Dive into the world of adjectives that spark with the letter ‘R’! Whether you’re a writer looking to expand your vocabulary, a student prepping for an exam, or simply a word enthusiast, this comprehensive list is your treasure trove.
Sorted meticulously by the number of letters, we’ll later unveil the top 100 adjectives that wear this essential letter ‘r’, each with its meaning and a handy example. Additionally, we’ll delve into descriptors apt for individuals, as well as those that shine positively or cast a shadow negatively.
Also, Check More Adjectives A-Z:
A – B – C – D – E – F – G – H – I – J – K – L – M – N – O – P – Q – R – S – T – U – V – W – X – Y – Z
All Adjectives that Start with R (Sorted by Number of Letters)
Discover a meticulously arranged list, where each adjective that starts with ‘R’ is sorted based on its length.
3 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Raw
- Red
- Rum
4 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Racy
- Rank
- Rapt
- Rare
- Rash
- Real
- Rear
- Rich
- Rife
- Rimy
- Ripe
- Roan
- Ropy
- Rose
- Rosy
- Ruby
- Rude
- Ruly
- Rush
- Rust
5 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rabid
- Radio
- Rainy
- Randy
- Rangy
- Raped
- Rapid
- Raspy
- Raspy
- Ratty
- Ratty
- Razed
- Ready
- Rebel
- Redux
- Reedy
- Reefy
- Regal
- Renal
- Retro
- Riant
- Right
- Rigid
- Riled
- Rimed
- Risen
- Risky
- Ritzy
- Roast
- Robed
- Rocky
- Roily
- Roman
- Roomy
- Ropey
- Rough
- Round
- Rowdy
- Royal
- Ruddy
- Ruled
- Rummy
- Runic
- Runny
- Runty
- Rural
- Rushy
- Rusty
- Rutty
6 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rabble
- Racial
- Racist
- Radial
- Ragged
- Raging
- Raised
- Rakish
- Rakish
- Ramate
- Ramose
- Ramous
- Rancid
- Random
- Ranked
- Raring
- Raving
- Reborn
- Recent
- Rectal
- Reflex
- Regent
- Remiss
- Remote
- Rental
- Rented
- Repand
- Resiny
- Rested
- Retral
- Rheumy
- Rhinal
- Rhymed
- Ribald
- Ribbed
- Richer
- Ridged
- Rifled
- Rigged
- Riming
- Rimmed
- Rimose
- Ringed
- Ripped
- Rising
- Risque
- Ritual
- Robust
- Rococo
- Roiled
- Rolled
- Romaic
- Romani
- Romany
- Romish
- Roofed
- Rooted
- Rotary
- Rotted
- Rotten
- Rotund
- Rouged
- Roving
- Rubber
- Rueful
- Rugged
- Rugose
- Ruined
- Ruling
- Rushed
- Russet
- Rusted
- Rustic
- Rutted
7 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rackety
- Racking
- Raddled
- Radiant
- Radiate
- Radical
- Raffish
- Raiding
- Raining
- Raising
- Rampant
- Ranging
- Ranking
- Rasping
- Ratable
- Ratlike
- Rattled
- Raucous
- Raunchy
- Ravaged
- Rayless
- Rearing
- Recluse
- Reddish
- Reduced
- Reeking
- Refined
- Regnant
- Regular
- Related
- Relaxed
- Reliant
- Removed
- Rending
- Renewed
- Replete
- Reputed
- Rescued
- Restful
- Restive
- Retinal
- Retired
- Revered
- Reverse
- Reviled
- Revised
- Revived
- Rhenish
- Rhombic
- Rhyming
- Ribbony
- Ribless
- Riblike
- Richest
- Rickety
- Riddled
- Rimless
- Ringing
- Riotous
- Ripened
- Ripping
- Rippled
- Risible
- Roaring
- Roasted
- Robotic
- Rodlike
- Roguish
- Roiling
- Rolling
- Romance
- Romanic
- Romansh
- Roseate
- Rotated
- Rotting
- Rounded
- Rousing
- Routine
- Ruandan
- Rubbery
- Ruffled
- Ruinous
- Rumansh
- Rumpled
- Runaway
- Rundown
- Running
- Russian
- Ruthful
- Ruttish
- Rwandan
8 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rabbinic
- Racemose
- Rachitic
- Raftered
