800 Nouns that Start with A
A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns can be classified into different types, including proper nouns, common nouns, Countable nouns, and Uncountable nouns.
List of Nouns that Start with A
Below is the list of nouns starting with a:
Nouns Beginning With AB
- abattis
- abassis
- abannation
- abannition
- abandonee
- abaca
- abatvoix
- abalienation
- abada
- abaser
- abaculus
- abacination
- abanet
- abatement
- abassi
- abaciscus
- abattoir
- abature
- abate
- abaisance
- abaddon
- abandum
- aback
- abater
- abandoner
- abanga
- abator
- abandon
- abandonment
- abashment
- abaiser
- abactor
- abasement
- abacus
- abacist
- abatis
- abaction
- abarticulation
- ab
- abalone
Nouns Beginning With AC
- accentuality
- accentuation
- academy
- acajou
- accelerometer
- acacin
- acalephan
- acceleration
- acater
- acacine
- acatalectic
- acanth
- accent
- acantha
- acceder
- accedence
- accensor
- academian
- acanthus
- academism
- accendibility
- accentor
- academic
- accelerograph
- accension
- accelerant
- acarus
- acceptableness
- acatalepsy
- academician
- acanthopterygian
- acaridan
- acadian
- academicism
- acceptability
- acaleph
- acacia
- accelerator
- academist
- academe
Nouns Beginning With AD
- adaptation
- adam
- addict
- addiction
- adar
- addition
- adaption
- adduction
- adarce
- addression
- additional
- adamite
- adagio
- additive
- adaptedness
- adapter
- adamant
- adelantadillo
- adductor
- addax
- add-on
- adansonia
- addibility
- adaptableness
- addendum
- adage
- adelantado
- addressee
- adducer
- adder
- addle
- adaptability
- address
- adaptiveness
- addictedness
- adderwort
- additament
- adaptness
- addice
- adatis
Nouns Beginning With AE
- aerodynamics
- aerator
- aeolipile
- aeolipyle
- aerophoby
- aeroplane
- aedileship
- aerolithology
- aerography
- aeon
- aerologist
- aegrotat
- aeriality
- aeration
- aerognosy
- aerographer
- aerial
- aegophony
- aeromancy
- aerie
- aeronautics
- aegilops
- aeneid
- aerocyst
- aerometer
- aedile
- aegis
- aepyornis
- aeolus
- aerometry
- aerification
- aerolite
- aerophyte
- aeronaut
- aeolotropy
- aeroscope
- aerolith
- aecidium
- aerophobia
- aerology
Nouns Beginning With AF
- afflicter
- affix
- affiliation
- affinity
- affeeror
- affluency
- affectionateness
- affectedness
- affirmation
- affectation
- afer
- affidavit
- affixture
- affirmer
- affability
- affliction
- affluence
- affixion
- affectibility
- affecter
- affiant
- affair
- afflation
- affiance
- affiliate
- afflictedness
- affeerment
- affiancer
- affirmative
- affection
- affect
- affirmant
- affectationist
- affableness
- afflatus
- affamishment
- affluent
- affirmance
- affluentness
- affeerer
Nouns Beginning With AG
- aggrandization
- aggrandizement
- agami
- agamogenesis
- aggeration
- agape
- ageratum
- agenesis
- aggravative
- aga
- agend
- agaric
- agglutination
- agate
- agent
- agennesis
- agglutinant
- agalactous
- age
- agalmatolite
- agglomerate
- aggrace
- agalaxy
- agger
- agglomeration
- aggregate
- agentship
- agency
- aggravation
- agendum
- agalloch
- agave
- agedness
- agamist
- agallochum
- aggrandizer
- agamogenetic
- aggeneration
- agama
- agalactia
Nouns Beginning With AI
- aidance
- ailanthus
- ailette
- aiel
- aim
- aider
- aitiology
- aisle
- aiglet
- airling
- aimer
- aino
- aidant
- aide
- aitch
- ait
- aigret
- airer
- aigulet
- aid
- aigrette
- aitchbone
- airing
- airometer
- aiguille
- air
- ai
- airiness
- aidless
- ailantus
- aiguillette
- ailment
- aids
- ail
- aigremore
Nouns Beginning With AK
- akinesia
- aketon
- ake
- akene
