Daily Dawn Vocabulary |500+ Words Meanings and Synonyms

Daily dawn vocabulary! Here is the list of more than 500 daily dawn vocabulary words that are very important for CSS aspirants. These words will improve your vocabulary. All the most common dawn vocabulary words are listed here with their Urdu meanings and Synonyms.

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Daily Dawn Vocabulary

CSS-Dawn Vocabulary List 1

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
101 Autonomy خودمختاری self-government
102 Autocrat خودمختار absolute ruler, dictator
103 Aural سمعی through the sense of hearing
104 Augment زیادہ کرنا increase in size or number
105 Astute ذی شعور  ,   دانش مند wise; mentally sharp
106 Ascertain معلوم کریں find out; make sure
107 Articulation بیان کرنا joining; speaking clearly; distinct
108 Archaic آثار قدیمہ old-fashioned
109 Arcane خفیہ – پوشید obscure; known only to few people
110 Arboreal درخت کی طرح٬ شجر living in trees (Root)

daily dawn vocabulary CSS vocabulary words list with urdu meanings and synonyms pdf

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Important Dawn – CSS Vocabulary list 2

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
111 Arbitration ثالثی mediating between disputing sides
112 Arable قابل انتظام cab be cultivated
113 Apathetic بے حس lacking energy or interest
114 Animosity عداوت hostility; hatred
115 Anachronistic زمانہ کا حساب لگانے میں غلطی out of normal time range
116 Amiable ملنسار friendly; lovable
117 Ameliorate بہتر کرنا make better; improve
118 Ambiguous مبہم vague; doubtful; equivocal
119 Amassed جمع کیا گیا Accumulated
120 Amalgam پارے کے کِسی دھات يا دھاتوں کے ساتھ مِل کَر بَنا ہُوا بھَرت Mixture

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Important Dawn – CSS Vocabulary list 3

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
121 Altruism پرستی self-sacrifice
122 Alleviate کم کرنا make less serve; reduce
123 Alacrity تیزی – پھرتی speed & eagerness; promptness
124 Agnostic ملحد unsure of the existence of god
125 Affluence افزودگی wealth; opulence
126 Affability افادیت friendliness; cordiality
127 Advocate وکیل Support
128 Adulation جوش worship; great praise
129 Adroit چست skill-full
130 Acumen تدبیر sharpness of mind

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Dawn Vocabulary list 4

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
131 Abstruse غذائیت Difficult to comprehend
132 Aberration گمراہی deviation; abnormality
133 Barrage روکنے کا عمَل Bombardment
134 Belabor خوب پیٹنا To beat soundly
135 Belied غلط ترجمانی کرنا ا Contradicted
136 Belitters بے عزتی people who criticize/disparage
137 Benevolent فائدہ مند kindly; charitable
138 Boorishness گنوار پن rudeness; ill-mannered behavior
139 Bountiful قابل قدر Generous
140 Brevity خلاصہ Briefness

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CSS Vocabulary list 5

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
141 Bypass کسی رکاوٹ سے بچنا avoid; find a way around
142 Byzantine نہایت پیچیدہ excessive; decadent
143 Cacophony زور دار چیخ noise; din
144 Callous سخت cruel & unfeeling
145 Candid صاف گوئی truthful; straight forward
146 Capricious من موجی – ترنگ whimsical; changeable
147 Censure مذمت کرنا criticize; blame
148 Cerebral دماغی concerned with thinking
149 Circumstantial ناگوار accidental; indirect
150 Insightful بصیرت انگی perceptive; can be understood

CSS Vocabulary list 6

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
161 intrigued دلچسپ interested and curious
162 Intuition اِلہام sixth sense; gut feeling
163 Invocation دعا کرنا – مدد طلب کرنا Prayer
164 Irony طنز words to convey opposite meaning
165 Irreproachable ناقابل تلافی cannot be criticized; blameless
166 Irreverence بے ادبی – بے حرمتی lack of respect
167 Jaded تھکا ماندہ tired; bored
168 Jeopardize خطرے میں ڈالنا put at risk; endanger
169 Judicious انصاف پسند fair; wise
170 Juxtaposition برابر برابر رکھنا placing two things next to each other

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CSS Vocabulary list 7

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
171 Knack کچھ کرنے کا خاص طریقہ trick; skill
172 Lackadaisical سست lazy; careless; lax
173 Lamentable بدقسمتی – برا Regrettable
174 Languid سستی سے Lacking energy; weak
175 Lavish شاہانہ to spend freely(v); costing a lot
176 Legitimate قانونی to make legal; give approval to
177 Libelous آزاد open to prosecution for libel
178 Lithe لچکیلا flexible; supple
179 Litigious قانونی چارہ جوئی seeking legal remedies
180 Lobby دالان to try to persuade; entrance hall

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Dawn/CSS Vocabulary list 8

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
181 Lucid قابل فہم – سمجھ آنے والا clear; explained
182 Magnanimous عالی ظرف generous minded; big-hearted
183 Mandate فرمان Permission
184 Mandatory لازمی Compulsory
185 Manifesto منشور statement of values
186 Manipulative جوڑ توڑ deceptive; skill-ful at handling people
187 Marred خراب کرنا spoiled; ruined
188 Meager معمولی small; scanty; unimportant
189 Meticulous پیچیدہ thorough; taking care of details
190 Miffed جھگڑا ہوا annoyed; vex

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CSS times Vocabulary list 9

Sr. No. Word Meaning Synonyms
191 Mitigate تخفیف کریں moderate; reduce intensity
192 Modicum برائے نام – تہوڑی مقدار tiny amount
193 Momentous یادگاری لمحے of great importance
194 Monotonous ایک ہی ڈھنگ dull; repetitive
195 Morbidity مریضانہ concern with death and disease
196 Motley کئی طرح کے varied; miscellaneous
197 Circumvent گھیرلینا avoid; outwit; baffle
198 Coalition مل کر ایک ہونا a union of two parts
199 Coercion زبردستی compel; force
200 Cognitions ادراک mental knowledge

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