- Rainless
- Raisable
- Rallying
- Rambling
- Ransomed
- Rarefied
- Rarified
- Rascally
- Rateable
- Ratified
- Rational
- Rationed
- Rattling
- Ravaging
- Ravening
- Ravenous
- Ravished
- Rawboned
- Reactive
- Readable
- Realised
- Realized
- Rearmost
- Rearward
- Reasoned
- Receding
- Received
- Recessed
- Reckless
- Recorded
- Recreant
- Recurved
- Recusant
- Redbrick
- Reddened
- Redeemed
- Redolent
- Reedlike
- Referent
- Reflexed
- Reformed
- Regional
- Reigning
- Rejected
- Relative
- Relaxant
- Relaxing
- Relevant
- Reliable
- Reliable
- Relieved
- Remedial
- Renegade
- Renewing
- Reniform
- Renowned
- Rentable
- Repaired
- Repeated
- Reported
- Required
- Reserved
- Resident
- Residual
- Resinous
- Resolute
- Resolved
- Resonant
- Restless
- Restless
- Restored
- Resupine
- Retained
- Retarded
- Reticent
- Retiring
- Retrorse
- Reusable
- Revamped
- Revenant
- Reverend
- Reverent
- Reversed
- Reviving
- Revolved
- Rhomboid
- Rhythmic
- Rightful
- Rightish
- Rightist
- Rigorous
- Rimeless
- Ringlike
- Riparian
- Rippling
- Riskless
- Ritenuto
- Riveting
- Roadless
- Rocklike
- Romanian
- Romanist
- Romantic
- Roofless
- Rootless
- Rostrate
- Rotating
- Rotatory
- Roughish
- Roundish
- Rubbishy
- Rubicund
- Rumanian
- Rumbling
- Ruminant
- Runproof
- Ruptured
- Rushlike
- Rustless
- Rustling
- Ruthless
- Ruthless
9 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Radiating
- Rainproof
- Raiseable
- Rancorous
- Ransacked
- Rapacious
- Raptorial
- Rapturous
- Ravishing
- Razorback
- Reachable
- Realistic
- Reasoning
- Reassured
- Receptive
- Recessive
- Recherche
- Reclaimed
- Reclusive
- Recondite
- Recondite
- Recovered
- Rectified
- Recumbent
- Recurrent
- Recurring
- Recursive
- Recurvate
- Redeeming
- Redheaded
- Redoubled
- Reducible
- Reductive
- Redundant
- Reechoing
- Reentrant
- Referable
- Reflected
- Reflexive
- Reformist
- Refreshed
- Refulgent
- Refutable
- Regardant
- Regardful
- Regretful
- Regulated
- Rejective
- Rejoicing
- Relatable
- Releasing
- Religious
- Relocated
- Reluctant
- Remaining
- Remindful
- Remittent
- Removable
- Renascent
- Renewable
- Reparable
- Repayable
- Repellant
- Repellent
- Repelling
- Repentant
- Reposeful
- Repressed
- Reprobate
- Reproving
- Reptilian
- Repugnant
- Repulsive
- Repulsive
- Reputable
- Requested
- Requisite
- Resentful
- Resettled
- Residuary
- Resilient
- Resilient
- Resinated
- Resinlike
- Resistant
- Resistive
- Respected
- Resultant
- Resurgent
- Retentive
- Reticular
- Retracted
- Retroflex
- Retrousse
- Returning
- Revealing
- Reversive
- Reverting
- Revocable
- Revokable
- Revolting
- Revolving
- Rewardful
- Rewarding
- Rhapsodic
- Rheologic
- Rheumatic
- Rhizoidal
- Rhodesian
- Rhymeless
- Righteous
- Rightmost
- Ringleted
- Rivalrous
- Robotlike
- Rockbound
- Rocketing
- Rootbound
- Rosaceous
- Rotatable
- Roughened
- Roughhewn
- Roughshod
- Roumanian
- Ruffianly
- Runcinate
- Rupestral
- Rustproof
10 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rabbinical
- Radiopaque
- Rampageous
- Ramshackle
- Randomised
- Randomized
- Rapid-fire
- Realizable
- Reanimated
- Reasonable
- Reasonless
- Reassuring
- Rebellious
- Rebellious
- Receivable
- Reciprocal
- Recognised
- Recognized
- Recoilless
- Reconciled
- Recovering
- Recyclable
- Redeemable
- Redemptive
- Redemptory
- Referenced
- Refillable
