80+ Romantic & Funny Ways to Say You Are Pregnant

Funny Ways to Say You Are Pregnant

1- There’s a little bun in the oven!

2- A mini me is on the way!

3- Somebody’s been eating for two!

4- I’m expecting a bundle of joy!

5- I’m baking a bun in the oven.

6- The stork is dropping off a package soon.

7- My tummy’s got something cooking inside it.

8- There’s a tiny human growing inside me.

9- I’m signing up for a maternity membership.

10- My belly is no longer concave, it’s convex.

11- We’re expecting a baby to join our family.

12- It looks like there’s an extra person on the guest list now!

13- Baby bumps are in style this season.

14- I’m preggers!

15- I’m adding a new member to my tribe.

16- The ultrasound revealed a little surprise.

17- We’ve got some baby making coming up!

18- My uterus is going to be quite full soon.

19- This mama’s gonna have a mini.

20- I’m in the family way!

21- We got an extra addition to the team.

22- My body’s getting ready for a new arrival.

23- I’m investing in maternity wear.

24- There’s going to be a plus one at our next party.

25- It’s time to dust off the baby’s crib.

26- Time to get ready for a new roommate!

27- I’m going to have to reevaluate my wardrobe choices.

28- Baby bump season is here!

29- I’m giving birth to a bundle of joy!

30- I’m having a little one!

31- Ready for a new adventure – parenthood.

32- The ultrasound revealed two beating hearts.

33- Shhh, there’s a secret in my belly.

34- My mommy glow is on full display now.

35- A baby on board!

36- There’s a new little life forming.

37- I’m carrying around my own mini me.

38- It looks like we’re going to need a bigger car.

39- A tiny human is coming through!

40- Morning sickness and mood swings, here I come.

41- I’m about to have some sleepless nights.

42- Get ready for the pitter patter of little feet!

43- We got a new addition on the way.

44- The ultrasound technician said there’s a baby in there!

45- Time to invest in some maternity clothes.

46- Let the baby preparations commence!

47- My belly is growing a new life.

48- Time to start counting kicks.

49- I’m starting my new job title – mommy!

50- We’re having another one of us!

Funny Ways to Say You Are Pregnant 1 Funny Ways to Say You Are Pregnant 2

30 Romantic Ways to Say You Are Pregnant

1- I’m so excited to announce that our family is getting bigger!

2- I have some very special news for you. Baby on board!

3- I hope you are as happy as I am to be expecting!

4- We’re pregnant, and we couldn’t be more thrilled.

5- Wanna know a secret? You’re going to be a dad!

6- Our little miracle is on the way!

7- It’s time for us to become a family of three!

8- Guess what? We’re having a baby!

9- The love we share will soon make us parents.

10- Our lives are about to get even sweeter. We’re pregnant!

11- Preparing for a tiny bundle of joy in our home. Exciting times ahead!

12- We have some amazing news to share. Let’s just say there’s a bun in the oven!

13- You’ll soon be hearing baby laughter and playing in our house.

14- Our way of saying, “I love you” is by making a sweet little bundle of joy.

15- Get ready to welcome our little blessing into this world.

16- I’m eating for two now!

17- We’re going to experience the adventure of parenthood together.

18- You’ll be the best dad ever, and I couldn’t be more excited.

19- The ultrasound said it all. We will soon welcome our little one.

20- We created a miracle and it’s on its way!

21- A tiny heart is beating in my belly and it belongs to you.

22- I’m feeling so blessed for this precious gift.

23- Our family is about to get bigger, with a beautiful baby joining us soon.

24- I’m so in love with the life we’ve created together.

25- I’m overjoyed that you’ll be a part of this journey.

26- Time to start decorating the nursery!

27- We’re about to experience a whole new kind of love.

28- Our little family is growing.

29- We made a wish and it’s coming true.

30- Let’s make some beautiful memories with our growing family.

Read Also: 100+ Cute Ways to Say You Are Pregnant

Romantic Ways to Say You Are Pregnant

funny ways to say you are pregnant