Nouns Beginning With AL
- alarm
- alamire
- ala
- alabaster
- albertype
- albication
- alaunt
- albification
- alatern
- alacrity
- alb
- albolith
- albiness
- alamode
- alalonga
- albinism
- alarmist
- alarum
- alamodality
- alban
- albinoism
- alan
- albedo
- alantin
- albanian
- aladinist
- albite
- alacriousness
- albata
- albino
- alanine
- albion
- alaternus
- albescence
- albatross
- alabastrum
- albicore
- alation
- albertite
- albacore
Nouns Beginning With AM
- amativeness
- amasser
- amaranth
- amaranthus
- amalgamator
- ambassador
- amazement
- amalgam
- amability
- amaritude
- ambassadorship
- amaracus
- amassment
- amass
- amaurosis
- amazedness
- amassette
- amadou
- amadavat
- amanuensis
- ambassage
- amateur
- ambergris
- amandine
- amarant
- amateurship
- ambassy
- amalgamation
- amanitine
- amaryllis
- amain
- amarine
- amber
- amateurism
- amazon
- ambergrease
- amarantus
- amazonite
- amalgama
- ambassadress
Nouns Beginning With AN
- analcime
- anagoge
- anaesthetization
- anaglyph
- anabaptism
- anabaptistry
- anadiplosis
- anabasis
- anacrotism
- anacoenosis
- anaglyptograph
- anachronism
- anabolism
- anaesthesis
- anagram
- anagnorisis
- anacamptics
- anagogy
- anaconda
- anacoluthon
- anaesthesia
- anacathartic
- anagrammatism
- anadrom
- anaesthetic
- anagraph
- anadem
- anaemia
- anaglyptography
- anacreontic
- anachorism
- anaglyptics
- anaclastics
- anacardium
- anagrammatist
- anacharis
- anabaptist
- anaglyphic
- anabas
- anacrusis
Nouns Beginning With AO
- aorta
- aorist
- aortitis
- aoudad
Nouns Beginning With AP
- apheresis
- aphesis
- apartness
- apathist
- aphanite
- apatite
- apex
- apertness
- aphidian
- apagoge
- aperient
- apaume
- apheliotropism
- ape
- apery
- aperture
- aphelion
- apanthropy
- apepsy
- aparithmesis
- aphasia
- aphemia
- apar
- aphakia
- aphasy
- aphilanthropy
- apetalousness
- aperea
- aphid
- apertion
- apara
- apehood
- aper
- apastron
- aparejo
- aphetism
- apathy
- aphaeresis
- apartment
- apanage
Nouns Beginning With AQ
- aquarium
- aqua
- aqueity
- aquatint
- aqueousness
- aquapuncture
- aquarius
- aquatic
- aquamarine
- aquilon
- aquarelle
- aquarian
- aquosity
- aquarellist
- aquatinta
- aqueduct
- aquila
Nouns Beginning With AR
- arbalister
- arapaima
- arara
- arabian
- arabin
- arak
- arabism
- araeosystyle
- arachnoid
- arbalest
- arachnidium
- arabist
- araneidan
- arbitrage
- arbalist
- arable
- arbiter
- arachnology
- arachnologist
- aramean
- aracari
- arbitrament
- arab
- aramaic
- arango
- araguato
- aramaism
- arbalester
- araeostyle
- arachnidan
- araucaria
- arachnitis
- araby
- arachnid
- arabic
- ara
- aration
- arabinose
- aragonite
- arabesque
Nouns Beginning With AS
- asa
- ascertainer
- ascetic
- ashen
- asbestos
- ascham
- asaphus
- aseptic
- ascococcus
- asbestus
- asclepiad
- ascian
- ascidian
- asafetida
- asafoetida
- ascription
- ascospore
- ashlar
- ascarid
- ascidiozooid
- ascendency
- ashery
- as
- ascendance
- ashantee
- ashes
- ascus
- ascites
- asclepias
- ascendancy
- ascidiarium
- ascidium
- asarabacca
- ascertainment
- ascendant
- asceticism
- asarone
- ash
- ascension
- asbolin
Nouns Beginning With AT
- athamaunt
- ataxy
- atacamite
- ataghan
- athletics
- atimy
- atheneum
- atlas
- atheist
- ataraxy
- athenian
- atmidometer
- ate
- ataxia
- atmo
- athanor
- atheism
- atazir
- atherine
- atmology
- ateles
- athlete
- atabal
- atellan
- athermancy
- atavism
- atmolyzation
- ataraxia
- atheroma
- atmologist
- atelier
- atmolysis
- atheling
- athletism
- athetosis
- ataman
- atlanta
- athenaeum
- athleticism
- atheology
Nouns Beginning With AU
