60+ Flirty & Funny Ways to Say Kiss Me

Show your special someone you care about with a memorable and creative way to say “Kiss Me”! Instead of going with the same old cliché, why not find something clever and unique that will really surprise them? With this blog post, we’ll cover some of the funniest ways to get your message across without leaving any doubt in their mind about what you’re asking for.

From winks and nods to silly rhymes, these expressions prove there’s no shortage of fun approaches when it comes to sharing a kiss! So grab your biggest smiley face, put on those puckered lips, and let’s dive into all the lighthearted methods for expressing “Kiss Me”.

Funny Ways to Say Kiss Me

1- Give Me Some Sugar

2- Put Your Lips on Mine

3- Plant a Big Fat Kiss on My Cheek

4- Let’s Have Some Lip Service

5- Come Here and Give Me Lips

6- Lock Lips with Me Now!

7- Let’s Smooch

8- Give Me a Kissy Face

9- Pucker Up and Kiss Me!

10- I’ve Been Waiting for That Kiss All Day

11- Buss My Lips with Yours

12- It’s Time to Make Out!

13- Come On Over Here and Lock Lips!

14- Time for a Kiss Marathon

15- Let’s Play a Game of Spinning the Bottle and Make Out!

16- Get Ready to Experience My Lip Lock

17- Show Me Your Best Smooch

18- Come Here and Kiss Me Like You Mean It!

19- Show Me Some Love with a Kiss

20- Give Me A Big Wet Smooch

21- I’m Ready for Your Sweet Lips to Meet Mine

22- Let’s Do Some Lip Syncing Together

23- Time To Experience the Magic of Our Lips Connecting

24- Come Here and Plant One on Me

25- Let’s Get Lip to Lip

26- Kiss Me Before I Change My Mind!

27- I’ve Been Anticipating Your Kiss All Day

28- Feel Free To Pucker Up and Plant One On Me

29- Time for Some Locking of Lips!

30- Come Get Some Lip Love From Me!

Funny Ways to Say Kiss Me 2

30 Flirty ways to say Kiss Me

1- Plant a sweet smooch on my cheek!

2- Come here and give me a kiss!

3- Pucker up for a sugar smooch!

4- My lips are begging for your tender touch.

5- Let’s lock lips and make sparks fly!

6- I want to feel your soft lips on mine.

7- Be brave and lean in for a kiss!

8- Kiss me like there’s no tomorrow.

9- Take away my breath with just one smooch!

10- I’m dying for your lips on mine.

11- Let’s put our lips together and ignite the night!

12- I want to feel that amazing kiss.

13- I need your lips to show me some love.

14- Come close and let me feel those lips!

15- Put your arms around me and give me a kiss.

16- Give me an electrifying kiss!

17- Let’s get lost in a passionate kiss.

18- I want to feel your kiss from head to toe.

19- Take me in with a passionate embrace!

20- Let’s lock lips and make heat waves!

21- Your lips have the power to make my heart flutter.

22- Come here and give me a sweet serenade!

23- I need you to show me some love with a kiss.

24- Come close and let’s take a smooch break!

25- Let’s intertwine our lips for a midnight kiss.

26- Claim my lips as your own with just one smooch.

27- Give me the sweetest kiss of my life.

28- Let’s take a deep dive into a passionate kiss.

29- I can’t wait to feel your soft, tender lips.

30- Show me some love with your amazing kiss!

Flirty Ways to Say Kiss Me

Read Also: 150+ Heartfelt Ways to Say Kiss Me

funny ways to say kiss me