- Reflecting
- Reflective
- Reformable
- Refractile
- Refractive
- Refractory
- Refreshful
- Refreshing
- Refundable
- Regardless
- Regenerate
- Regimental
- Regimented
- Registered
- Regressive
- Regulation
- Regulative
- Regulatory
- Reinforced
- Relational
- Relentless
- Remarkable
- Remediable
- Remorseful
- Renunciant
- Repairable
- Repeatable
- Repetitive
- Replicable
- Reportable
- Repressing
- Repressive
- Republican
- Resealable
- Resistible
- Resistless
- Resolvable
- Resonating
- Resounding
- Respectful
- Respective
- Respondent
- Responsive
- Restrained
- Restricted
- Reticulate
- Retractile
- Retrograde
- Returnable
- Revelatory
- Revengeful
- Reversible
- Revertible
- Rhetorical
- Rhetorical
- Rheumatoid
- Rhomboidal
- Rhythmical
- Ribbonlike
- Ridiculing
- Ridiculous
- Riemannian
- Ritardando
- Robustious
- Rollicking
- Rotational
- Roughdried
- Roundabout
- Rousseauan
- Rubberlike
- Rudderless
- Ruminative
- Rupicolous
- Ruritanian
11 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Rabelaisian
- Radioactive
- Radiolucent
- Radiophonic
- Raimentless
- Rallentando
- Rastafarian
- Rationalist
- Rattlepated
- Razor-edged
- Reactionary
- Reactionist
- Rebarbative
- Recessional
- Reclaimable
- Recombinant
- Reconciling
- Recoverable
- Rectangular
- Rectifiable
- Rectilineal
- Rectilinear
- Red-blooded
- Redoubtable
- Referential
- Reformative
- Reformatory
- Refrigerant
- Refurbished
- Regrettable
- Reincarnate
- Reiterative
- Reminiscent
- Remorseless
- Remunerated
- Reorganised
- Reorganized
- Repetitious
- Replaceable
- Represented
- Reproachful
- Repudiative
- Rescindable
- Residential
- Resourceful
- Respectable
- Respiratory
- Resplendent
- Responsible
- Restorative
- Restricting
- Restrictive
- Retaliative
- Retaliatory
- Retractable
- Retributive
- Retributory
- Retrievable
- Retroactive
- Retroflexed
- Reverberant
- Reverential
- Revitalised
- Revitalized
- Rheological
- Rhizomatous
- Rickettsial
- Ritualistic
- Romanticist
- Rosicrucian
- Roundheaded
- Rudimentary
- Rumbustious
- Rustproofed
12 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Radiographic
- Radiological
- Rambunctious
- Rambunctious
- Recalcitrant
- Recalcitrant
- Recessionary
- Rechargeable
- Recognisable
- Recognizable
- Recollective
- Reconcilable
- Recreational
- Recrudescent
- Rectosigmoid
- Recuperative
- Redemptional
- Reductionist
- Refrigerated
- Regenerating
- Relativistic
- Relinquished
- Remunerative
- Renegotiable
- Renunciative
- Reproducible
- Reproductive
- Resourceless
- Resuscitated
- Reversionary
- Revitalising
- Revitalizing
- Revivalistic
- Rhombohedral
- Right-handed
- Rooseveltian
- Rustic rusty
13-16 Letter Adjectives that Start with R
- Ratiocinative
- Rationalistic
- Rattlebrained
- Reciprocative
- Reciprocatory
- Reconstructed
- Recriminative
- Recriminatory
- Redistributed
- Refrigerating
- Reinvigorated
- Reprehensible
- Representable
- Retrogressive
- Retrospective
- Reverberating
- Reverberative
- Revolutionary
- Romanticistic
- Radiosensitive
- Reconstructive
- Rehabilitative
- Rembrandtesque
- Representative
- Radiotelephonic
- Rainbow-colored
- Representational
- Roentgenographic
Top 100 Adjectives That Start With R (Sorted Alphabetically)
Unravel the crème de la crème of ‘R’ adjectives, listed in alphabetical order with definitions and examples for each.
