20+ Best Words to Describe Discrepancy, Adjectives for Discrepancy

In our daily lives, we often come across situations where things don’t quite add up or align as expected. This lack of harmony between elements is what we refer to as a “discrepancy.” Whether it’s in data, opinions, or even emotions, discrepancies can arise in various aspects of life. To effectively communicate and address these disparities, we must be equipped with appropriate words that can vividly describe and articulate the variations, contradictions, and inconsistencies that arise. In this blog post, we delve into the world of words that help us navigate through discrepancies and make sense of the seemingly incongruent aspects of our experiences.

Adjectives for Discrepancy

Here are the 20 Most Popular adjectives for the discrepancy:

  1. Alarming
  2. Astonishing
  3. Conflicting
  4. Contradictory
  5. Disconcerting
  6. Distinct
  7. Divergent
  8. Glaring
  9. Incongruent
  10. Inconsistent
  11. Jarring
  12. Notable
  13. Peculiar
  14. Puzzling
  15. Remarkable
  16. Startling
  17. Striking
  18. Surprising
  19. Unsettling
  20. Varied

Words to Describe Discrepancy with Meanings

  1. Alarming: Causing concern or unease.
  2. Astonishing: Extremely surprising or shocking.
  3. Conflicting: Incompatible or contradictory; clashing opinions or beliefs.
  4. Contradictory: Expressing opposite statements or propositions.
  5. Disconcerting: Disturbing or unsettling; causing confusion.
  6. Distinct: Clearly different or separate.
  7. Divergent: Deviating or moving apart from a common point.
  8. Glaring: Obvious and strikingly evident.
  9. Incongruent: Not in agreement or harmony.
  10. Inconsistent: Lacking uniformity or reliability.
  11. Jarring: Causing a sudden shock or disturbance.
  12. Notable: Worthy of attention or notice.
  13. Peculiar: Unusual or distinctive in nature.
  14. Puzzling: Confusing or difficult to understand.
  15. Remarkable: Extraordinary or worthy of mention.
  16. Startling: Surprising and startlingly sudden.
  17. Striking: Highly noticeable or eye-catching.
  18. Surprising: Unexpected or causing amazement.
  19. Unsettling: Disturbing or causing anxiety.
  20. Varied: Differing in character or form.

Example Sentences for Discrepancy Adjectives

  1. The alarming increase in crime raised concerns.
  2. Her astonishing talent left everyone speechless.
  3. The conflicting reports made it hard to decide.
  4. His statements were contradictory and confusing.
  5. The unexpected news was disconcerting for everyone.
  6. The two species had distinct characteristics.
  7. Their opinions on the matter were divergent.
  8. The glaring mistake was quickly corrected.
  9. There was an incongruent match between the data.
  10. The weather forecast was inconsistent all week.
  11. The sudden noise was jarring in the silence.
  12. The painting’s colors were notable and vibrant.
  13. The sculpture had a peculiar shape and form.
  14. The puzzling riddle stumped even the experts.
  15. His knowledge of the subject was remarkable.
  16. The startling sound startled the sleeping cat.
  17. The actress wore a striking red dress.
  18. The surprising twist at the end amazed everyone.
  19. The news of their departure was unsettling.
  20. The artist had a varied style in her work.

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How to describe discrepancies in writing?

When writing about a discrepancy, use descriptive adjectives like “glaring,” “astonishing,” or “conflicting” to vividly portray the disparities.

What is a good sentence for the discrepancy?

The financial report revealed a significant discrepancy between the projected and actual profits.

What is a good sentence for the discrepancy?

The witness’s testimony had a discrepancy with the evidence presented at the trial.

Adjectives for Discrepancy Words to Describe Discrepancy