100+ List of Adjectives of Attitude, Definition, and Examples

List of Adjectives of Attitude, Definition, and Examples! When learning a new language, you inevitably learn new vocabulary. One area of vocabulary that can be difficult to learn is adjectives of attitude.

What are Adjectives of Attitude?

Adjectives of attitude are words that describe a person’s state of mind or emotions towards something or someone. Here are some examples of adjectives of attitude along with their definitions and example sentences:


1. Optimistic: hopeful and confident about the future.

Example: She’s always optimistic about everything.

2. Enthusiastic: having or showing intense and eager enjoyment or interest.

Example: She’s always enthusiastic about new projects.

3. Confident: feeling or showing confidence in oneself.

Example: He’s very confident in his abilities.


1. Indifferent: having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned.

Example: She seemed indifferent to the news.

2. Ambivalent: having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

Example: She was ambivalent about the proposal.


1. Pessimistic: tending to see the worst aspect of things or believing that the worst will happen.

Example: He’s always pessimistic about the future.

2. Cynical: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity.

Example: She had a cynical view of politics.

3. Hostile: unfriendly; antagonistic.

Example: He had a hostile attitude toward his coworkers.

adjectives of attitude

Adjectives of Attitude & Examples

1) Angry – Feeling or showing anger.

  • “He was angry with me for being late.”

2) Annoyed – Feeling irritated or harassed.

  • “I’m annoyed that you didn’t do the dishes.”

3) Ashamed – Feeling embarrassed or humiliated.

  • “She was ashamed of her poor English skills.”

4) Bored – Feeling uninterested or tired of something.

  • “I’m bored. Let’s do something else.”

5) Confused – Feeling uncertain about something.

  • “I’m confused about what you want me to do.”

6) Contented – Feeling happy and satisfied.

  • “She was content with her simple life.”

7) Depressed – Feeling sad and hopeless.

“He was depressed after his dog died.”

8) Disappointed – Feeling let down or discouraged.

  • “I’m disappointed that you didn’t get the job.”

9) Embarrassed – Feeling self-conscious and uncomfortable.

  • “She was embarrassed by her child’s behavior.”

10) Frustrated – Feeling angry and impatient because of something that is preventing you from achieving your goal.

  • “I’m frustrated because I can’t find my keys.”

11) Happy – Feeling pleased and satisfied.

  • “She was happy with her new bike.”

12) Proud – Feeling satisfaction and pleasure because of something you have done or achieved.

  • “He was proud of his son’s academic success.

List of Adjectives of Attitude

Here is the big List of Adjectives of Attitude:

  1. Humorous
  2. Harsh
  3. Confident
  4. Cheery
  5. Threatening
  6. Sad
  7. Reverent
  8. Condescension
  9. Critical
  10. Amused
  11. Ecstatic
  12. Caustic
  13. Compassionate
  14. Hateful
  15. Pessimistic
  16. Gloomy
  17. Enthusiastic
  18. Happy
  19. Condemnatory
  20. Excited
  21. Outraged
  22. Dreamy
  23. Joking
  24. Whimsical
  25. Brave
  26. Indignant
  27. Jubilant
  28. Encouraging
  29. Testy
  30. Ironic
  31. Disappointed
  32. Artificial
  33. Furious
  34. Droll
  35. Superficial
  36. Elevated
  37. Sincere
  38. Fanciful
  39. Joyful
  40. Disinterested
  41. Reflective
  42. Uninterested
  43. Scornful
  44. Irritated
  45. Obnoxious
  46. Callous
  47. Comical
  48. Playful
  49. Earnest
  50. Surprised
  51. Vibrant
  52. Judgmental
  53. Optimistic
  54. Childish
  55. Ridicule
  56. Snooty
  57. Objective
  58. Choleric
  59. Romantic
  60. Irreverent
  61. Ribald
  62. Hurtful
  63. Disdainful
  64. Mock-heroic
  65. Consoling
  66. Peaceful
  67. Angry
  68. Sharp
  69. Conventional
  70. Solemn
  71. Haughty
  72. Disgruntled
  73. Disgusted
  74. Impassioned
  75. Calm
  76. Authoritative
  77. Passionate
  78. Lighthearted
  79. Smooth
  80. Shameful
  81. Contemplative
  82. Elated
  83. Arrogant
  84. Tired
  85. Silly
  86. Cheerful
  87. Relaxed
  88. Insolent
  89. Pleasant
  90. Proud
  91. Intimate
  92. Energetic
  93. Inflammatory
  94. Complimentary
  95. Sweet
  96. Friendly
  97. Hopeful
  98. Coarse
  99. Passive
  100. Giddy

