80+ Funny Ways to Say Yes To A Marriage Proposal

Funny Ways to Say Yes To A Marriage Proposal

1- Do I have to?

2- Let me think about it… Just kidding! Yes, of course!

3- Does this mean I get a ring?

4- Absolutely! Yes yes yes!

5- You had me at “Will you marry me?”

6- I was expecting this… but of course, my answer is YES.

7- It took you long enough to ask, but YES!

8- Ummm.. Okay… if you insist.

9- I’ll do it for the free food.

10- Wow, I didn’t expect that! Of course, the answer is yes.

11- Is this a joke? Because if not, then YES.

12- Do you really have to ask? It’s a definite yes!

13- How could I say no to you?

14- Me + You = Yes!

15- So… the answer is yes.

16- Is that a diamond ring I see? That’s a YES from me!

17- I was hoping for something like this, and my answer is yes.

18- Can’t say no to that gorgeous face. It’s a yes!

19- I get to keep the ring, right? That’s a yes!

20- You had me at hello… and my answer is yes!

21- If it was anyone else, the answer would be no. But it’s you – so YES!

22- I think that deserves a yes.

23- You know me so well. My answer is yes!

24- I’ve been waiting for you to ask – the answer is YES!

25- That’s a proposal?! Yes, of course!

26- Are you for real? If so, then YES!

27- Whoo hoo! Yes, please!

28- What took you so long? YES!

29- Ahh, I’d be delighted to marry you.

30- You’d better not be joking… Yes, yes, a thousand times YES!

31- Let me think about it… Just kidding. Of course, the answer is yes!

32- I didn’t see that one coming. But the answer is still yes!

33- Oh, why not? Yes!

34- I can’t believe it’s finally happening – YES!

35- Finally an opportunity to say YES!

36- If you have to ask, the answer is YES!

37- Can I think about it for a second? Just joking – let’s do this!

38- So, when do we start planning? My answer is still yes.

39- If that ring cost more than $500, my answer is yes!

40- I’d say yes, but you already know that.

41- That was unexpected – and my answer is still YES!

42- I’m speechless… but the answer is still yes!

43- Yes, now let’s eat cake!

44- All right, if you insist. The answer is yes.

45- Don’t make me say it again – YES!

46- I love you and the answer is still yes!

47- Of course, my answer is yes. What did you expect?

48- As if you didn’t know the answer already – Yes!

49- Let’s do this. My answer is yes!

50- It’s about time you asked – and YES, I do!

Funny ways to say yes to a relationship Funny ways to say yes to a relationship 2

Flirty ways to say yes to a date

1- Certainly, I would love to go out with you!

2- What a brilliant idea, let’s do it.

3- Of course! Let’s make it an adventure.

4- Absolutely! Count me in.

5- You bet I’m in. Let the fun begin!

6- Yes…I think that would be a lot of fun.

7- I’d love to take you out on a date.

8- Yes, let’s do it! It sounds lovely.

9- That sounds like an amazing plan to me!

10- You had me a ‘date’. Let’s do it!

11- Let’s go for it! I can’t wait.

12- You had me at ‘hello’, let’s go on a date.

13- I wouldn’t miss this opportunity for the world.

14- I’m all in, let’s make it happen!

15- I’m so excited to go on a date with you.

16- Let’s do it! This is gonna be fun.

17- I’d love to, let’s make some memories.

18- Yes, please! That sounds like a great plan.

19- You had me a ‘date’. Count me in.

20- Definitely, I’m game if you are!

21- I can’t wait to go out with you. let’s do it!

22- Let’s make it happen! It will be an amazing night.

23- Sounds like a plan! I’d love to go out with you.

24- Let’s do it! I’m up for a great time.

25- Absolutely, let’s make it an unforgettable date.

26- Yes, I’d love to go out with you!

27- Of course, let’s make it a night to remember.

28- Let’s do it! I’m sure we’ll have a great time.

29- Sure thing! It will be an amazing experience.

30- You bet! I’m looking forward to it.

Flirty ways to say yes to a date

Funny Ways to Say Yes To A Marriage Proposal

  • Yes, I want to spend my life with you!
  • Yes, marriage is what I want too!
  • I want to be with you forever, let’s get married!
  • Yes, I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you!
  • Yes, I will marry you!
  • Yes!!! Let’s get married!!!
  • Let’s make this commitment for the rest of our lives!
  • Yes, I want to start a family with you!
  • Yes, let’s make this commitment together!
  • Yes, I want to be with you forever!
  • I always dreamed of marrying you!
  • You are the love of my life, I want to marry you!
  • My answer is yes, I want to marry you!
  • Absolutely, I want to marry you!
  • Yes, I want to grow old with you!
  • Yes, I am ready to be your wife!
  • I will love you forever, yes to a marriage proposal!
  • Absolutely, I’m yours forever!
  • Yes, I will love and cherish you forever!
  • Yes, I will always be there for you!