1. Radiant
Meaning: Emitting light; shining brightly.
Example: The bride looked radiant in her wedding dress.
2. Ragged
Meaning: Worn out, frayed, or tattered.
Example: He wore a ragged coat that had seen better days.
3. Rapid
Meaning: Happening quickly; fast-paced.
Example: The river flowed with a rapid current.
4. Rare
Meaning: Not common; unusual.
Example: Finding such a rare coin in the attic was exciting.
5. Rash
Meaning: Acting without careful consideration.
Example: It was a rash decision to go hiking in the storm.
6. Rational
Meaning: Based on reason or logic.
Example: Her argument was clear and rational.
7. Ravenous
Meaning: Extremely hungry.
Example: After the hike, he felt ravenous.
8. Rebellious
Meaning: Resisting authority or control.
Example: The teenager had a rebellious streak.
9. Reckless
Meaning: Careless; without caution.
Example: Driving so fast is incredibly reckless.
10. Rectangular
Meaning: Shaped like a rectangle.
Example: The table was perfectly rectangular.
11. Red
Meaning: Color at the end of the visible spectrum.
Example: She wore a bold red dress.
12. Redundant
Meaning: No longer needed; superfluous.
Example: That sentence is redundant and can be removed.
13. Reflective
Meaning: Capable of reflecting light or other radiation.
Example: The reflective vest made him visible at night.
14. Refreshing
Meaning: Pleasantly new or different.
Example: The breeze was refreshing on a hot day.
15. Regal
Meaning: Resembling or fit for a monarch; majestic.
Example: The castle had a regal appearance.
16. Regular
Meaning: Conforming to a standard; usual.
Example: He was a regular visitor at the café.
17. Rejuvenating
Meaning: Making someone feel or look younger.
Example: The spa trip was rejuvenating.
18. Reliable
Meaning: Dependable; trustworthy.
Example: She is a very reliable friend.
19. Relieved
Meaning: No longer feeling distressed or anxious.
Example: He felt relieved after hearing the good news.
20. Remarkable
Meaning: Worthy of attention; striking.
Example: Her talent is truly remarkable.
21. Remorseful
Meaning: Feeling regret or guilt.
Example: He was deeply remorseful for his actions.
22. Remote
Meaning: Far away; distant.
Example: They lived on a remote island.
23. Renewable
Meaning: Able to be renewed or replenished.
Example: Solar energy is a renewable resource.
24. Repetitive
Meaning: Involving repetition; redundant.
Example: The job was boring and repetitive.
25. Repulsive
Meaning: Arousing intense distaste or disgust.
Example: The smell was absolutely repulsive.
26. Resilient
Meaning: Able to recover quickly from difficulties.
Example: Children are often surprisingly resilient.
27. Respectable
Meaning: Regarded as good or proper.