Attitude Adjective and Meaning

Below are some attitude adjectives with meaning:

  1. Optimistic: hopeful, positive outlook
  2. Pessimistic: negative, skeptical outlook
  3. Confident: self-assured, certain
  4. Arrogant: overbearing, conceited
  5. Enthusiastic: eager, passionate
  6. Cynical: distrustful, pessimistic
  7. Ambitious: driven, goal-oriented
  8. Lazy: unmotivated, idle
  9. Humble: modest, unassuming
  10. Cocky: arrogant, overly confident
  11. Empathetic: compassionate, understanding
  12. Stubborn: inflexible, obstinate
  13. Open-minded: receptive, non-judgmental
  14. Closed-minded: intolerant, dogmatic
  15. Cooperative: collaborative, helpful
  16. Competitive: rivalrous, striving
  17. Resilient: adaptable, tough
  18. Fragile: delicate, vulnerable
  19. Curious: inquisitive, eager to learn
  20. Apathetic: indifferent, uninterested

Positive Attitudes Adjectives List

Below are some adjectives for good/positive attitude:

  1. Optimistic
  2. Confident
  3. Enthusiastic
  4. Joyful
  5. Energetic
  6. Passionate
  7. Cheerful
  8. Grateful
  9. Empathetic
  10. Courageous
  11. Content
  12. Happy
  13. Appreciative
  14. Supportive
  15. Humble
  16. Playful
  17. Vibrant
  18. Motivated
  19. Committed
  20. Admiring
  21. Inspired
  22. Open-minded
  23. Generous
  24. Forgiving
  25. Understanding
  26. Determined
  27. Patient
  28. Resilient
  29. Radiant
  30. Kind-hearted

Negative Attitudes Adjectives List

Below are some adjectives for bad attitude:

  1. Pessimistic
  2. Cynical
  3. Dismissive
  4. Hostile
  5. Envious
  6. Resentful
  7. Bitter
  8. Arrogant
  9. Judgmental
  10. Critical
  11. Skeptical
  12. Insecure
  13. Defensive
  14. Self-centered
  15. Closed-minded
  16. Stubborn
  17. Passive-aggressive
  18. Indifferent
  19. Unenthusiastic
  20. Depressed
  21. Anxious
  22. Frustrated
  23. Irritable
  24. Angry
  25. Disappointed
  26. Jealous
  27. Contemptuous
  28. Suspicious
  29. Sarcastic
  30. Condescending

Adjectives Describing Attitude Of A Person

  1. Positive
  2. Negative
  3. Optimistic
  4. Pessimistic
  5. Confident
  6. Arrogant
  7. Humble
  8. Grateful
  9. Enthusiastic
  10. Indifferent
  11. Ambivalent
  12. Cynical
  13. Skeptical
  14. Hopeful
  15. Despairing
  16. Joyful
  17. Gloomy
  18. Trusting
  19. Suspicious
  20. Empathetic
  21. Apathetic
  22. Compassionate
  23. Callous
  24. Self-assured
  25. Insecure
  26. Resigned
  27. Determined
  28. Stubborn
  29. Flexible
  30. Open-minded

Words To Describe Attitude Towards Work

  1. Dedicated
  2. Hardworking
  3. Committed
  4. Diligent
  5. Productive
  6. Efficient
  7. Meticulous
  8. Conscientious
  9. Passionate
  10. Driven
  11. Ambitious
  12. Focused
  13. Professional
  14. Accountable
  15. Responsible
  16. Reliable
  17. Trustworthy
  18. Proactive
  19. Resourceful
  20. Creative
  21. Innovative
  22. Adaptive
  23. Resilient
  24. Persistent
  25. Goal-oriented
  26. Results-driven
  27. Detail-oriented
  28. Organized
  29. Disciplined
  30. Self-motivated

Attitude Words for Girls

  1. Confident
  2. Fearless
  3. Bold
  4. Independent
  5. Ambitious
  6. Resilient
  7. Determined
  8. Fierce
  9. Strong-willed
  10. Empowered
  11. Unstoppable
  12. Courageous
  13. Self-assured
  14. Unapologetic
  15. Tenacious

Attitude Words for Boys

  1. Confident
  2. Fearless
  3. Bold
  4. Independent
  5. Ambitious
  6. Resilient
  7. Determined
  8. Strong
  9. Courageous
  10. Tenacious
  11. Adventurous
  12. Driven
  13. Confident
  14. Unbreakable
  15. Fearless

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