Opposite Words For Class 1, Grade 1 Antonyms List

Opposite Words For Class 1, Grade 1 Antonyms List

opposite words for class 1

There are many pairs of opposite words in the English language. In this post, we will look at a few examples and their meanings. If you are looking to improve your English vocabulary, understanding these opposites words is a great place to start!

  1. Accept – Refuse
  2. Mountain – Valley
  3. Divorce – Marriage
  4. Divorce – Marry
  5. Bitter – Sweet
  6. Destroy – Build
  7. Insult – Compliment
  8. Same – Different
  9. Sharp – Blunt
  10. East – West
  11. Lack – Abundance
  12. Depart – Arrive
  13. Present – Past
  14. Happiness – Sadness
  15. Refuse – Agree
  16. Girl – Boy
  17. Ordinary – Special
  18. Poor – Rich
  19. Body – Soul
  20. Foreigner – Native
  21. Grown-Up – Child
  22. Outside – Inside
  23. Slim – Fat
  24. Stranger – Native
  25. Subtract – Add
  26. Female – Male
  27. Raise – Lower
  28. Bad – Good
  29. Son – Daughter
  30. Flat – Hilly
  31. Professional – Amateur
  32. Consonant – Vowel
  33. Niece – Nephew
  34. Question – Answer
  35. Useless – Useful
  36. Marry – Divorce
  37. Public – Private
  38. South – North
  39. Man – Woman
  40. Presence – Absence
  41. Sunny – Cloudy
  42. Trust – Suspect
  43. Urban – Rural
  44. West – East
  45. Come – Go
  46. Delicious – Awful
  47. Major – Minor
  48. Land – Water
  49. Particular – General
  50. Start – Finish
  51. End – Beginning
  52. Finish – Begin
  53. Small – Big
  54. Dry – Humid
  55. Midnight – Noon
  56. Arrival – Departure
  57. Pass – Fail
  58. Reply – Ask
  59. Enemy – Friend
  60. Good Luck – Bad Luck
  61. Immigration – Emigration
  62. Let – Forbid
  63. Natural – Artificial
  64. Fortune – Bad Luck
  65. In Front Of – Back
  66. Shelter – Exposure
  67. Silly – Intelligent
  68. Export – Import
  69. Often – Seldom
  70. Regret – Satisfaction
  71. Begin – End
  72. Even – Odd
  73. Follow – Lead
  74. Sick – Healthy
  75. Inside – Outside
  76. Start – Stop
  77. Rich – Poor
  78. Rude – Polite
  79. Annoy – Satisfy
  80. Future – Past
  81. Die – Live
  82. Gentle – Violent
  83. Exclude – Include
  84. Republic – Dictatorship
  85. Dusk – Dawn
  86. Opponent – Supporter
  87. Native – Foreigner
  88. Well- Ill
  89. Dawn – Dusk
  90. False – True
  91. Land – Take Off
  92. Attack – Defense
  93. End – Begin
  94. Big – Small
  95. Catch – Miss
  96. Right – Left
  97. Ask – Answer
  98. Before – After
  99. Divorced – Married