Example: He came from a respectable family.
28. Responsible
Meaning: Having an obligation to do something.
Example: Being a parent is a very responsible role.
29. Restful
Meaning: Conductive to rest or relaxation.
Example: The cabin offered a restful retreat.
30. Restless
Meaning: Unable to rest or relax.
Example: He was feeling restless and couldn’t sleep.
31. Retractable
Meaning: Able to be drawn back or in.
Example: The pen had a retractable tip.
32. Retro
Meaning: Imitative of a style from the recent past.
Example: The diner had a fun retro vibe.
33. Rewarding
Meaning: Providing satisfaction or benefit.
Example: Volunteering can be very rewarding.
34. Rich
Meaning: Having a lot of wealth or resources.
Example: They lived in a rich neighborhood.
35. Ridiculous
Meaning: Deserving or inviting mockery.
Example: That idea is absolutely ridiculous.
36. Righteous
Meaning: Morally right or justifiable.
Example: She felt a righteous anger about the injustice.
37. Rigid
Meaning: Not flexible; stiff.
Example: The rules were rigid and unyielding.
38. Risky
Meaning: Involving the possibility of danger.
Example: Investing in stocks can be risky.
39. Ritzy
Meaning: Luxuriously stylish.
Example: They stayed at a ritzy hotel.
40. Robust
Meaning: Strong and healthy.
Example: He had a robust constitution.
41. Rocky
Meaning: Covered with or consisting of rocks.
Example: The path was uneven and rocky.
42. Romantic
Meaning: Conducive to or characterized by romance.
Example: The candlelit dinner was very romantic.
43. Roomy
Meaning: Spacious; having plenty of room.
Example: The car was surprisingly roomy inside.
44. Rosy
Meaning: Optimistically cheerful; having a pink hue.
Example: She had a rosy outlook on life.
45. Rotund
Meaning: Plump; round.
Example: The rotund little man reminded her of Santa Claus.
46. Rough
Meaning: Having an uneven or irregular surface.
Example: The rough texture of the bark was interesting.
47. Round
Meaning: Shaped like a circle or sphere.
Example: The round table fit everyone comfortably.
48. Rowdy
Meaning: Noisy and disorderly.
Example: The rowdy crowd cheered loudly.
49. Royal
Meaning: Relating to a king or queen.
Example: They received a royal invitation.
50. Rubbery
Meaning: Resembling rubber in flexibility.
Example: The old cheese had a rubbery texture.
51. Rudimentary
Meaning: Basic; elementary.
Example: His knowledge of the language was rudimentary at best.
52. Rugged
Meaning: Rough or tough in character or appearance.
Example: The mountain terrain was rugged and challenging.
53. Ruined
Meaning: Destroyed or spoiled.
Example: The rain ruined our picnic plans.
54. Rumbling
Meaning: Making a deep, continuous sound.
Example: A rumbling thunder announced the storm’s approach.
55. Runny
Meaning: More liquid than desired.
Example: The eggs were slightly runny in the center.
56. Rural
Meaning: Relating to the countryside.
Example: They enjoyed the peaceful rural scenery.
57. Rustic
Meaning: Characteristic of the countryside; simple.
Example: The cabin had a rustic charm.
58. Ruthless
Meaning: Without pity or compassion.
Example: The villain in the story was ruthless and cold.
59. Rhythmic
Meaning: Having a regular repeated pattern of beats.
Example: The rhythmic drumming was hypnotic.
60. Ripe
Meaning: Fully developed; ready to eat.
Example: The fruit was juicy and ripe.
61. Radiating
Meaning: Emitting or sending out in all directions.
Example: The lamp was radiating warmth.
62. Reserved
Meaning: Restrained in manner; not openly expressive.
Example: He was a reserved person, always keeping his emotions in check.
63. Responsive
Meaning: Reacting quickly or positively.
Example: The website was responsive and easy to navigate.