- auger
- auditor
- audible
- audibleness
- auction
- augmentative
- augite
- auchenium
- aubaine
- audiphone
- augmenter
- audacity
- auditorship
- audition
- auget
- aught
- auditorium
- auberge
- aube
- audaciousness
- augur
- auditory
- auctioneer
- audibility
- auf
- augurate
- auctary
- aucupation
- audit
- aubin
- audiometer
- aubade
- auguration
- auditress
- augment
- augurer
- audient
- augmentation
- aucht
- augrim
Nouns Beginning With AV
- averruncation
- avenue
- aver
- avadavat
- availability
- avenor
- availment
- avengement
- avenage
- averpenny
- ave
- avalanche
- aventure
- aversation
- averroist
- avant
- averruncator
- avenge
- avener
- aventine
- avatar
- averseness
- avens
- aventurine
- avert
- avengeress
- aventail
- averroism
- avengeance
- avauntour
- avercorn
- avena
- avarice
- aversion
- avaunt
- avail
- average
- availableness
- avenger
- ava
Nouns Beginning With AW
- awn
- awarder
- awakening
- awareness
- await
- awakener
- awesomeness
- awlwort
- awfulness
- awl
- awakenment
- awning
- awlessness
- award
- awm
- awe
Nouns Beginning With AX
- axe
- axtree
- axman
- axle
- axil
- axilla
- axolotl
- axminster
- axinomancy
- axstone
- axis
- axletree
- axinite
- axiom
- ax
- axunge
Nouns Beginning With AY
- ayrie
- ayrshire
- ay
- ayle
- ayegreen
- ayah
- ayme
- aye
- ayuntamiento
- ayry
Nouns Beginning With AZ
- azotite
- azedarach
- azym
- azure
- azyme
- azobenzene
- azarole
- azotometer
- aztec
- azimuth
- azorian
- azoth
- azalea
- azote
- azurine
- azurite
- azymite
Different Types of Nouns Starting With A
Common Nouns That Start With A
- Adapter
- Adhesive Tape
- Aftershave
- Air Compressor
- Air Conditioner
- Air Freshener
- Airplane
- Alcohol Pad
- Allergy Medication
- All-Purpose
- Ambulance
- Amplifier
- Anesthesia Machine
- Angle Grinder
- Anklet
- Antacid
- Antibiotic
- Antihistamine
- Antiperspirant
- Apple
- Apple Corer
- Apron
- Arc Welder
- Aspirin
- Audio Cable
Proper Nouns That Start With A
- Acadia National Park
- Aconcagua
- Alaska Standard Time
- Aleutian Current
- Allegheny National Forest
- Allegheny River
- Alps
- Amazon Rain
- Amazon Rainforest
- Amazon River
- Amsterdam
- Amu Darya River
- Andaman Sea
- Andes
- Angeles National Forest
- Annapurna
- Antarctic Circle
- Antarctic Circumpolar Current
- Antarctica
- Apalachicola National Forest
- Arabian Sea
- Arabian Standard Time
- Aral Sea
- Arctic Circle
- Arctic Ocean
- Arkansas River
- Atacama Desert
- Atlanta
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantic Standard Time
- Austin
- Australian Central Standard Time
- Australian Eastern Standard Time
- Australian Outback
- Australian Western Standard Time
Countable Nouns That Start With A
- Abacus
- Academy
- Accident
- Account
- Acoustic Foam
- Acoustic Guitar
- Acoustic Guitar Strings
- Acre
- Actor
- Address
- Adult
- Adventure
- Advertisement
- Advice
- Aeroplane
- Affair
- Agency
- Agenda
- Agreement
- Air
- Air Compressor
- Air Hockey Table
- Air Mattress Repair Kit
- Air Purifier
- Airplane
- Airport
- Alarm
- Alarm Clock
- Album
- Alcohol
- Allergy
- Alley
- Allowance
- Alphabet
- Altar
- Ambulance
- Amount
- Amusement
- Anchor
- Angel
- Anger
- Angle
- Animal
- Ankle
- Anniversary
- Announcement
- Answer
- Ant
- Ant Farm
- Antenna
- Anthem
- Antique
- Anxiety
- Apartment
- Ape
- Apology
- Apparatus
- Appeal
- Apple
- Appliance
- Appointment
- Apron
- Aquarium
- Aquarium Fish
- Arcade
- Arch
- Archery Bow
- Argument
- Arm
- Armchair
- Army
- Arrangement
- Arrow
- Art
- Art Canvas
- Art Easel
- Article
- Artist
- Ash
- Aside
- Ask
- Aspect
- Aspirin
- Assignment
