20+ Best Words to Describe Hearing, Adjectives for Hearing

Hearing is our remarkable ability to perceive sound, allowing us to connect with the world around us in profound ways. It is through this incredible sense that we can engage in conversations, savor melodies, and detect warnings of potential danger. The words used to describe hearing encompass a rich spectrum of experiences, from the delightful symphony of laughter to the gentle rustling of leaves. In this blog post, we’ll explore the diverse vocabulary that captures the essence of hearing, delving into its intricacies and wonders.

Adjectives for Hearing

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for hearing:

  1. Acute
  2. Attentive
  3. Auditory
  4. Clear
  5. Deafened
  6. Discerning
  7. Efficient
  8. Faint
  9. Impaired
  10. Inaudible
  11. Keen
  12. Muffled
  13. Observant
  14. Partial
  15. Perceptive
  16. Precise
  17. Responsive
  18. Sensitive
  19. Sharp
  20. Unimpaired

Adjectives for “hearing impaired”:

  1. Deafened
  2. Muffled
  3. Diminished
  4. Partially hearing
  5. Inaudible
  6. Unresponsive
  7. Faint
  8. Blunted
  9. Altered
  10. Subdued

Adjectives for “hearing sense”:

  1. Acute
  2. Sensitive
  3. Sharp
  4. Discriminative
  5. Attentive
  6. Responsive
  7. Perceptive
  8. Keen
  9. Observant
  10. Discerning

Adjectives for “good hearing”:

  1. Excellent
  2. Clear
  3. Sharp-eared
  4. Acute
  5. Reliable
  6. Precise
  7. Unimpaired
  8. Efficient
  9. Attentive
  10. Responsive

Adjectives for “hearing loss”:

  1. Impaired
  2. Diminished
  3. Deficient
  4. Weakened
  5. Reduced
  6. Declined
  7. Dull
  8. Incomplete
  9. Limited
  10. Subdued

Adjectives for “hard hearing”:

  1. Struggling
  2. Impaired
  3. Challenged
  4. Difficult
  5. Impeded
  6. Hindered
  7. Strained
  8. Inattentive
  9. Unresponsive
  10. Struggling

Words to Describe Hearing with Meanings

  1. Acute: Extremely sensitive or keen hearing ability.
  2. Attentive: Showing careful and focused listening.
  3. Auditory: Related to the sense of hearing.
  4. Clear: Having distinct and easily distinguishable sounds.
  5. Deafened: Partial or complete loss of hearing.
  6. Discerning: Showing good judgment and perception in hearing.
  7. Efficient: Capable of hearing with little wasted effort.
  8. Faint: Weak or barely audible sounds.
  9. Impaired: Weakened or reduced hearing capacity.
  10. Inaudible: Unable to be heard or not audible.
  11. Keen: Having a sharp and perceptive sense of hearing.
  12. Muffled: Sounds partially blocked or subdued.
  13. Observant: Paying close attention to sounds.
  14. Partial: Not complete, related to hearing loss.
  15. Perceptive: Able to grasp subtle auditory cues.
  16. Precise: Having accurate and exact hearing discrimination.
  17. Responsive: Quick to react to auditory stimuli.
  18. Sensitive: Highly receptive to sounds and stimuli.
  19. Sharp: Excellent and well-defined hearing ability.
  20. Unimpaired: Having no hearing difficulties or issues.

Example Sentences for Hearing Adjectives

  1. She has acute hearing, detecting distant whispers easily.
  2. Be attentive in class to grasp important information.
  3. The museum offers auditory tours for the visually impaired.
  4. The sound system delivers clear audio quality.
  5. He became deafened after the explosion’s impact.
  6. Her discerning ear identified the subtle melody change.
  7. The new processor provides efficient hearing aid operation.
  8. We heard a faint rustling in the bushes.
  9. People with impaired hearing may use sign language.
  10. Ultrasound produces inaudible frequencies for humans.
  11. The keen listener picked up on the faintest sounds.
  12. The construction outside resulted in muffled conversations indoors.
  13. She’s observant, noticing every bird’s song in the forest.
  14. The patient experienced partial hearing loss after the accident.
  15. His perceptive hearing allowed him to detect danger early.
  16. The musician has precise pitch control in performances.
  17. The baby’s responsive smiles were triggered by her mother’s voice.
  18. Dogs have sensitive hearing, detecting high-pitched sounds.
  19. The owl’s sharp hearing enables it to locate prey easily.
  20. With the new hearing aid, his hearing is unimpaired.

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How to describe hearing in writing?

Describe hearing through vivid imagery and evocative language, capturing the symphony of sounds that envelop the senses.

Is hearing an adjective or adverb?

Hearing is a noun, representing the sense or act of perceiving sound.

What is the use of hearing?

Hearing enables us to communicate, enjoy music, and be aware of our surroundings, enriching our daily experiences.

Adjectives for Hearing Words to Describe Hearing