A to Z Opposite Gender of Animals and Humans

Opposite Gender

The concept of “opposite gender” refers to the traditional binary understanding of gender, where there are two distinct categories: male and female. However, it is important to note that gender is a complex and multifaceted aspect of identity that goes beyond simple binary classification.

Here is the A to Z list of 70+ opposite-gender lists in English. This gender list is very useful for both kids and other young ones. There is a huge use of these opposite genders. You can use these opposite genders in your conversation.

A to Z Opposite Gender of (animals, humans, widow, fox, maid, cow)

The opposite gender of cow is bull, the widow is a widower, the fox is a vixen, the baron is baroness, the bachelor is a spinster, the abbot is abbess, the gender is a goose, and so on. These masculine and feminine genders list is very useful for kids in grade 3, 4, and 5.

  • Abbot ——– Abbess
  • Actor ——– Actress
  • Bachelor ——– Spinster
  • Baron ——– Baroness
  • Benefactor ——– Benefactress
  • Boy ——– Girl
  • Brother ——– Sister
  • Brother-in-law ——– Sister-in-law
  • Bull ——– Cow
  • Bull-calf ——– Cow-calf
  • Bullock ——– Heifer
  • Cock ——– Hen
  • Cock-sparrow ——– Hen-sparrow
  • Col ——– Filly
  • Count ——– Countess
  • Czar ——– Czarina
  • Dog ——– Bitch
  • Drake ——– Duck
  • Drake ——– Duck
  • Drone ——– Bee
  • Duke ——– Duchess
  • Emperor ——– Empress
  • Enchanter ——– Enchantress
  • English man ——– English woman
  • Father ——– Mother
  • Gander ——– Goose
  • Gentleman ——– Lady
  • Giant ——– Giantess
  • Grandfather ——– Grandmother
  • Hart ——– Roe
  • He-goat ——– She-goat
  • Heir ——– Heiress
  • He-mule——-She-mule
  • Hero ——– Heroine
  • Horse ——– Mare
  • Host ——– Hostess
  • Hostess ——– Steward
  • Hunter ——– Huntress
  • Husband ——– Wife
  • King ——– Queen
  • Landlord ——– Landlady
  • Lion ——– Lioness
  • Lord ——– Lady
  • Man ——– Woman
  • Manservant ——– Maidservant
  • Master ——– Mistress
  • Maternal-uncle——-Maternal-aunt
  • Milkman ——– Milkmaid
  • Monk ——– Nun
  • Nephew ——– Niece
  • Patron ——– Patroness
  • Peacock ——– Peahen
  • Peer ——– Peeress
  • Priest ——– Priestess
  • Sales man ——— Sales girl
  • Shepherd ——– Shepherdess
  • Signor ——– Signora
  • Sir ——– Madam
  • Son ——– Daughter
  • Songster ——– Songstress
  • Son-in-law – Daughter-in-law
  • Stag ——– Hind
  • Stallion ——– Mare
  • Step-son ——– Step-daughter
  • Steward ——– Stewardess
  • Sultan ——– Sultana
  • Tempter ——– Temptress
  • Tiger ——– Tigress
  • Traitor ——– Traitress
  • Tutor ——– Governess
  • Uncle ——– Aunt
  • Viscount ——– Viscountess
  • Widow ——– Widower
  • Wizard ——– Witch

Must Read: A to Z Opposite Words

Masculine and Feminine Gender with Pictures

list of opposite genders

list of opposite genders

list of opposite genders

list of opposite genders

list of opposite genders

list of opposite genders

Opposite gender of drone and bee

Opposite gender of

masculine feminine list

opposite gender of goat

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

masculine feminine list

gender list

‏Must Read:

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