- Assistance
- Association
- Asterisk
- Astonishment
- Athlete
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Attack
- Attempt
- Attention
- Attic
- Audience
- Aunt
- Author
- Automobile
- Autumn
- Avenue
- Award
Uncountable Nouns That Start With A
- Abundance
- Acceptance
- Accommodation
- Accounting
- Adulthood
- Advice
- Air
- Alcohol
- Anger
- Animation
- Anticipation
- Anxiety
- Apparatus
- Apparel
- Appreciation
- Art
- Assistance
- Atmosphere
- Attention
- Attraction
- Audacity
- Authority
- Automation
- Awareness
Nouns Starting With A – Definition and Example Sentence
Apple: a round fruit with a red, green, or yellow skin and a white inside that grows on an apple tree.
I love eating a juicy apple for breakfast.
Airplane: a vehicle that can fly through the air using wings and engines, designed to carry passengers or goods.
The airplane flew overhead, leaving a trail of white behind it.
Anchor: a heavy object that is dropped into the water to keep a boat or ship from moving.
The anchor was too heavy to lift without some help.
Arrow: a thin, pointed weapon made to be shot from a bow, or a symbol used to indicate direction or movement.
The arrow pointed towards the nearest exit.
Ant: a small insect that lives in organized colonies or nests, characterized by a slender body and antennae.
The ant crawled up the tree trunk in search of food.
Acorn: a small, rounded nut that comes from an oak tree.
The acorn fell from the oak tree and rolled away.
Alarm clock: a clock that can be set to make a loud noise or sound at a particular time, typically used to wake someone up.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing.
Alligator: a large, semiaquatic reptile with a long snout and powerful jaws, native to the Americas and China.
The alligator lay still, waiting for its prey to approach.
Ambulance: a vehicle equipped with medical equipment and staffed by trained personnel, used to transport sick or injured people.
The ambulance rushed to the scene of the accident.
Amethyst: a purple or violet variety of quartz used as a gemstone.
The amethyst sparkled in the sunlight.
Apricot: a small, yellow-orange fruit with a fuzzy skin and a hard stone inside, similar to a peach.
I love eating fresh apricots in the summertime.
Asparagus: a green, long, and slender vegetable with a tender stem and small leaves.
I sautéed some asparagus to go with my dinner.
Avocado: a pear-shaped fruit with green or black skin and a large pit, with a soft, creamy flesh inside.
The avocado was ripe and ready to be eaten.
Axe: a tool with a sharp edge used for chopping wood or cutting other hard materials.
I used an axe to chop down the tree.
Ashtray: a container used for holding cigarette or cigar ashes and butts.
She ashed her cigarette into the ashtray on the coffee table.
Aquarium: a container, usually made of glass or acrylic, used for keeping fish or other aquatic animals and plants.
The aquarium was filled with colorful fish.
Automobile: a vehicle with four wheels designed to transport people on roads.
The automobile sped down the highway.
Attic: the space or room at the top of a house, usually used for storage or as a spare room.
I climbed up to the attic to search for some old photos.
Aster: a plant with star-shaped flowers, typically with a yellow center and purple or blue petals.
The aster bloomed beautifully in the garden.
Abacus: an ancient counting device consisting of a frame with wires and beads or stones.
The abacus was used to teach children how to count.
Nouns That Start With A – Pictures
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