64. Rancid
Meaning: Having an unpleasant smell or taste.
Example: The milk had gone rancid.
65. Rigorous
Meaning: Thorough and accurate.
Example: The research was rigorous and well-documented.
66. Resolute
Meaning: Admirably determined.
Example: She was resolute in her decision to change careers.
67. Rotational
Meaning: Relating to or involving rotation.
Example: The rotational motion of the Earth causes day and night.
68. Reverent
Meaning: Feeling or showing deep respect.
Example: The crowd was reverent during the ceremony.
69. Recyclable
Meaning: Able to be processed and used again.
Example: Glass bottles are completely recyclable.
70. Repugnant
Meaning: Extremely distasteful.
Example: The idea was morally repugnant to him.
71. Relaxed
Meaning: Free from tension and anxiety.
Example: After the massage, she felt completely relaxed.
72. Restorative
Meaning: Having the ability to restore health or strength.
Example: Sleep is a restorative process.
73. Rosy
Meaning: Optimistic or positive.
Example: He had a rosy view of the future.
74. Recognizable
Meaning: Able to be recognized or identified.
Example: The actor was instantly recognizable.
75. Resonant
Meaning: Deep and clear in sound.
Example: His voice was resonant and commanding.
76. Radiant
Meaning: Emitting or reflecting light.
Example: The gemstone was radiant and beautiful.
77. Reactive
Meaning: Acting in response to a stimulus.
Example: Sodium is a highly reactive metal.
78. Rapturous
Meaning: Characterized by intense pleasure or joy.
Example: The audience gave a rapturous applause.
79. Respective
Meaning: Relating separately to each of two or more things.
Example: They went to their respective homes after the meeting.
80. Resilient
Meaning: Capable of recovering quickly.
Example: The community was resilient after the disaster.
81. Renowned
Meaning: Famous; known by many people.
Example: The artist is renowned for his unique style.
82. Requisite
Meaning: Made necessary by circumstances.
Example: Patience is a requisite quality for teachers.
83. Reflective
Meaning: Capable of reflecting light.
Example: He wore a reflective vest for safety.
84. Repentant
Meaning: Expressing remorse for wrongdoing.
Example: The thief was repentant and returned the stolen goods.
85. Restive
Meaning: Impatient or restless.
Example: The audience grew restive during the long speech.
86. Reputable
Meaning: Having a good reputation.
Example: They hired a reputable contractor for the job.
87. Riotous
Meaning: Characterized by wild and uncontrolled behavior.
Example: The celebration was riotous with people dancing in the streets.
88. Rightful
Meaning: Legally or morally justified.
Example: He is the rightful owner of the property.
89. Riveting
Meaning: Commanding full attention; fascinating.
Example: The movie was riveting from start to finish.
90. Rambunctious
Meaning: Boisterous; energetic.
Example: The children were rambunctious after eating candy.
91. Relevant
Meaning: Closely connected to the matter at hand.
Example: His experience was highly relevant to the job.
92. Rhetorical
Meaning: Relating to effective communication; purely for effect.
Example: His question was purely rhetorical.
93. Radiological
Meaning: Relating to the use of radiation in diagnosis or treatment.
Example: She studied radiological techniques in medical school.
94. Revitalizing
Meaning: Giving new life or vigor.
Example: The vacation had a revitalizing effect on him.
95. Rampant
Meaning: Uncontrolled or unrestrained.
Example: Gossip was rampant in the small town.
96. Rational
Meaning: Based on reasoning; logical.
Example: His approach was rational and well-thought-out.
97. Regenerative
Meaning: Able to regenerate or be regenerated.
Example: The lizard has a regenerative ability to regrow its tail.
98. Rounded
Meaning: Formed into a curve or circle.
Example: She has a rounded face with high cheekbones.
99. Reckless
Meaning: Careless; without thinking of the consequences.
Example: Driving at that speed is reckless.
100. Rigged
Meaning: Set up or organized unfairly.
