20+ Best Words to Describe Weather, Adjectives for Weather

Weather is the atmospheric conditions that surround us, determining the state of the air and its effects on the Earth’s surface. Describing weather enables us to communicate its nuances and impact. From scorching heat waves to chilling blizzards, weather encompasses a diverse range of phenomena. Words such as sunny, cloudy, rainy, stormy, and foggy paint vivid pictures of the atmospheric conditions. They capture the essence of our surroundings and help us understand, anticipate, and even appreciate the ever-changing weather patterns we encounter.

Adjectives for Weather

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for weather:

  1. Sunny
  2. Cloudy
  3. Rainy
  4. Stormy
  5. Windy
  6. Foggy
  7. Snowy
  8. Misty
  9. Clear
  10. Hazy
  11. Overcast
  12. Breezy
  13. Chilly
  14. Humid
  15. Dry
  16. Frigid
  17. Hot
  18. Gloomy
  19. Damp
  20. Muggy

Adjectives for Weather Wet:

  1. Damp
  2. Moist
  3. Soaked
  4. Soggy
  5. Waterlogged
  6. Dewy
  7. Drizzly
  8. Muggy
  9. Clammy
  10. Humid

Adjectives for Rainy Weather:

  1. Showery
  2. Pouring
  3. Drizzling
  4. Misty
  5. Torrential
  6. Heavy
  7. Drenching
  8. Wet
  9. Sopping
  10. Rain-soaked

Adjectives for Hot Weather:

  1. Sweltering
  2. Scorching
  3. Boiling
  4. Blistering
  5. Roasting
  6. Sizzling
  7. Baking
  8. Torrid
  9. Sultry
  10. Hottest

Adjectives for Stormy Weather:

  1. Thunderous
  2. Turbulent
  3. Tempestuous
  4. Violent
  5. Raging
  6. Fierce
  7. Wild
  8. Chaotic
  9. Intense
  10. Severe

Words to Describe Weather with Meanings

  1. Sunny: Full of sunshine, bright and clear.
  2. Cloudy: Covered with clouds, lacking direct sunlight.
  3. Rainy: Characterized by rainfall or showers.
  4. Stormy: Turbulent and violent weather conditions.
  5. Windy: Marked by strong or gusty winds.
  6. Foggy: Obscured or thick with fog.
  7. Snowy: Covered or filled with snow.
  8. Misty: Filled with fine droplets, hazy.
  9. Clear: Free from clouds or obstructions.
  10. Hazy: Slightly obscured or unclear visibility.
  11. Overcast: Covered with clouds, no direct sunlight.
  12. Breezy: Pleasantly windy, gentle gusts of wind.
  13. Chilly: Cold, with a slight discomfort.
  14. Humid: Moist, high level of atmospheric moisture.
  15. Dry: Lacking moisture or humidity.
  16. Frigid: Extremely cold, freezing temperatures.
  17. Hot: High temperature, heated weather conditions.
  18. Gloomy: Dark, lacking brightness or cheerfulness.
  19. Damp: Slightly wet, moist or humid.
  20. Muggy: Hot and humid, sticky conditions.

Example Sentences for Weather Adjectives

  1. The sunny day was perfect for a picnic.
  2. I forgot my umbrella on this cloudy morning.
  3. Bring your raincoat, it’s rainy outside.
  4. The beach closed due to the stormy weather.
  5. Hold on tight, it’s a windy day!
  6. The city was covered in a thick foggy mist.
  7. The children built a snowy snowman in the yard.
  8. The mountains disappeared in the misty morning.
  9. The sky is clear, perfect for stargazing.
  10. The view was hazy, obscured by smoke.
  11. It’s an overcast day, no sign of sun.
  12. The breezy breeze kept us cool during the walk.
  13. Bundle up, it’s a chilly winter evening.
  14. The air was so humid, I could hardly breathe.
  15. The desert is dry, lacking water.
  16. Be careful, it’s frigid outside!
  17. Stay hydrated in this hot summer weather.
  18. The room felt gloomy under dim lights.
  19. The ground was damp after the rain.
  20. We were sweaty and sticky in the muggy heat.

Explore More Words:

Words to Describe Autumn

Words to Describe Spring

Words to Describe Hot

Words to Describe Winter


How to describe the weather in writing?

Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of the atmospheric conditions, such as mentioning the temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, and wind intensity.

How do you say the weather is nice?

The weather is pleasant with clear skies, mild temperatures, and a gentle breeze, making it enjoyable and comfortable.

What is popular weather saying?

“Red sky at night, sailor’s delight; red sky in the morning, sailor’s warning” is a popular weather saying that suggests a beautiful sunset or sunrise can indicate good or bad weather ahead.

Adjectives for Weather Words to Describe Weather