50 Opposite Words/Antonyms in English

50 Opposite Words/Antonyms in English! Do you know the opposite of “hot?” It’s “cold.” What about the opposite of “in?” It’s “out.”Learning opposites is a great way to expand your vocabulary, and it can be fun, too! In this post, we’ll share 50 opposite words in English. Whether you’re just starting to learn the language or you’ve been speaking it for years, we hope you find this list useful! Let’s get started.

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50 Opposite Words/Antonyms

  1. Annoy – Satisfy
  2. Presence – Absence
  3. Foreigner – Native
  4. Grown-Up – Child
  5. Enemy – Friend
  6. Question – Answer
  7. Fortune – Bad Luck
  8. West – East
  9. Midnight – Noon
  10. Niece – Nephew
  11. Girl – Boy
  12. Son – Daughter
  13. Flat – Hilly
  14. Let – Forbid
  15. South – North
  16. Before – After
  17. Happiness – Sadness
  18. Female – Male
  19. Regret – Satisfaction
  20. Start – Finish
  21. Catch – Miss
  22. Opponent – Supporter
  23. Public – Private
  24. Destroy – Build
  25. Rude – Polite
  26. Big – Small
  27. Land – Take Off
  28. Republic – Dictatorship
  29. Die – Live
  30. Divorce – Marry
  31. Attack – Defense
  32. Silly – Intelligent
  33. Begin – End
  34. Stranger – Native
  35. End – Beginning
  36. Export – Import
  37. Mountain – Valley
  38. Finish – Begin
  39. Natural – Artificial
  40. Sick – Healthy
  41. Same – Different
  42. Trust – Suspect
  43. Come – Go
  44. Native – Foreigner
  45. Depart – Arrive
  46. Particular – General
  47. Pass – Fail
  48. Arrival – Departure
  49. East – West
  50. Start – Stop

opposite words

50 opposite words50 ANTONYMS Words