80+ List Of Collective Nouns For Animals And Birds

List Of Collective Nouns For Animal And Birds! Below are some collective nouns for birds and animals in English. These List of Collective Nouns is very important to speak English fluently. A collective noun is basically a group of nouns. We use collective nouns in our life and that is why ESL students must learn these collective nouns.

List Of Collective Nouns For Animals And Birds

Here is a List of 80+ Collective Nouns for animals and birds:

  • A Nest Of Rabbits
  • A Watch Of Nightingales
  • A Bevy Of Quail
  • A Prettying Of Doves
  • A Kindle Of Kittens
  • A Train Of Camels
  • A Litter Of Cubs
  • A Tribe Of Goats
  • A Cloud Of Insects
  • A Rout Of Wolves
  • A Gaze Of Raccoons
  • A String Of Ponies
  • A Cluster Of Spiders
  • A School Of Herrings
  • A Gaggle Of Geese
  • A Spring Of Seals
  • A Drove Of Cattle
  • A Slither Of Snakes
  • A Murmuration Of Starlings
  • A Turn Of Turtles
  • A Cast Of Hawks
  • A Rafter Of Turkeys
  • A Court Of Kangaroos
  • A Siege Of Herons
  • A Colony Of Gulls
  • A Scold Of Jays
  • A Hive Of Bees
  • A Tiding Of Magpies
  • A Pack Of Hounds
  • A Wisp Of Snipe
  • A Nest Of Mice
  • A Waddle Of Penguins
  • A Company Of Parrots
  • A Scourge Of Mosquitoes
  • A Nye Of Pheasants
  • A Whiteness Of Swans
  • A Cast Of Falcons
  • A Rabble Of Rats
  • A Clamor Of Rooks
  • A Rake Of Colts
  • A Flight Of Swallows
  • A Sord Of Mallards
  • A Drove Of Horses
  • A Smack Of Jellyfish
  • A Clan Of Hyenas
  • A Rake Of Mules
  • A Herd Of Elephants
  • A Team Of Oxen
  • A Conspiracy Of Ravens
  • A Shiver Of Sharks
  • A Pack Of Wolves
  • An Army Of Ants
  • A Cast Of Vultures
  • A Rainbow Of Butterflies
  • A Herd Of Buffaloes
  • A Stud Of Mares
  • A Host Of Sparrows
  • A Trace Of Hares
  • A Plump Of Waterfowl
  • A Gang Of Elks
  • A Streak Of Tigers
  • A Herd Of Deer
  • A Team Of Ducks
  • A Muster Of Peacocks
  • A Ubiquity Of Sparrows
  • A Flock Of Birds
  • A Sounder Of Boars
  • A Corps Of Giraffes
  • A Shoal Of Herring
  • A Litter Of Puppies
  • A Turmoil Of Porpoises
  • A Covey Of Partridges
  • A Skulk Of Foxes
  • A Congress Of Baboons
  • A Screech Of Gulls
  • A Brood Of Chickens
  • A Pride Of Lions
  • A Parcel Of Hogs
  • A Convocation Of Eagles
  • A Shoal Of Fish
  • A Cloud Of Flies
  • A Rout Of Snails
  • A Litter Of Piglets
  • A Troop Of Monkeys
  • A Cloud Of Locusts
  • A Run Of Salmon
  • A Gam Of Whales
  • A Stare Of Owls

Related: List of Bird Names with Pictures

Related: List of Animal Names with Pictures

Infographic (List of Collective Nouns)

collective nouns for animals and birds

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