Example: The game seemed rigged in favor of the home team.
Adjectives that Start with R to Describe a Person
Looking to describe someone with an ‘R’ adjective? Here’s a selection tailored just for that.
- Rabid
- Racial
- Racist
- Radiant
- Radical
- Radioactive
- Ragged
- Raging
- Rainbowcolored
- Rainy
- Rakish
- Rambling
- Rambunctious
- Rampageous
- Rampant
- Rancid
- Rancorous
- Random
- Rank
- Rapid
- Rapid-fire
- Rapturous
- Rare
- Rascally
- Rash
- Rasping
- Raspy
- Rational
- Ratty
- Ravenous
- Raving
- Ravishing
- Raw
- Razor-edged
- Reactive
- Ready
- Real
- Realistic
- Reasonable
- Reassured
- Reassuring
- Rebel
- Rebellious
- Receding
- Recent
- Receptive
- Recessive
- Rechargeable
- Reciprocal
- Reckless
Positive Adjectives Starting with R
Illuminate your sentences with these uplifting ‘R’ adjectives that convey optimism and praise.
- Reclusive
- Recognizable
- Recognized
- Rectangular
- Rectifiable
- Recurrent
- Recyclable
- Red
- Red-blooded
- Reddish
- Redeemable
- Redolent
- Redundant
- Referential
- Refillable
- Reflective
- Refractive
- Refreshing
- Refundable
- Refurbished
- Refutable
- Regal
- Regional
- Regretful
- Regrettable
- Regular
- Reigning
- Relatable
- Relative
- Relaxed
- Relaxing
- Relentless
- Relevant
- Reliable
- Relieved
- Religious
- Reluctant
- Remaining
- Remarkable
- Remedial
- Reminiscent
- Remorseful
- Remorseless
- Remote
- Removable
- Renegotiable
- Renewable
- Rented
- Repairable
- Repaired
- Repeatable
- Repeated
- Repentant
- Repetitious
- Repetitive
- Replaceable
- Replicable
- Reported
- Reprehensible
- Representative
- Repressive
- Reproachful
- Reproductive
- Republican
- Repugnant
- Repulsive
- Reputable
- Reputed
- Rescued
- Resealable
- Resentful
- Reserved
- Resident
- Residential
- Residual
- Resilient
- Resolute
- Resolvable
Negative Adjectives Starting with R
Tread into the territory of ‘R’ adjectives that echo with criticism or negativity.
- Resounding
- Resourceful
- Respectable
- Respectful
- Respective
- Responsible
- Responsive
- Rested
- Restful
- Restless
- Restored
- Restrained
- Restrictive
- Retired
- Retroactive
- Retrogressive
- Retrospective
- Reusable
- Revamped
- Revealing
- Revengeful
- Reverent
- Reverential
- Reverse
- Reversible
- Reviewable
- Reviled
- Revisable
- Revised
- Revocable
- Revolting
- Revolutionary
- Rewarding
- Rhetorical
- Rhythmic
- Rich
- Richer
- Richest
- Ridiculing
- Ridiculous
- Right
- Righteous
- Rightful
- Right-handed
- Rigid
- Rigorous
- Ringing
- Riotous
- Ripe
- Rippling
- Risky
- Ritualistic
- Ritzy
- Riveting
- Roaring
- Roasted
- Robotic
- Robust
- Rocketing
- Roguish
- Romantic
- Roomy
- Rosy
- Rotating
- Rotten
- Rotting
- Rotund
- Rough
- Round
- Roundtable
- Rousing
- Routine
- Rowdy
- Royal
- Ruddy
- Rude
- Rudimentary
- Rueful
- Rugged
- Ruined
- Ruinous
- Rumbling
- Rumpled
- Ruptured
- Rural
- Rusted
- Rustic
- Rustling
- Rusty
- Ruthless
- Rutted
Here, You can DOWNLOAD PDF of the list of Adjectives starting with r.