20+ Best Adjectives for Xenophobia, Words to Describe a Xenophobia

Xenophobia, a term used to describe the fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, is a pervasive issue that continues to plague societies around the world. It encompasses a range of negative emotions, attitudes, and behaviors towards individuals perceived as different due to their nationality, ethnicity, or cultural background. Words such as prejudice, discrimination, intolerance, hostility, and racism can all be used to describe xenophobia. These words encapsulate the harmful and unjust treatment experienced by those who are viewed as “outsiders” in their own right.

Adjectives for Xenophobia

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for xenophobia:

  1. Prejudiced
  2. Biased
  3. Intolerant
  4. Racist
  5. Bigoted
  6. Discriminatory
  7. Hostile
  8. Fearful
  9. Ignorant
  10. Hateful
  11. Closed-minded
  12. Narrow-minded
  13. Unaccepting
  14. Exclusive
  15. Inflexible
  16. Unwelcoming
  17. Unsympathetic
  18. Anti-immigrant
  19. Nationalistic
  20. Segregating

Words to Describe Xenophobia with Meanings

  1. Prejudiced: Holding biased judgments without sufficient reason.
  2. Biased: Favoring one group over others unfairly.
  3. Intolerant: Lacking acceptance of diverse beliefs or cultures.
  4. Racist: Exhibiting discrimination based on racial differences.
  5. Bigoted: Strongly prejudiced, unwilling to change views.
  6. Discriminatory: Treating people unfairly based on characteristics.
  7. Hostile: Displaying unfriendly or aggressive behavior.
  8. Fearful: Feeling afraid or threatened by outsiders.
  9. Ignorant: Lacking knowledge or understanding of other cultures.
  10. Hateful: Having strong feelings of hostility or animosity.
  11. Closed-minded: Unwilling to consider alternative perspectives.
  12. Narrow-minded: Having a limited outlook on cultural differences.
  13. Unaccepting: Refusing to embrace or accommodate diversity.
  14. Exclusive: Allowing only certain groups, excluding others.
  15. Inflexible: Resistant to adapting to new ideas or cultures.
  16. Unwelcoming: Not providing a friendly or open reception.
  17. Unsympathetic: Lacking compassion or empathy for foreigners.
  18. Anti-immigrant: Opposing or hostile towards immigrants.
  19. Nationalistic: Excessive pride in one’s nation, excluding outsiders.
  20. Segregating: Separating or isolating groups based on differences.

Example Sentences for Xenophobia Adjectives

  1. He made prejudiced assumptions about their intentions.
  2. The hiring process was biased against foreign applicants.
  3. Their intolerant remarks offended people from various cultures.
  4. The online comments were filled with racist
  5. She refused to befriend anyone with bigoted
  6. The company faced accusations of discriminatory
  7. The crowd turned hostile towards the immigrant protesters.
  8. His fearful attitude towards foreigners hindered cultural exchange.
  9. They were dismissed for their ignorant comments about immigrants.
  10. The speaker received hateful messages due to her accent.
  11. Their closed-minded approach hindered cooperation with international partners.
  12. The narrow-minded neighbors objected to diverse community events.
  13. The university’s policy was criticized as unaccepting of cultural differences.
  14. The club’s membership was exclusive to certain nationalities.
  15. The inflexible management refused to adapt to multicultural workplaces.
  16. The hotel staff was unwelcoming towards foreign guests.
  17. The politician’s unsympathetic stance on immigration sparked controversy.
  18. The rise of anti-immigrant sentiment created social tensions.
  19. His nationalistic rhetoric fueled divisions among the population.
  20. The school was accused of segregating students based on ethnicity.

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How to describe xenophobia in writing?

Xenophobia can be described as the irrational fear or hatred towards individuals perceived as foreign or different due to their nationality, ethnicity, or cultural background.

How do you use xenophobia in a simple sentence?

The rise of xenophobia in certain communities is a concerning social issue that needs to be addressed.

What are the word parts of xenophobia?

The word “xenophobia” is derived from two Greek roots: “xeno,” meaning “foreign” or “strange,” and “phobia,” meaning “fear.”

Adjectives words to describe Xenophobia Adjectives for Xenophobia