirk
  • quit
  • quite
  • quiz

1-Syllable Words Starting with R

  • race
  • rack
  • rad
  • raft
  • rag
  • rage
  • raid
  • rail
  • rain
  • raise
  • rake
  • ranch
  • rank
  • rant
  • rash
  • rat
  • rate
  • raw
  • ray
  • reach
  • read
  • real
  • ream
  • reap
  • rear
  • reck
  • red
  • reed
  • reef
  • reek
  • rend
  • rent
  • rest
  • ride
  • rife
  • rift
  • right
  • rim
  • roam
  • roast
  • robe
  • rock
  • rod
  • role
  • roll
  • roof
  • row

One-Syllable Words Starting with S

  • say
  • scale
  • scam
  • scan
  • scar
  • scare
  • school
  • scoff
  • scorch
  • score
  • scout
  • seal
  • search
  • shade
  • shark
  • shed
  • short
  • side
  • sift
  • silt
  • sin
  • sip
  • skew
  • skid
  • skim
  • skin
  • skit
  • slab
  • slay
  • smell
  • snack
  • snail
  • son
  • sore
  • spam
  • spread

One-Syllable Words Starting with T

  • tab
  • tack
  • tact
  • tad
  • tail
  • take
  • tale
  • talk
  • tall
  • tan
  • tank
  • tap
  • tart
  • taste
  • tax
  • tea
  • teach
  • tear
  • tease
  • tech
  • teeth
  • tell
  • ten
  • tent
  • term
  • test
  • text
  • thank
  • thin
  • thrash
  • throng
  • thrust
  • thud
  • thug
  • thump
  • thus
  • tick
  • tilt
  • time
  • tint
  • toad
  • toast
  • tote
  • toy
  • trade
  • trail
  • train
  • treat
  • tree
  • truth
  • try

1-Syllable Words Starting with U

  • ugh
  • uke
  • up
  • urge
  • urn
  • use
  • user

1-Syllable Words Starting with V

  • vain
  • vale
  • van
  • vase
  • vast
  • vat
  • vault
  • veer
  • veil
  • vein
  • vent
  • verb
  • verse
  • vest
  • vet
  • vex
  • vial
  • vibe
  • vice
  • vie
  • view
  • vim
  • vine
  • vise
  • voice
  • void
  • vote

One-Syllable Words Starting with W

  • wack
  • wade
  • wage
  • wail
  • waist
  • wait
  • walk
  • wall
  • wand
  • want
  • war
  • was
  • wash
  • watch
  • wave
  • wax
  • way
  • wean
  • wear
  • wed
  • weep
  • welt
  • wend
  • wharf
  • whelp
  • whiff
  • whim
  • whirl
  • whisk
  • whit

One-Syllable Words Starting with X, Y

  • x-ray
  • yacht
  • yak
  • yam
  • yank
  • yap
  • yard
  • yarn
  • yaw
  • yawn
  • year
  • yeild
  • yell
  • yelp
  • yen
  • yes
  • yet
  • yew
  • yield
  • yoga
  • yoke
  • yolk
  • you
  • you’d
  • young
  • your
  • yule

1-Syllable Words Starting with Z

  • zack
  • zag
  • zany
  • zap
  • zeal
  • zen
  • zest
  • zig
  • zinc
  • zing
  • zip
  • zit
  • zone
  • zoom
  • zulu

Powerful 1-Syllable Words

  • strength
  • trust
  • free
  • thrive
  • bold
  • brave
  • grace
  • fight
  • win
  • peace
  • bright
  • light
  • truth
  • flight
  • dream
  • lead
  • charge
  • break
  • burst
  • climb
  • blaze
  • vast
  • sharp
  • keen
  • sure
  • pure
  • fierce
  • force
  • might
  • crown
one syllable words for kindergarten

How to Identify 1-Syllable Words?

Explore More:

Objects That Start With A

Objects That Start With B

Opposite Words For Class 1

100 Easy Words for Kids

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Antonyms for Kids with Pictures


What are monosyllabic and multisyllabic words?

Monosyllabic words are words that consist of only one syllable, like “cat” or “flight.” Multisyllabic words contain more than one syllable, such as “computer” (com-pu-ter) or “information” (in-for-ma-tion).

Is there a 1 syllable word?

Yes, there are many one-syllable words in the English language, such as “strength,” “night,” “tree,” and “breeze.”

What are the big one-syllable words?

Some big one-syllable words are “strength,” “trust,” and “flight.” The word “big” here refers to the impact or significance of the words, not their length.